#function with no parameters/arguments
#and no return value
#return is optional if you do not return a value
def nameOfFunction():
print (‘This function has no parameters’)
print (‘This function has no return value’)
return # no value, just exits the function
#function call
#function with 1 parameter/argument
def testFunction(param):
print (‘This function has 1 parameter’)
print (param)
#function call
testFunction (“this is the parameter value”)
#function with 2 parameters and a return value
def function3(param1, param2):
print(‘This function has 2 parameters’)
return param1 + param2 # return value
#function call and store the result in a variable
returnValue = function3(2, 3)
print (returnValue) |
mylist = [2,3,4,5] # create a list
#select an item from a list
print (mylist[0]) #selects first item and displays 2
# len() determines the length of the list
print (len(mylist)) # displays 4
mylist.append(5) # adds an item to the end of the list
While Loop with List:
thelist = [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
index = 0 # start at the first item
while index < len(thelist):
print (thelist[index]) #prints each item
index = index + 1
For‐Loop with List:
forlist = [3, 4, 5, 2, 1]
for item in forlist:
#creates a list of numbers from 0 to the specified
numberlist = range(5)
# is the same as creating the following list
numberlist2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
for num in range(100):
print (num) # prints all numbers from 0 – 99
for num in range(5, 50):
print(num) #prints all numbers from 5 - 49 |
#Mill's method
word= input("Please enter yout word")
index= len(word)-1
reverse= ''
while (index>-1):
print (reverse)
#mr's method
word= input("Please enter yout word")
while index< len(word):
reverse=word[index]+ reverse
print("reverse: ",reverse)
import random
#Create a list
guesslist = ['grape', 'orange', 'chloroplast', 'ribosome', 'lipstick']
chance = 3
score = 0
print (guesslist)
while chance != 0:
random_item = random.choice(guesslist)
user_input = input("Please guess a word: ")
if user_input == random_item:
print ("That's correct!")
score = score + 100
print ("Score:", score)
if user_input not in guesslist:
print ("Sorry, that isn't even in the list!")
chance = chance - 1
print ("Chance Remaining:", chance)
print ("Sorry, wrong choice!")
chance = chance - 1
print ("Chance Remaining:", chance)
if chance == 0:
print ("The word was", random_item)
print ("The score is", score)
print() |
Show information that you want on the screen |
int() |
Change number to be number integer |
float() |
Change number to be decimal number |
input() |
Gain information from user |
str() |
A list of number, letter and symbols |
len() |
The length of the string |
# |
Comment, no effect |
import random + random.choice() |
pick random item in the list |
== |
equal to |
!= |
no equal to |
< |
less than |
> |
more than |
<= |
less than or equal |
>= |
more than or equal |
% |
Modulo, Find the remainder |
string + string |
combine together |
string + number |
number + number |
addition (Math) |
string * number |
combine that string |
string* string |
number * number |
Multiply (Math) |
number ** number |
Exponent (Math) |
string ** number |
Variable |
Hold a value and can be change |
String |
A list of character such as number, letter and symbols |
Integer number |
Whole number/counting number |
Floating point |
The number in decimal |
convert dec num into its Binary form
number = int(input("Enter number: "))
binary = " "
while number> 0:
remainder = number % 2
binary = str(remainder) + binary
number= number//2
print(binary) |
determine whether user inout is pos or neg num
number = int(input("Enter number: "))
if number>0:
print(number, "is positive")
print(number,"is negative")
Python Intro Assignment #2
student number
#Ask the user for a radius of a circle
user_radius =(input("What is the radius?"))
#Convert the given radius to a floating point
radius= float(user_radius)
#make a variable called pi
pi = 3.1415
#Calculate the area of the circle using exponents
area =(pi(radius*2))
#diaplay the area of the circle to the user
print("The area of the circle is", area)
ask user for input
mylist = [ ]
for number in range(5):
mylist.append(input("Enter value: "))
Ask the user fro input 5 items and add the values t a list called mylist, then print the list
largest value
number= [3, 2, 77, 32, 9, 8, 31]
largest = 0
for value in number:
if number> largest:
largest = number
print (largest)
Determine the largest value from a given list
func take radius,give back a of circle A=pi r*r
def AreaOfCircle(radius):
return A
num= int(input("Enter a radius: "))
x= AreaOfCircle(num)
Basic Math Operations:
+ addition, - subtraction
/ divide with answer as a float. E.g. 5/2 == 2.5
// divide with answer as an integer. E.g. 5//2 == 2
* multiply
exponent. E.g. 2 power 3 == 2 3
% modulo. Gives the remainder when dividing
e.g. 33 % 10 == 3
All math operations use the same order of operations as
Math class.
Comparing Values:
When you compare two values, the result is a Boolean
(True or False) E.g. 2 == 3 is False
== is equal to
!= is not equal to
< less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
True or anything is always True
False and anything is always False
Forever While Loop
while True: # forever
user_input = input('Enter a number: ')
number = int(user_input)
print ('The number squared is', number ** 2)
Conditional While Loop:
count = 0 # start at zero
while count < 10: # loop while count is less than 10
print(count) #will print numbers 0 - 9
count = count + 1 # must increase count
Decision Making/Conditional Statements:
if 3 < 2: #if statement must compare two Booleans
print ('3 is less than 2')
elif 4 < 2: #can have 0 or more elif statements
print ('4 is less than 2')
elif 5 < 2:
print ('5 is less than 2')
else: #can have 0 or 1 else statement at the end
print ('none of the above are True') |
syntax, variable, Boolean, string, integer, float,
list, comment, character, conditional, modulo,
if/elif/else, loop, range, parameter, argument,
function call,
Data Types:
String - a list of characters e.g. "abc123$%^", or
empty string ""
Integer - whole numbers, and negative numbers e.g. -5,
0, 2, 99
Floating Point - decimal numbers e.g. 1.5, 2.0, -2.99
Boolean - True or False
User input:
user_input = input("Enter a value: ")
Converting between different data types:
word = str(3) #converts 3 to a string "3"
num = int("3.5") #converts "3.5" to an integer 3
num = float("3") #converts "3" to a float 3.0
Printing values:
print("hello", "there") #displays hello there
print("hello" + "there") #displays hellothere
Combining Strings (Concatenation)
"hi" + "there" == "hithere"
"hi" * 5 == "hihihihihi"
# hashtag – everything after # is a comment not code
Double quote - Multi-line comment, everything in
between three double quotes is a comments
''' Single quote - Multi-line comment, everything in
between three single quotes is a comments ''' |
stop the loop
mylist =[ ]
while True:
value = input("Enter value: ")
if value == "*"
print (mylist)
continuously ask the user for input if the user types star,stop the loop and print the list
create mylist: dont know what inside
for number in mylist:
print (number)
Create a program which prints every element from a list called mylist[ ] : you do not know what is inside the list
pattern based on user input
1= !
2= !!
3= !!!
determine whther user input is even or odd
number= int(input("Enter number: "))
if number%2 ==0:
print (number, "is even num")
print (number, "is odd num")
shoppinglist = ['phone', 'battery', 'charger']
for item in shoppinglist:
print (item)
for number in range (1, 10):
print (number)
for number in range(5):
print (number)
fruits= []#an empty list
for number in range(5):
user_fruit= input("Please enter a fruit")
print ("size of fruit list is", len(fruits))
for fruit in fruits:
print("Fruit: ", fruit)
#write a program that converts a number to binary
#get a number from the user
user_number = int(input("Enter a number to convert to binary: "))
#while loop
while (user_number >0): #the number is greater than 0)
remainder =
binary_string =
binary_string =
#after the loop print the binary string
print ("Binary string is", binary_string)
#expected output - 5 =101
#expected output - 3 =11
#expected output - 2 =10
number= int(input("What's your number?")
convert= int(input("What do you want to convert to?")
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