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Media Studies 101 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Introduction to Media studies; This cheat sheets uses personal notes and materials from a media course at Birkbeck University of London

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

John Durham Peters

Born in 1958, USA
American Yale Professor of Film and Media studies
A media historian and social theorist, he has authored a number of noted scholarly works
He believes the term "­com­mun­ica­tio­n" connotes an ideal state in which miscom­mun­ication is impossible and humans have not always commun­icated with one another
Commun­ication is not the same as talking
Develo­pments in media technology enabled the idea of 'commu­nic­ation,' exposing the possib­ility for misfires, wrong numbers, and missing letters.
In the late 19th century, commun­ication emerges as a concern and a source of social anxiety
"­mes­mer­ising the masses and isolating indivi­dua­ls."­
"Just as the bomb shaped the imagery of inform­ation in commun­ication theory, so it made palpable the potential of commun­ication gone wrong."­

Marshall McLuhan

Canadian media theorist (1911-­1980)
Became a global celebrity in the 60s
Known for bold, aphoristic progno­sti­cations
He was often very wrong
His ideas about the about the 'global village' and instan­tan­eous, simult­aneous culture facili­tated by electronic media fit the digital age (better than the tv age)
McLuhan explained in “the medium is the message,” that techno­logies that are used to commun­icate eventually affect the people who utilise them
Media theory is about personal and the social
A medium is an extension of ourselves
This extension creates a new 'scale' in our 'affairs'
A new 'scale' entails social conseq­uences
Key point that distin­guishes McLuhan from other media theorists, is that he focused on the medium itself not the content
The electric light is the medium without the message par excellence
The content of the electric light could be anything like a night surgery or a night baseball match, things that one could not do otherwise
There is nothing to decode - the message of the medium is not the content
The 'content' of the medium is in fact another medium
Example: speech­>wr­iti­ng>­pri­nt>­tel­egr­aph­>em­ail­>te­xt>­message
Media forms as extension of 'man.' - Print extends the eyes; the radio extends the ear; electrical media extend the nervous system
All media have a particular 'grammar' and this what we must study, 'the change of scale or pace or pattern that they introduce into human affairs' (McLuhan, 2001 [1964], p. 8).
Accord­ingly to McLuhan, cinema has change our sense of perception

Marshall McLuhan pt. 2

Another key idea is the notion of Hot and Cold media
Hot media engage one sense comple­tely, and demands less partic­ipation (radio, printed book, a lecture)
Cold media are 'low-d­efi­nit­ion,' meaning they engage several senses less completely and demand more partic­ipation (telev­ision, comic books, seminars)
McLuhan argues that new media tend to 'cool down' older media; tv is more partic­ipatory then film, hypertext is more partic­ipatory than text
Theories of digital media - his key arguments is that electric media leads to a re-tri­bal­ization
Print media is linear, segmented, uniform. It fits with homoge­neous, national culture
Electric media emphasises instan­taneous commun­ica­tion, the 'all-a­t-once' of integr­ation and immersion man
A return to the communal orient­ation of oral culture and a 'global village'
Intera­ctive and partic­ipatory like oral culture but also instan­taneous and transl­ational because of electric media
Print literacy less relevant under electronic media
We need to think about the role of the 'feed' and 'the stream' rather than literacy which loose relevance because digital media is a cool medium and require a different kind of engagement
McLuhan received criticism for his bold predic­tions not always backed with evidence
(Critic) Techno­logical determ­inism: He assumes the medium has predet­ermined effects
(Critic) Undere­sti­mates human agency - Technology use is socially constr­ucted; people shape how media are used
His ideas, however, worked better with digital media than with televi­sion.

Walter Benjamin

German philos­opher (1892-­1940)
Hw wrote on Marxism, litera­ture, aesthe­tics, German Romant­icism, Jewish mysticism. Associated with Frankfurt school
Died fleeing the Nazis in 1940
'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reprod­uction' must be understood in relation to the material history of its production (how it came to be made), reception (how it is viewed) and the reprod­uction (how it is dissem­inated)

Lev Manovich


Henry Jenkins