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Glossary. Week 3 Cheat Sheet by

This cheat sheet is for glossary of Week 3


Finite clauses

A finite clause includes a primary verb — a verb that can be inflected for tense, person and sometimes number — and includes a subject.

Finite clauses


Synchronic vs Diachronic lingui­stics

Synchronic lingui­­stics is the study of language at a particular point in time.
Diachronic lingui­­stics is the study of the history or evolution of language.

Note-t­aking methods

Corporous lingui­stics

Corpus lingui­­­stics - a method­­­ology that involves comput­­­e­r­-­­based empirical analyses (both quanti­­­t­ative and qualit­­­a­tive) of language use by employing large, electr­­­o­n­i­­cally available collec­­­tions of naturally occurring spoken and written texts, so-called corpora.

Bottom-up vs Top-down processes

Bottom-up processing is data-d­​riven, and your perception of what it is that you're looking at directs your cognitive awareness of the object.
Top-down processing basically uses your background knowledge, so uses your background knowledge to influence percep­​tion.

Nominative & Accusative pronouns

Nominative case is the case used for a noun or pronoun which is the subject of a verb.

Accusative case is the case used for a noun or pronoun which is the object of a sentence.

Nominative & Accusative pronouns



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