Basic Graph Terms
A simple graph G consists of a non-empty finite set V of elements called vertices/nodes and a finite set E of distinct unordered pairs of distinct elements of V called edges. V and E are called the vertex set and edge set respectively. G is written as a two-tuple G=(V,E)
If the edges don't have a direction (indicated with an arrow), graph G is an undirected graph. Else, it is a directed graph or digraph
If G has multiple edges between a pair of nodes, it is called a multigraph if it is undirected or a multidigraph if it is directed
In an undirected graph, a proper edge joins one vertex to another and a self loop joins a vertex to itself.
|V| is called the order of the graph and |E| is called the size of the graph. G is finite if both order and size are finite, else it is infinite
Edge e C E (represented by vertex pair (u,v) where u,v C V ) in an undirected graph can also be represented by (v,u).
Vertices u and v are adjacent to each other if there's an edge e = (u,v) C E. e is then incident upon u and v, and u and v are also called neighbors of each other
Degree of vertex v in an undirected graph is given by deg(v) = # of proper edges + 2 * # of self-loops
A multiedge is a set of multiple edges between the same vertex pair.
A loopless graph is a graph without self-loops. A graph without self-loops and multiedges is called a simple graph
A directed edge is called an arc
If an arc starts at vertex u and ends at vertex v , then u and v are called the head and tail of the arc respectively. Vertex v is the successor of vertex u, and vertex u is the predecessor of vertex v.
The set of arcs which end at vertex v are called in-edges or in-arcs. Similarly, the set of arcs which start from vertex v are called out-edges or out-arcs.
The out-degree of a vertex is the number of edges starting from it. Similarly, the in-degree of a vertex is the number of edges ending at it. Each self-loop at vertex v contributes a count of 1 to both the in-degree and out-degree. The degree of a vertex in a digraph is given by deg(v) = in-degree of v + out-degree of v
A directed graph is strongly connected if there's a path from a to b, V a, b C V
A directed graph is weakly connected if there's a path between every two vertices in the underlying undirected graph |
Planar and Bipartite Graphs
Graph G is planar if it can be drawn in the plane with edges intersecting ONLY at vertices of G.
Such a drawing is called embedding of G in the plane.
Graph G is bipartite if V = V1 U V2 with V' = V1 . V2 = null set and every edge of G takes the form (a,b) with a C V1 and b C V2
If each vertex in V1 is joined with every vertex in V2, then we get a complete bipartite graph, denoted by Km,n where |V1| = m and |V2|=n
If G=(V,E) is a loop-free, undirected graph and E != null set, an elementary subdivision of G results when edge e = (u,w) is removed from G and then edges (u,v) and (v,w) are added to G - e, where v C V
Loop free, undirected graphs G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2) are called homeomorphic if they are isomorphic OR they both can be obtained from the same loop free, undirected graph H by a sequence of elementary subdivisions.
Kuratowski's Theorem: Graph G is nonplanar iff it contains a subgraph homeomorphic to either K5 or K3,3
Euler's theorem: Let G=(V,E) be a connected planar graph or multigraph, with |V| = v and |E| = e. If r is the # of regions in the plane determined by a planar embedding/depiction of G, and one of these regions (called the infinite region) has infinite area, then v - e + r =2
For each region R in a planar embedding of a (planar) graph or multigraph, the degree of R, denoted deg (R), is the # of edges traversed in a (shortest) closed walk about (the edges in) the boundary of R.
Corollary: Let G = (V;E) be a connected planar graph or multigraph with |V| = v and |E| = e > 2, and r regions. Then 3r <= 2e and e <=(3v - 6) |
Subgraphs, Complements and Graph Isomorphism
The subgraph Gs of graph G=(V,E) is given by Gs = (Vs, Es) where O (null set) != Vs , and Vs and Es are subsets of V and E respectively
NOTE: if (u,v) C Es, then u,v C Vs
A spanning subgraph of G, where G can be directed or undirected is a subgraph composed of all vertices of G, ie: Vs = V
If G = (V,E) is a directed/undirected graph, and if U is not a null set and is a subset of V, then the induced subgraph on U is a graph whose vertex set is U, and whose edge set contains every edge in E having endpoints in U.
Deleting an edge e in graph G (which can be directed/undirected) creates a subgraph denoted by G - e , which contains all vertices of G and all edges except e.
Deleting a vertex v in graph G(which can be directed/undirected) creates a subgraph denoted by G - v, which contains all vertices of G except for v, and all edges in G except those incident on vertex v
If V is a set of n vertices, then the complete graph on V, denoted by Kn, is a loop-free, undirected graph where V a, b C V AND a != b, there exists edge (a,b)
If G is a loopless, undirected graph with n vertices, then the complement of G (denoted by G with a bar on top) is the subgraph of Kn containing all vertices in G and all edges not in G
If G = Kn, then its complement has all the n vertices and no edges. Such a graph is called null graph.
For two undirected graphs G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2), a function f: V1 -> V2 is called graph isomorphism if a) f is one-to-one and onto and b) V a,b C V1, (a,b) C E1 iff (f(a), f(b)) C E2. The two graphs are called isomorphic graphs if such a function exists. |
Walks, Paths and Circuits
A walk in graph G is a sequence of nodes v1, v2, ... , vn where n>=2 and (vi, vi+1) C E for i = 1, 2, ... , n-1.
Repetition of vertices and edges in a walk is permitted
If G isn't weighted, then the length of the walk is n-1. Else, the length is the sum of the weights of all edges in the walk (provided the weights are non-negative)
A trail is a type of walk in which all edges are different. Repetition of vertices is permitted while repetition of edges are not.
A path is a trail in which all the vertices are different (except the starting and ending vertices may be the same). There is no repetition of edges and vertices.
If the starting vertex is the same as the ending vertex, the walk, trail or path is open, else it is closed.
G is connected if each vertex pair is joined by a path, else it is disconnected
Vertex v is reachable from vertex u if there's a path connecting the two.
A circuit or cycle is a walk with the same starting and ending vertices, with no repeating vertices in between.
Hamiltonian Path: a path containing all of G's vertices
Hamiltonian Cycle: a cycle containing all of G's vertices
Theorem: Let G = (V,E) be a loop-free undirected graph, where |V| = n >= 2. If deg (x) + deg (y) >= n - 1 for all x, y C V , x != y, then G has a Hamilton path.
Corollary: Let G = (V,E) be a loop-free undirected graph, where |V| = n >= 2. If deg (v) >= (n - 1)/2 for all v C V , then G has a Hamilton path.
Ore's theorem: Let G = (V,E) be a loop-free undirected graph, where |V| = n >= 3. If deg (x) + deg (y) >= n for all nonadjacent x, y C V , then G contains a Hamilton cycle.
Corollary, ie: Dirac's theorem: Let G = (V,E) be a loop-free undirected graph, where |V|= n >= 3. If deg (v) >= n/2 for all v C V , then G contains a Hamilton cycle.
Theorem: Every simple graph G = (V,E) with |V| = n >= 3 and at least (n2 - 3n + 6)/2 edges has a Hamilton cycle. |
Graph Representation
Adjacency Matrix: It is an n x n matrix where n = |V|
Entry Ai,j in adjacency matrix A for an undirected graph G, where 1<=i,j<=n is equal to the # of edges between vertices vi and vj if i=j OR 2 * # of self loops if i != j
The row-sum or column-sum in adjacency matrix A is equal to the degree of the corresponding vertex
If G is directed, then Ai,j = # of arcs from vi to vj
The row sum in adjacency matrix A for a digraph is equal to out-degree of the corresponding vertex and the column sum is equal to the in-degree |
Euler Trails and Circuits
Theorem: Let G = (V,E) be an undirected graph or multigraph. Then Sum over vCV (deg(v)) = 2 * |E|
Corollary: For any undirected graph or multigraph, the # of vertices with odd degree must be even.
If G = (V,E) is an undirected graph/multigraph, with at least 2 vertices and no vertices are isolated, then:
G has a Euler circuit if there's a circuit in G traversing every edge of the graph exactly once
If there's an open trail from a to b in G, and the trail traverses each edge in G exactly once, then the trail is called a Euler trail.
Theorem: Let G = (V,E) be an undirected graph/multigraph with at least 2 vertices and no vertices are isolated. Then G has an Euler circuit iff every vertex in G has an even degree.
Corollary: If G=(V,E) is an undirected graph/multigraph with at least 2 vertices and no isolated vertices, we can construct an Euler trail iff G is connected and has EXACTLY 2 vertices of odd degree.
Theorem: Let G = (V,E) be an directed graph/multidigraph with at least 2 vertices and no vertices are isolated. Then G has a directed Euler circuit iff out-degree of v = in-degree of v, V v C V.
An undirected graph/multigraph where each vertex has the same degree is called a regular graph.. A k-regular graph is an undirected graph/multigraph in which all vertices have the same degree k. |
Tree: a connected graph without any cycle
If the removal of an edge from connected graph G makes it disconnected, then G is a tree
There's a unique path between every vertex pair in a tree
If |V|>2 adding a new edge creates a cycle in a tree
In a tree, |E| = |V| - 1
Trees are bipartite
Every tree can be colored using 2 colors
An ensemble of trees is called a forest
A tree T=(V',E') is a spanning tree of graph G=(V,E) if V'=V and E' is a subset of E
If |V|=n, then there are n(n-2) spanning trees on V for complete graph Kn.
If Km,n is a complete bipartite graph, then the total # of spanning trees is m(n-1) * n(m-1) .
Path graph/linear graph: Has n vertices in a line, where vertices i and i+1 are connected by an edge, where i = 1,2,...,n
Star tree: Has n>=2 vertices (where just one vertex is the internal vertex), and n-1 leaves.
Has one node specified as the root node
All other nodes in the tree are the descendants of the root node
Each edge of this tree divides the set of vertices which are attached to either side of this edge into two groups. The set of nodes away from the root node are called the descendant set of nodes with respect to this edge. Similarly, the set of nodes towards the root node are called the ancestral set of nodes with respect to this edge.
Child of vertex v is a vertex whose immediate ancestor is v. A vertex with children is called an internal vertex.
Depth of a vertex: # of edges in the unique path from the root to the vertex.
Ordered tree: Rooted tree where children or branches of every internal vertex are linearly ordered. ie: if the vertex has k children, then there is a 1st child, 2nd child and so on, all the way up to the kth child.
Binary tree: An ordered, rooted tree where each internal vertex has at most 2 children
m-ary tree: An ordered, rooted tree where each internal vertex has at most m children, with m = 2,3,...
Subtree: A tree rooted at a specific node which contains all its descendant nodes and the corresponding connecting edges.
Height of a rooted tree: Maximum # of edges in the unique path from root to any vertex.
Balanced tree: It's an m-ary tree of height b where all leaves have height b or b-1, where b=2,3,...
d-regular tree: Each internal vertex has exactly d children. In a complete d-regular tree, all leaves have the same depth
Let A be the adjacency matrix of graph G.
Obtain matrix D, where the diagonal elements are the sums of the columns of A and the rest of the elements are 0
Obtain matrix M where M = D - A.
Find an (i,j) cofactor of M, determined by: (-1)(i+j) * determinant (M'), where M' = resulting matrix on removing row i and column j from M. This cofactor gives the number of spanning trees for graph G.
Suppose adjacency matrix A was represented with the edge names (in lowercase letters) in place of 1's for connected edges, and 0's for non-connected edges. D would then have its diagonal entries be the sums of the columns, and 0's for the remaining elements. If we take the (i,j) cofactor of matrix M, where M = D - A, then the result gives all possible configurations for spanning trees of graph G |
Minimum Spanning Trees (MST)
For a weighted graph G, the minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree with the smallest possible sum of edge weights
For a weighted graph G, MSTs are not unique
Algorithms to determine the MST of a graph G are greedy algorithms
Pick a random vertex as the starting vertex of the MST
Follow steps 3 to 5 till there are vertices not included in the MST (called fringe vertices)
Find edges connecting any tree vertex with the fringe vertices
Find the minimum along these edges
Add the chosen edge to the MST as long as it doesn't form a cycle
By the end, you'll obtain the MST
Sort edges in increasing order of weight
Pick the first edge in the sorted order
Iterate through the sorted order from the second edge onwards till the end, and see if you can add that edge without creating a cycle
By the end, the MST will be obtained. |