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joints in the upper limb Cheat Sheet by

All the joints in the upper limb! From clavicle to phalanges.

Acromi­ocl­avi­cular joint

1. plane type synovial joint
2. lateral end of the clavicle articu­lates with the acromion of the scapula
3. lined with fibroc­art­ilage
4. coraco­cla­vicular ligament holding it together
5. allows a degree of axiola­teral movement, and antero­pos­terior movement

The Shoulder Joint

Glenoh­umeral Joint
1. ball and socket, synovial joint
2. covered in hyaline cartilage. has articular disc
3. mobile af - has range of movement
4. articu­lations of the surface: head of the humerus with the glenoid fossa of the scapula
5. joint capsule is a fibrous sheath which encloses the structures of the joint.
6. extends from the anatomical neck of the humerus to the border or ‘labrum’ of the glenoid fossa. The joint capsule is lax, permitting greater mobility
7. synovial bursae present for reduction of friction; subsca­pular and subacr­omial
8. three ligaments: superior, middle, inferior glenoh­umeral ligaments
9. Movements allowed: extension, flexion, abduction, adduction, rotation

Sterno­cla­vicular Joint

1. synovial joint
2. between the clavicle and the manubrium of the sternum.
3. only attachment of the upper limb to the axial skeleton
4. consists of the sternal end of the clavicle, the manubrium of the sternum, and part of the 1st costal cartilage.
5. joint capsule consists of a fibrous outer layer, and inner synovial membrane

Elbow Joint

1. connecting the upper arm to the forearm
2. hinge-type synovial joint
3. trochlea of humerus articu­lates with trochlear notch of ulna
4. capitulum of humerus articu­lates with slightly concave notch of radius
5. have hyaline cartilage in the articular surfaces
6. fibrous layer attaches to humerus from margins of the articular surfaces of the medial and lateral surfaces of the capitalum and trochlea
7. Anteriorly and poster­iorly, it is carried superi­orly, proximal to the coronoid and olecranon fossae.
8. the synovial membrane lines the internal surfaces. filled with fluid.
9. the ligaments: collateral ligaments that are strong and triangular in the medial and lateral thicke­nings
10. laterally, radial collateral ligament extends from the lateral epicondyle of humerus and blends with anular ligament of radius
11. movement of the elbow: flexion, extension, pronation

Radio-­Ulnar Joint (proximal)

1. pivot type, synovial joint
2. allows movement of the head of the radius on the ulna
3. the head of radius articu­lates with radial notch of ulna
4. held by the anular ligament of the radius
5. everything in the elbow region extends down to this proximal head.
6. movements involved are supination and pronation of the wrist, but controlled by the ulna and radius

Radio-­Ulnar Joint (distal)

1. pivot type of synovial joint
2. radius moves around the fixed distal end of ulna
3. triangular ligament binds it together
4. fibrous layer of the joint capsule encloses the distal radio-­ulnar joint
5. deficient superiorly
6. sacciform recess of the distal radioulnar joint: formed by the synovial membrane
7. anterior and posterior ligaments strengthen the fibrous layer of the join capsule of the radio-­ulnar joint
8. movement is pronation and supination

The Wrist Region



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