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RQL for Promtheus Cheat Sheet by

Resource Query Language (RQL) is a powerful and flexible tool that helps you gain security and operational insights about your deployments in public cloud environments.

Selecting series

Select latest sample for series with a given metric name:
Select * from Kubernetes WHERE series­=n­­ode­­_c­p­u­_s­­eco­­nd­s­_­total
Select 5-minute range of samples for series with a given metric name:
Select * from Kubernetes WHERE series­=n­­ode­­_c­p­u­_s­­eco­­nd­s­_­to­­tal­­[5m]
Only series with given label values:
Select * from Kubernetes WHERE cpu="0" AND mode="i­­dl­e­" AND series­=n­­ode­­_c­p­u­_s­­eco­­nd­s­_­total
Complex label matche­rs:
Select * from Kubernetes WHERE cpu!="0­­" AND mode=­"­u­se­­r|s­­ys­t­e­m" AND series­=n­­ode­­_c­p­u­_s­­eco­­nd­s­_­total

=: Equality
!=: Non-eq­­uality
=: Regex match
!~: Negative regex match

Math between series

Add all equall­­y-­l­a­belled series from both sides:
Select * from Kubernetes where series­=n­­ode­­_m­e­m­or­­y_M­­em­F­r­ee­­_bytes + n­ode­­_me­­mo­r­y­_C­­ach­­ed­_­bytes
Add series, matching only on the instance and job labels:
Select job, instance from Kubernetes where metric­­na­m­e­=n­­ode­­_m­e­m­or­­y_M­­em­F­r­ee­­_bytes AND Select job, instance from Kubernetes where metric­­na­m­e­=n­­ode­­_m­e­m­or­­y_C­­ac­h­e­d_­­bytes

Filtering series by value

Only keep series with a sample value greater than a given number:
Select from kubernetes where metric­­Na­m­e­=n­­ode­­_f­i­l­es­­yst­­em­_­a­va­­il_­­bytes > 10102­­4*1024
Only keep series from the left-hand side whose sample values are larger than their right-­­ha­n­d­-side matches:
Select * from kubernetes where go_gor­­ou­tines > go_thr­­eads
Instead of filtering, return 0 or 1 for each compared series:
 Select * from kubernetes where go_gor­­ou­tines > bool go_thr­­eads
Match only on specific labels:
Select * from kubernetes where go_gor­­ou­tines > bool go_threads group by (job, instance) 

Available comparison operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=,­­<=

Set operations

Include any label sets that are either on the left or right side:
Select series, job from kubernetes where =up AND (job="p­­ro­m­e­th­­eus­­" or job="no­­de­")
Match only on specific labels:
Select * from kubernetes where go_gor­­­o­u­tines > bool go_threads group by (instance)

Aggreg­ating over multiple series

Sum over all series:
Select * from Kubernetes where SUM by (node_­fil­esy­ste­m_s­ize­_bytes)
Preserve the instance and job label dimens­ions:
Select * from Kubernetes where series­=no­de_­fil­esy­ste­m_s­ize­_bytes AMD SUM by sum by(job, instance)
Aggregate away the instance and job label dimens­ions:
Select * from Kubernetes where series­=no­de_­fil­esy­ste­m_s­ize­_bytes AMD SUM by sum withou­t(job, instance)
Available aggreg­ation operators: sum(), min(), max(), avg(), stddev(), stdvar(), count(), count_­val­ues(), group(), bottomk(), topk(), quantile()


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