Sublime Text 2 Shortcuts for Linux
General - sublime 2
ctrl + p |
Go to File |
ctrl + alt +p |
Go to Project |
ctrl + r |
Go to Methods |
ctrl + g |
Go to Line |
ctrl + k, ctrl + b |
Toggle Side Bar |
ctrl + shift + p |
Command Prompt |
ctrl + shift + n |
New Window |
ctrl + n |
New Tab |
ctrl + w |
Close Tab |
ctrl + s |
Save Tab |
ctrl + shift + s |
Save As |
XML/HTML - sublime 2
ctrl + shift + a |
Select Content Into Tag |
alt + . |
Close Tag |
Find / Replace - sublime 2
ctrl + f |
Find |
ctrl + h |
Replace |
Find Next Occurrence of Current Word |
Find All Occurrences of Current Word |
ctrl + shift + f |
Find in Files |
alt + f |
Find All |
Editing - sublime 2
ctrl + l |
Select Line (repeatable) |
ctrl + d |
Select Word (repeatable) |
ctrl + shift + m |
Select Content In Brackets |
ctrl + shift + enter |
Insert Line Before |
ctrl + enter |
Insert Line After |
ctrl + shift + k |
Delete Line |
ctrl + k + k |
Delete Line from Cursor to End of Line |
ctrl + k + backspace |
Delete Line from Cursor to Start of Line |
ctrl + shift + d |
Duplicate Line(s) |
ctrl + j |
Join Lines |
ctrl + k, ctrl + u |
Upper Case |
ctrl + k, ctrl + l |
Lower Case |
ctrl + / |
Comment |
ctrl + shift + / |
Block Comment |
ctrl + shift + z |
Redo |
ctrl + shift + v |
Paste and Indent |
tab |
Auto Complete (Repeat for next selection) |
ctrl + m |
Jump to Matching Bracket |
ctrl + u |
Undo Movement (Soft Undo) |
ctrl + shift + u |
Redo Movement (Soft Redo) |
Bookmarks - sublime 2
ctrl + F2 |
Toggle Bookmark |
F2 |
Next Bookmark |
shift + F2 |
Previous Bookmark |
ctrl + shift + F2 |
Clear Bookmarks |
Splits / Tabs - sublime 2
shift + alt + 1 |
Single Column |
shift + alt + 2 |
Two Columns |
shift + alt + 5 |
Grid |
ctrl + [1,2,3,4] |
Focus Group |
ctrl + 0 |
Focus sidebar |
ctrl + shift + [1,2,3,4] |
Move File to Group |
alt + [1,2,3,4..] |
Select Tab |
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Could you add alt + F3 for find all multiple select?
shift + alt + 1 Single Column
shift + alt + 2 Two Columns
shift + alt + 5 Grid
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