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Specialized Plate Media Cheat Sheet by


Types of Enteric Media

Levines EMB
-Gram negative Bacilli
-Ferments lactose
-Capable of fermenting glucose
-Would not be chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
-Gram negative bacilli
-Does not ferment lactose (from this info we can’t tell if its capable of fermenting glucose or note
-Uses peptones for growth
-Chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
MacConkey Agar
-Gram negative Bacilli
-Ferments lactose
-Capable of fermenting glucose
-Would not be chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
-Gram negative bacilli
-Does not ferment lactose (from this info we can’t tell if its capable of fermenting glucose or note
-Uses peptones for growth
-Chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
SS Agar
-Gram negative Bacilli
-Ferments lactose
-Capable of fermenting glucose
-Would not be chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
-Gram negative bacilli
-Does not ferment lactose (from this info we can’t tell if its capable of fermenting glucose or note
-Uses peptones for growth
-Chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
-Gram negative bacilli
-Ferments lactose and or sucrose and or xylose
-Since it ferments at least one of these carbs it is capable of fermenting glucose
-Would not be chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
-H2S is negative
-Gram negative bacilli
-Does not ferment lactose, sucrose or xylose (from this info we can’t tell if its capable of fermenting glucose or note
-Uses peptones for growth
-Chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
HE Agar
-Gram negative bacilli
-Ferments lactose and/or sucrose and/or salicin
-Since it ferments at least one of these carbs it is capable of fermenting glucose
-Would not be chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
-H2S is negative
-Gram negative bacilli
-Does not ferment lactose, sucrose or salici­n(from this info we can’t tell if its capable of fermenting glucose or note
-Uses peptones for growth
-Chosen as a possible enteric pathogen
- H2S producing (some colonies are black)

Differ­ential Media

allow differ­ent­iation of bacteria based upon some characteristic
- usually based upon s bioche­mical reaction
pH indicators
register the difference

Enriched Media

Growth factors (micro­nut­rients)
blood, carboh­ydr­ates, amino acids, vitamins, NaCl
Fastidious bacteria
Need additional nutrients in media or enviro­nment
Bacterium which has mutatued (from the parent protot­roph) and developed a specific growth requir­ement
Bacterium needing NaCl in media
Contrast with Enrichment media
- Suppresses normal flora while enhancing growth of pathogens
- Usually for stool specimens

Selective Media

Selects for the growth of some bacteria while inhibiting others
Enteric Media
- Designed to isolate pathogens from the intestine
- All are selective for gram negative bacilli (inhibit gram positives and gram negative cocci)
- Different classifications
-> Differ in their ability to inhibit intestinal normal flora
Low Select­ivity
Moderate Select­ivity
Highly Selective
Allow ALL gram negative bacilli to grow, whether intestinal pathogen or normal flora
Allow intestinal pathogenic gram negative bacilli to grow while inhibiting some intestinal normal flora gnb
Allow intestinal pathogenic gram negative bacilli to grow while inhibiting virually all intestinal normal flora gnb


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