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Micro Text Editor Cheat Sheet by

Key bindings for the Micro Text Editor


Arrow Keys
Move the cursor around
Shift + Arrow Keys
Move the cursor and select text
Alt + Left Arrow
Ctrl + Left Arrow
Move to the beginning of the current line
Alt + Right Arrow
Ctrl + Right Arrow
Move to the end of the current line
Move cursor to the beginning of the current line
Move cursor to the end of the current line
Ctrl + Home
Ctrl + Up Arrow
Move cursor to the beginning of the file
Ctrl + End
Ctrl + Down Arrow
Move cursor to the end of the file
Ctrl + Left Arrow
Alt + Left Arrow
Move cursor one word left
Ctrl + Right Arrow
Alt + Right Arrow
Move cursor one word right
Alt + {
Move cursor to previous empty line, or beginning of document
Alt + }
Move cursor to next empty line, or end of document
Page Up
Move cursor up one page
Page Down
Move cursor down one page
Ctrl + L
Jump to a line in the file (prompts with #)
Ctrl + W
Cycle between splits in the current tab (use > vsplit or > hsplit to create a split)

Emacs style actions

Alt + F
Next word
Alt + B
Previous word
Alt + A
Move to the start of the line
Alt + E
Move to the end of the line

Find Operations

Ctrl + F
Find (opens prompt)
Ctrl + N
Find next instance of current search
Ctrl + P
Find previous instance of current search

File Operations

Ctrl + Q
Close current file (quits micro if this is the last file open)
Ctrl + O
Open a file (prompts for filename)
Ctrl + S
Save current file

Micro Tabs

Ctrl + T
Open a new tab
Alt + ,
Previous tab
Alt + .
Next tab


Ctrl + U
Toggle macro recording (press Ctrl+U to start recording and press again to stop)
Ctrl + J
Run latest recorded macro

Other Functions

Ctrl + G
Open help file
Ctrl + E
Open a command prompt for running commands (see > help commands for a list of valid commands).
Ctrl + H
Backspace (old terminals do not support the backspace key and use Ctrl+H instead)
Ctrl + R
Toggle the line number ruler
In command prompt, it will autoco­mplete if possible.
Ctrl + B
Run a shell command (this will close micro while your command executes).

Text Operations

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow
Select word right
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow
Select word left
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
Select to start of current line
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow
Select to end of current line
Shift + Home
Select to start of current line
Shift + End
Select to end of current line
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
Select to start of file
Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Select to end of file
Ctrl + X
Cut selected text
Ctrl + C
Copy selected text
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + K
Cut the current line
Ctrl + D
Duplicate the current line
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + Y
Alt + Up Arrow
Move the current line up
Alt + Down Arrow
Move the current line down
Alt + Backspace
Alt + Ctrl + H
Delete word left
Ctrl + A
Select all

Function keys

Open help
Warning! The function keys may not work in all terminals!


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