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This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Adding Comment in Guest Reserv­ation

Step 1- Insert "­PP" code in Specials
Step 2- Insert comment using below guideline
Agents Name/ Date/ Time

Issue: Briefly explain the issue
Invest­iga­tion: Were any other department contacted to assist in guest issue?
Resolu­tion: What was offered as compen­sation, guest reply, and if whether or not satisfied?

Adding Specials Code

ADA- Disability
AJ- Adjoining Rooms
ANN- Annive­rsary
BGS-Bags in Storage
CBGS- Charged bags in Storage
BTB- Back to Back
CONN- Connecting Rooms
CRIB- Baby Crib Needed
CU- Compli­mentary Upgrade provided
ECG- Early Check-In guaranteed
ECR- Early Check-in requested (Based on Availa­bility)
FEE- Resort Fee Waived
FOAM-Foam pillow requested
HB- Happy Birthday
HF- High Floor
HNM- Honeymoon

Late Checkouts

Comp until 12 PM
12 PM- 3 PM-Half of Daily Rate
3 PM or Later- Full Day's Rate
Steps to complete:
1. Issue new keys to guest.
2. Inform Housek­eeping
3. Input Special Code "­LCG­" and departure time in opera.
4. Places Traces for day of departure.
5. Post Late Checkout Fee in Billing.

Adding Specials Code

LA- Late Arrival
LCG- Late heckout guaranteed
LCR- Late checkout requested
LF- Low Floor
PET- Traveling with pet
PKG- Package received
PP- Past of Potential Problem
PRE- Pre-re­gis­tration
QR- Quiet Room
RLW- Rollaway needed
RPT- Repeat guest
SF- Same Floor
STR- Close to staircase
TXEX- Tax Exempt Reserv­ation/ Certif­icate Provided
UPG- Upgrade guaranteed
UPR- Upgrade requested based on Availa­bil­ities
WC- Wheelchair