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Chiropractic History & Philosophy

Identity & Philosophy

Identity Statement: the primary care profes­sional for spinal health and well-b­eing.
Chirop­ractic: a philos­ophy, science, and art of all things natural; a system of adjusting the segments of the spinal column by hand only, for the correction of the cause of disease.
The Nervous System: recognized as an avenue for these self-r­egu­lating processes.
Sublux­ation: is the central area of interest in chirop­ractic; most favored term.
Adjustment: most commonly used term.
3-Legged Stool: philos­ophy, science, & art.
Philosophy: works through deductive reasoning, integrates knowledge through wisdom, & determines object­ives.
Science: uses inductive reasoning & provides methods, processes, and mechanisms to accomplish object­ives.
Art: is a skillful action; the technique of adjusting, producing recoil of forces.

Before Chirop­ractic

Imhotep: known as the "­Great Physic­ian­" that took care of the body & mind. 3000 B.C.
Samuel Hahneman: father of homeop­athy.
Panacea: goddess of healing cures.
Franz Mesmer: father of magnetic healing.
Hygieia: goddess of disease preven­tion.
Sylvester Graham: predicted that the human body would naturally keeps itself healthy; medicine was seen as "­making things worse."­
Greece: the heart of medical models of practice.
A.T. Still: father of osteopathy and called "The Lightning Bonese­tte­r."
Aesclepius: Greek physician with a staff of 2 snakes that became the symbol of healing for medical profes­sions.
Kirksv­ille, MO: first school of osteop­athy.
Vedas: historical writings that outlined medical concepts.
Osteop­athic Medicine: treat the whole person, not just the symptoms.
Hippoc­rates: the "­father of modern medici­ne."­
Naturo­pathy: therapy that relies on natural remedies to treat illness.
Galen: physician and philos­opher that did experi­ments on the nervous system and dissected & experi­mented on lower animals; regarded anatomy as the foundation of medical knowledge.
Samuel Thomson: believed that cold brought on illness and restoring the body's natural heat offered the quickest remedy.

After Chirpr­actic

Solon Langworthy: father of therap­eutic approach to chirop­ractic; founded American School of Chirop­ractic and Nature Cure (Palmer's Rival).
Oakley Smith: one of the first licensed chirop­ractors & founder of Chicago College of Naprap­athy.
Minora Paxson: known as the first woman chirop­ractor.
Thomas Story: experi­mented with the first adjusting instrument known as a wooden chisel and mallet.
William Seeley: the 1st Palmer Graduate.
D.D. Palmer: the discov­erer.
B.J. Palmer: the developer.
David Palmer: the educator.

Health Care Profes­sions

Healing Profes­sions: Wester­n(T­rad­iti­onal), Easter­n(n­on-­tra­dit­ional), CAMS(c­omp­lim­entary and altern­ative medical studies).
Limited Profession: restrict practices to part of the human body.
Unlimited Profes­sions: practi­tioner without restri­ctions in respon­sib­ili­ty/­aut­hority with scope of practice in caring for their patients.
Quasi Profes­sions: use methods that cannot be validated. "­Faith Healer­s"
Marginal Profes­sions: claim to use all therapies except drugs and surgery.

Chirop­ractic History

1895: the year the first adjustment was performed on Harvey Lillard.
1897: D.D. Palmer opened Palmer School of Chirop­ractic (PSC).
1905: B.J. Palmer assumed leadership and develo­pment of the profes­sion.
1910: D.D. Palmer published "The Chirop­rac­tor's Adjust­er."­ B.J Palmer introduced x-ray into the curriculum of PSC.
1913: Kansas became the first state to license chirop­rac­tors.


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