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ICT-led and enabled innovation by

Benefits management techniques

Active benefits realis­ation
Post modern approach
Stakeh­older partic­ipation is critical
Requires effort put into ensuring mutual unders­tanding between stakeh­olders
Commun­ication between stakeh­olders concerns evaluation of
Val IT
governance framework
used to create business value from IT invest­ments
a set of guiding principles and a number of processes and best practices that are further defined as a set of key management practices to support and help executive management and boards at an enterprise level
IT-enabled invest­ments will be managed as a portfolio of invest­ments
IT-enabled invest­ments will include the full scope of activities that are required to achieve business value
IT-enabled invest­ments will be managed through their full economic life cycle
Value delivery practices will recognize that there are different categories of invest­ments that will be evaluated and managed differ­ently
Value delivery practices will define and monitor key metrics and will respond quickly to any changes or deviations
Value delivery practices will engage all stakeh­olders and assign approp­riate accoun­tab­ility for the delivery of capabi­lities and the realiz­ation of business benefits
Value delivery practices will be contin­ually monitored, evaluated and improved
Benefits management approach
The process of organizing and managing, such that the potential benefits arising from the use of IT are actually realized
Identi­fic­ation, defini­tion, planning, tracking and realis­ation of business benefits
Ensures alignment between project outcomes and business strategies
Has been shown to increase project success across different countries and industries
Useful in managing successful programmes
Define benefit measures for each outcome
Collect current benefit measure data to have a quanti­tative basis for decision making
Agree a tailored BRM approach for this investment
Plan the new or changed capabi­lities necessary to realize the benefits
Plan the invest­ments needed to make the changes necessary to create or change the capabi­lities
Optimize the plan to reduce waste and have acceptable levels of resource, risk, cost, quality and time
Implement the plan
Review the impact of the plan implem­ent­ation on the Benefit Measures and use insights to improve
On completion of the plan, ensure BRM continues to sustain the capabi­lities and realis­ation of benefits
Balanced scorecard
strategy perfor­mance management tool
supported by design methods and automation tools
used by managers to keep track of the execution of activities by the staff within their control and to monitor the conseq­uences arising from these actions
May refer to:
individual scorecards that contain measures to manage perfor­mance, those scorecards may be operat­ional or have a more strategic intent; and
Strategic Management System
focus on the strategic agenda of the organi­zation concerned
selection of a small number of data items to monitor
mix of financial and non-fi­nancial data items
where actual perfor­mance is measured
a choice of data to measure
the setting of a reference value for the data
he ability to make a corrective interv­ention

Emerging area: Virtual and augmented reality

Where a client can use a simulated enviro­nment to sample a product or service
a online shoe store might include a intera­ctive, rotating shoe which allows viewers to examine a shoe from several angles and change its features before buying online
Industries that will be impacted greatly:
Real estate
Video entert­ainment
Live events
VR AR can be used for training and testing in a safe enviro­nment
Realistic view of currently non-ex­isting spaces
Ability to simulate real life scenarios creates endless possib­ilities
filmmakers will have to adopt new ways of storyt­elling to make virtual reality cinematic content
Risk that money invested and consumer dont respond
Safety concerns in the real world
High price of technology with not much content available
Most existing PCs and machines lack the power to deliver a good VR experience
some indivi­duals still struggle with nausea and dizziness in response to VR projec­tions
potential long-term psycho­logical effects of VR experi­ences

Threat of social exclusion

To access the massive produc­tivity and commun­ication opport­unities given by the digital age, an individual must first be able to connect to the internet. So the first problem that needs to be addressed is that of connecting to global audiences. The challenges in connecting the worlds population begins with an indivi­duals income. While the median gross household income in 2013-14 was $80,704, more than 40% of human beings live on lower than $2 a day. For persons on such a low income, purchasing a device and an internet connection is not realis­tically possible. People who face such a low income also face other challe­nges, which are also socio economic. The homes in towns that they live in often do not have access to clean water, let alone electr­icity. Connection to infras­tru­cture which will allow a reliable internet connection may be imposs­ible. A solution here might mean developing techno­logies which cover greater distances and cost less. Wired technology is expensive to install and maintain, what is required is wireless technology which covers large distances and is inexpe­nsive to implement, and free to access. The device challenge could be solved by taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Not stealing but through charity. Many people in the west have old devices which are not broken, just old technology which they have replaced with newer models. For example I have at least 2 phones, and a netbook gathering dust. Teach people to wipe their devices properly, and then make it easy to donate devices to poorer countries. Remove the barriers to the rich physically giving items to the poor. Let the donators see their devices being used. Make people feel good about giving. Once capable of accessing the Internet, we must focus on the growth of reading capabi­lities and skills, as well as awareness of the ways that the internet can be used to increase produc­tivity, and help them improve their lives. I bet we can build an app for that. The hard bit is getting people connected.

Emerging area: Internet of things

The Internet of Things consist of smart connected objects in homes, businesses and our surrou­nding that has the ability commun­icate over a multimodal network without human-­to-­human or human-­to-­com­puter involv­ement.
Projected Growth of IoT. According to Cisco, the number of ” target­=”_­bla­nk”­>IoT and M2M connected objects is expected to reach 50 billion by 2020. That equates to 6.58 connected devices per person. Cisco believes that more than 50% of the connected objects added during 2013-2020 will be added in the last 3 years of the decade when the connec­tivity costs are at the lowest
Energy, health­care, automo­tive, and other industries are beginning to grapple with the Industrial of Internet of Things (IIoT), where devices such as sensors, robots, mixing tanks, and insulin pumps are becoming increa­singly more connected.
one of the most fundam­ental challenges involved with IIoT today is the different set of device capabi­lities available to manufa­cturers and process control operators.
Questions must be addressed:
What inform­ation should be collected?
How should inform­ation be stored?
“The real risk to what I call ‘manuf­act­uring integrity’ is when products and services that may be well suited for a typical office setting are presented as solving the same problems in a manufa­cturing enviro­nment without completely unders­tanding the associated requir­ements (envir­onm­ental, hazardous areas, reliab­ility and availa­bility of services, etc.),
control components (contr­ollers, sensors, actuators, etc.) that bridge the cyber-­phy­sical space are still based on techno­logies that are not common within most IT archit­ect­ures.
manufa­cturers must clearly define operat­ional requir­ements and understand the capabi­lities of the techno­logies they wish to create
necess­itates a deep compre­hension of the real-time production equipment to which the devices would ultimately be applied.

Relati­onship between Innovation and Leadership

Leadership is organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal
Leadership is defined as the roles played by key indivi­duals in facili­tating signif­icant change; instit­utional governance is the admini­str­ative structure through which the curricular changes were admini­stered

Emerging area: Mobile and Cloud Techno­logies

Next year up to 70% of internet browsing will be mobile based
Web Developers need to create websites that can be viewed on a number of devices
Less page space available for advert­ise­ments
thanks to cloud and mobile, the cost of starting a technology business has been reduced and market­-growth opport­unities have increased
Collab­oration is easier


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