Directory Commands
parent, os.path.dirname() |
Return the current working directory as a path object. os.getcwd()
List of this directory’s subdirectories. The elements of the list are Path objects. This does not walk recursively into subdirectories (but see walkdirs()). Accepts parameters to listdir(). |
os.path.exists() Return True if path refers to an existing path or an open file descriptor. Returns False for broken symbolic links or missing permissions |
property drive |
The drive specifier, for example 'C:'. |
Clean up a filename by calling expandvars(), expanduser(), and normpath() on it. |
expanduser() |
Return the argument with an initial component of or user replaced by that user’s home directory. |
expandvars() |
Return the argument with environment variables expanded. Substrings of the form $name or ${name} are replaced by the value of environment variable name. Bad variables are left unchanged. |
property ext |
The file extension, for example '.py'. |
List of the files in self. The elements of the list are Path objects. This does not walk into subdirectories (see walkfiles()). Accepts parameters to listdir(). |
fnmatch(pattern, normcase=None)
Return True if matches the given pattern. pattern - A filename pattern with wildcards, for example '*.py'. normcase - (optional) A function used to normalize the pattern and filename before matching. |
Return a list of Path objects that match the pattern. pattern - a path relative to this directory, with wildcards. For example, Path('/users').glob('/bin/') returns a list of all the files users have in their bin directories. |
get_owner() |
Return the name of the owner of this file or directory. Follow symbolic links. |
getatime() |
Return the time of last access of path. |
getctime() |
Return the system’s ctime which, on some systems (like Unix) is the time of the last metadata change |
getsize() |
Return the size, in bytes, of path. |
getmtime() |
Return the time of last modification of path. |
iglob(pattern) |
Return an iterator of Path objects that match the pattern. pattern - a path relative to this directory, with wildcards. |
in_place(mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, backup_extension=None) |
A context in which a file may be re-written in-place with new content. Yields a tuple of (readable, writable) file objects, where writable replaces readable. A ValueError is raised on invalid modes. |
isabs() |
Return True if path is an absolute pathname. On Unix, that means it begins with a slash |
Return True if path is an existing directory |
isfile() |
Return True if path is an existing regular file. |
islink() |
Return True if path refers to an existing directory entry that is a symbolic link. |
ismount() |
Return True if pathname path is a mount point: a point in a file system where a different file system has been mounted |
Creation Commands
walk(match=None, errors='strict')
Iterator over files and subdirs, recursively. The iterator yields Path objects naming each child item of this directory and its descendants. |
symlink(newlink=None) |
Create a symbolic link at newlink, pointing here. default = cwd |
text(encoding=None, errors='strict') |
Legacy function to read text. Converts all newline sequences to \n. |
touch() |
Set the access/modified times of this file to the current time. Create the file if it does not exist. |
unlink() |
Remove (delete) the file path. os.remove()
unlink_p() |
Like remove(), but does not raise an exception if the file does not exist. |
classmethod using_module(module) |
utime(args, *kwargs) |
Set the access and modified times of this file. |
walkdirs(*args, **kwargs) |
Iterator over subdirs, recursively. |
walkfiles(*args, **kwargs) |
Iterator over files, recursively. |
with_suffix(suffix) |
Return a new path with the file suffix changed (or added, if none) |
write_bytes(bytes, append=False) |
Open this file and write the given bytes to it. |
write_lines(lines, encoding=None, errors='strict', linesep=_default_linesep, append=False) |
Write the given lines of text to this file. |
write_text(text, encoding=None, errors='strict', linesep=os.linesep, append=False) |
Write the given text to this file. |
class path.TempDir(args, *kwargs) |
A temporary directory via tempfile.mkdtemp(), and constructed with the same parameters that you can use as a context manager. |
Directory Manipulation Commmands
joinpath(*others) |
Join one or more path segments intelligently. The return value is the concatenation of path and all members of *paths, with exactly one directory separator following each non-empty part, except the last. That is, the result will only end in a separator if the last part is either empty or ends in a separator. |
lines(encoding=None, errors=None, retain=True) |
Open this file, read all lines, return them in a list. |
link(newpath) |
Create a hard link at newpath, pointing to this file. |
listdir(match=None) |
List of items in this directory. |
lstat() |
Like stat(), but do not follow symbolic links. |
makedirs(mode=0o777) |
Recursive directory creation function. Like mkdir(), but makes all intermediate-level directories needed to contain the leaf directory. |
makedirs_p(mode=0o777) |
Like makedirs(), but does not raise an exception if the directory already exists. |
merge_tree(dst, symlinks=False, *, copy_function=shutil.copy2, ignore=lambda dir, contents: ...) |
Copy entire contents of self to dst, overwriting existing contents in dst with those in self. Pass symlinks=True to copy symbolic links as links. Accepts a copy_function, similar to copytree. |
mkdir(mode=0o777) |
Create a directory named path with numeric mode mode. |
mkdir_p(mode=0o777) |
Like mkdir(), but does not raise an exception if the directory already exists. |
module = <module 'posixpath' (frozen)> |
The path module to use for path operations. |
move(dst, copy_function=copy2) |
Recursively move a file or directory to another location. This is similar to the Unix “mv” command. Return the file or directory’s destination. |
property mtime |
Last modified time of the file. |
property name |
The name of this file or directory without the full path. basename()
normcase() |
Normalize the case of a pathname. |
normpath() |
Normalize a pathname by collapsing redundant separators and up-level references so that A//B, A/B/, A/./B and A/foo/../B all become A/B. This string manipulation may change the meaning of a path that contains |
open(args, *kwargs) |
Open this file and return a corresponding file object. |
property owner |
Name of the owner of this file or directory. |
property parent |
This path’s parent directory, as a new Path object. |
parts() |
Path('/foo/bar/baz').parts() -> (Path('/'), 'foo', 'bar', 'baz') |
pathconf(name) |
Return system configuration information relevant to a named file |
class path.Path - represents filesystem path
abspath() |
Return a normalized absolutized version of the pathname path. normpath(join(os.getcwd(), path))
access(*args, **kwargs) |
Return does the real user have access to this path. os.access()
basename() |
Return the base name of pathname path. This is the second element of the pair returned by passing path to the function split(). |
bytes() |
Open this file, read all bytes, return them as a string. |
cd() |
Change the current working directory to path. |
chdir() |
chown(uid=-1, gid=-1) |
Change the owner and group by names or numbers. |
chroot() |
Change the root directory of the current process to path. |
chunks(size, args, *kwargs) |
Returns a generator yielding chunks of the file, so it can be read piece by piece with a simple for loop. Any argument you pass after size will be passed to open(). |
copy(dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) |
Copy data and mode bits (“cp src dst”). Return the file’s destination. The destination may be a directory. |
copy2(dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) |
Copy data and metadata. Return the file’s destination. Metadata is copied with copystat(). Please see the copystat function for more information. |
copyfile(dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) |
Copy data from src to dst in the most efficient way possible. |
copymode(dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) |
Copy mode bits from src to dst. |
copystat(dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) |
Copy file metadata. Copy the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and flags from src to dst. |
copytree(dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None, copy_function=copy2, ignore_dangling_symlinks=False, dirs_exist_ok=False) |
Recursively copy a directory tree and return the destination directory. If exception(s) occur, an Error is raised with a list of reasons. |
property ctime |
Creation time of the file. |
Remove Change Commmands
remove() |
Remove (delete) the file path. Raises Error if Directory or FileNotFound. |
remove_p() |
Like remove(), but does not raise an exception if the file does not exist. |
removedirs() |
Remove directories recursively. |
removedirs_p() |
Like removedirs(), but does not raise an exception if the directory is not empty or does not exist. |
rename(new) |
Rename the file or directory src to dst. |
renames(new) |
Recursive directory or file renaming function. Works like rename(), except creation of any intermediate directories needed to make the new pathname good is attempted first. |
rmdir() |
os.rmdir() |
rmdir_p() |
Like rmdir(), but does not raise an exception if the directory is not empty or does not exist. |
rmtree(ignore_errors=False, onerror=None, *, dir_fd=None) |
Recursively delete a directory tree. |
rmtree_p() |
Like rmtree(), but does not raise an exception if the directory does not exist. |
samefile(other) |
Return True if both pathname arguments refer to the same file or directory. |
property size |
Size of the file, in bytes. |
special = functools.partial(<class 'path.SpecialResolver'>, <class 'path.Path'>) |
splitall() |
Return a list of the path components in this path. |
splitdrive() |
Return two-tuple of .drive and rest without drive. |
splitext() |
Return two-tuple of .stripext() and .ext. |
splitpath() |
Return two-tuple of .parent, .name. |
stat() |
Perform a stat() system call on this path. |
statvfs() |
Perform a statvfs() system call on this path. f_bsize, f_frsize, f_blocks, f_bfree, f_bavail, f_files, f_ffree, f_favail, f_flag, f_namemax, f_fsid. |
property stem |
The same as name(), but with one file extension stripped off. |
stripext() |
Remove one file extension from the path. |
Read Commands
read_bytes() |
Return the contents of this file as bytes. |
read_hash(hash_name) |
Calculate given hash for this file. |
read_hexhash(hash_name) |
Calculate given hash for this file, returning hexdigest. |
read_md5() |
Calculate the md5 hash for this file. |
read_text(encoding=None, errors=None) |
Open this file, read it in, return the content as a string. Optional parameters are passed to open(). |
readlink() |
Return the path to which this symbolic link points. The result may be an absolute or a relative path. |
readlinkabs() |
Return the path to which this symbolic link points. |
realpath() |
relpath(start='.') |
Return this path as a relative path, based from start, which defaults to the current working directory. |
relpathto(dest) |
Return a relative path from self to dest. |
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