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IT Change management Cheat Sheet by

IT Change Management

Change Type

#Standard Changes are approved by the team leader. There is no lead time for standard changes. There is no requir­ement to wait for Change Management Approval
#Minor Changes are to be submitted at least 3 working days before implem­ent­ation date. Must receive final Change Management Approval prior to the start time of the Change window.
#Signif­icant Changes to be submitted by 15:00 hrs Monday for that week’s CAB Meeting. Change can only proceed after the change has been presented and approved in the CAB meeting
#Major Changes requires a minimum 30 days prior to implem­ent­ation.

Change Plan Check list

# Short Descri­ption - Summary details about the change plan
# Descri­ption -
>> Change Details
>> Reason for the change
>> Business Approv­al(if any)
>> Service affected by the change (Confi­gur­ation item/s)
>> Conseq­uences if the change is not implem­ented
>> Benefits
>> Implem­enter contact details
>> Third party Contact details
>> Post Change testers contact details
# Implem­ent­ation plan
>> Clear config­uration change instru­ction
>> Commun­ication plan and methods
>> Change specific Stakeh­older details
# Pre implem­ent­ation plan
>> Include the test logs
>> Attach the testers sign off
# Change Window
>> Define the change window

Change Category Lead Time

The minimum lead times for raising changes are as follows:

Changes are approved by the team leader. There is no lead time for standard changes.

At least 3 working days

Changes should be submitted by 15:00 Hrs. Monday for that week’s CAB Meeting

Minimum 30 days prior to implem­ent­ation.

Approval Workflow

# Minor - Technical Peer Review -> Team Leader Approval -> Change manager
# Signif­icant - Technical Peer review -> Team Leader Approval -> Change Manager -> CAB approval
# Major - Technical Peer Review -> Team Leader Approval -> Change Manager -> Senior Management -> CAB Approval

Change Matrix Calculator

#Emergency - Break-fix changes to restore disrupted services. If not implem­ented immedi­ately customer produc­tivity is severely impacted.
#Urgent: Required within 1 working day if the change is not implem­ented, business produc­tivity is signif­icantly impaired. May be a requir­ement to meet operat­ional, financial, legal, and statutory or government requir­ements. Urgent Changes require Department Manager approval to justify the urgency.
#High: Required within the next 5 working days if the change is not implem­ented, business produc­tivity will be impaired.
#Medium: Required within the next 10 working days No current effect on business produc­tivity or impact on the customer but possible future impact if change is not carried
#Low: Can wait 2 weeks or more No impact on customer service, financial, security or legal requir­ements; or currently a sufficient workaround exists or release is pending

Post Change Review

All changes must be reviewed for their success against the following criteria: #Objec­tiv­es/­exp­ect­ations were met
#No unexpe­cted, undesi­rable side-e­ffects
#Resources used to implement the change were as planned
#User requir­ements have been met.

A formal PCR will be conducted for changes which meet one of the following criteria:
#Failed changes or backed out changes
#Changes which cause incidents
#Major changes

PCR requested by SAI Global IT Manage­ment.
The PCR meeting is scheduled and chaired by the Change Manager.

Corrective actions are derived from this meeting and the Change Manager is respon­sible for follow up of the actions.


# Closure - All change request to be closed with the approp­riate closure code within 24 hours after the scheduled change window.
#Failed Change - Post Change Review form must be completed for every failed change requests. If a change either caused an incident and is immedi­ately identified as such or later problem management conducts an analysis and identifies the root cause then the related change record needs to have its approp­riate status or outcome , changed to "­fai­led­" and a decision made as to how to best proceed

Scope of the Change Management

In Scope

Any addition, deletion or amendment to hardware, software or infras­tru­cture within the
Production Enviro­nment.

• Include UAT or DEV enviro­nments that may impact Production

• Changes to business applic­ations as agreed between Change Management and the Divisions

• New network appliances and servers installed on the production network for testing and piloting purposes

• Emergency break fix changes

• Changes made to DR systems

• Commis­sio­nin­g/d­eco­mmi­ssi­oning of Severs and Network applia­nce’s in non-pr­odu­ction enviro­nments.

Out of Scope

This Policy does not apply to:

• Changes made by a third party to equipm­ent­/ap­pli­cations within their network or control (services provided by external vendors)

• Changes made to individual desktops

• Applic­ation and OS changes made to non-pr­odu­ction enviro­nments e.g. Test and Develo­pment enviro­nments.
• Service Request changes supported by 1st level support and Desktop Support

Unauth­orised Change

Any addition, deletion or amendment to hardware, software or infras­tru­cture within the SAI Global production enviro­nment that does not have Change
Management approval will be classified as an unauth­orized change.
In the event of an unauth­orized change:

The change implem­enter will be asked to present the facts of the change to the Change Manager and his/her Team Leader­/Ma­nager.

Where approp­riate, discip­linary action may be undertaken by SAI Global Management in consid­eration of the circum­stances and magnitude of the change. In extreme cases such actions may result in termin­ation of employ­ment.


The CAB meets every Wednesday at 14:00 AEST/AEDT to review and approve Signif­icant and Major changes.

All changes should be submitted by 15:00 Hrs on Monday for that week's CAB presen­tation.
The Change Manager circulates a CAB agenda to all CAB members at 10:00 am every Tuesday. CAB members are expected to review all changes on the agenda prior to attending the meeting and raise any major issues before the meeting. This enables the Change Manager and Change Initiator to address any extra detail required before the meeting so that the change does not have to wait a further week for author­iza­tion.

The Change Initiator or Requester needs to present the change to the CAB.

Changes that do not have repres­ent­ation at the CAB meeting will be put on hold and will be reviewed only at the next CAB meeting unless a valid reason is provided. In such an event an Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB) will be convened to review and approve the change.

All changes presented at the CAB must have a risk assessment done which should be a part of the CAB Agenda. The risk assessment will be done by the Change Manager in consul­tation with the necessary stakeh­olders.

Change Management Escalation Matrix

Primary Contact : Kalai Meeran - 0467 493 931
Secondary Contact : Namal Perara - 0459 037 930

Emergency Change

The Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB) reviews and approves Signif­icant Emergency changes. The ECAB will be convened by the Change Manager at his/her discre­tion.
The makeup of the ECAB and the approval process depends upon the change being reviewed. Approval may be obtained through the following,

A formal ECAB meeting
The Change Manager meeting with all relevant stake holders and obtaining approval
The Change Manager calling all the relevant stakeh­olders to obtain approval.

An ECAB may consists of

IT&T Senior Managers
IT&T Technical Team Leader­s/M­anagers
Change Manager


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