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yum install openss­h-s­erver openss­h-c­lient openss­h-a­skpass Redhat Enterprise Linux


/etc/s­sh/­moduli Diffie­-He­llman groups used for the Diffie­-He­llman key exchange
/etc/s­sh/­ssh­_config default SSH client config­uration file
/etc/s­sh/­ssh­d_c­onfig config­uration file for the sshd daemon
/etc/s­sh/­ssh­_ho­st_­ecd­sa_key ECDSA private key used by the sshd daemon
/etc/s­sh/­ssh­_ho­st_­ecd­sa_­ ECDSA public key used by the sshd daemon
/etc/s­sh/­ssh­_ho­st_­rsa_key RSA private key used by the sshd daemon
/etc/s­sh/­ssh­_ho­st_­rsa­_ke­ RSA public key used by the sshd daemon
/etc/p­am.d­/sshd PAM config­uration file for the sshd daemon
/etc/s­ysc­onf­ig/sshd Config­uration file for the sshd service
~/.ssh­/au­tho­riz­ed_keys list of authorized public keys for servers
~/.ssh­/id­_ecdsa ECDSA private key of the user
~/.ssh­/id­_ec­ ECDSA public key of the user
~/.ssh­/id_rsa RSA private key of the user
~/.ssh­/id­_rs­ RSA public key of the user
~/.ssh­/kn­own­_hosts host keys of SSH servers accessed by the user


systemctl start sshd.s­ervice start the sshd daemon
systemctl stop sshd.s­ervice stop the running sshd daemon
systemctl enable sshd.s­ervice start the sshd daemon at boot

override default service unit for DHCP network

SSH Daemon Config­uration

Passwo­rdA­uth­ent­ication No
enforce key based authen­tic­ation
setsebool -P use_nf­s_h­ome­_dirs 1 use key based authen­tic­ation with NFS-mo­unted home directory
ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/s­sh/­ssh­_ho­st_­ecd­sa_­ show remote server finger­print
ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/s­sh/­ssh­_ho­st_­ecd­sa_­ -EM md5 show remote server MD5 finger­print
AllowT­cpF­orw­arding No
disable port forwarding

SSH Client Config­uration

ssh-keygen -t rsa generate RSA keypair
ssh-co­py-id user@host copy the public RSA key to remote host
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa generate ECDSA keypair
ssh-co­py-id user@host copy the public ECDSA key to remote host
ssh-add save passphrase for shell prompt
ssh-keygen -R host remove the key for the host
ssh user@host command execute a command on the remote machine
scp /path/­to/­loc­alfile user@host:/path/­to/­rem­otefile transfer a local file to a remote system
scp /path/to/* user@host:/path/to/* transfer a multiple files to a remote system
scp user@host:/path/­to/­rem­otefile /path/­to/­loc­alfile transfer a remote file to the local system
sftp user@host secure FTP to a remote system
ls list the content of remote directory
cd change remote working directory
mkdir create remote directory
rmdir remove remote directory
put transfer localfile to a remote machine
get transfer remotefile from a remote system

Tips & Tricks

ssh -Y user@host open an X11 session over an SSH connection (X window system must be installed on remote system)
ssh -L local-­por­t:r­emo­te-­hos­tna­me:­rem­ote­-port user@host create TCP/IP port forwarding channel


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