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MARK 301 - FINAL NOTES Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Madisen Hubley-Leblanc 40096873

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


% Margin on Cost = % Margin on SP/(100% - % Margin on SP)
% Margin on Selling Price = % Margin on Cost(100% + % Margin on Cost)
Contri­bution = Total Revenue - Total Variable Costs
Unit Contri­bution = Selling Price - Unit Variable Costs
Fixed Costs = Unit Contri­bution * BEQ
BEQ = Fixed Costs / Unit Contri­bution
Profit Impact = (Unit Cont. * Units Prod. & Sold) – Fixed Costs (– cannib­ali­zat­ion–if any)
CLV = Lifetime Value - Acquis­ition Cost
LV = Customer Lifetime (in months) * Monthly Profit
Customer Lifetime (in months) = 1/monthly churn rate
Customer Monthly Profit = Gross Margin – Assigned Costs
AC = Initial Cost to Acquire Cost. (usually ads + sales)
ROMI = (Margin - Invest­ment) / Investment
* If market share is given in $, divide by retail selling price to obtain market value in units
* Assume Margin on SP unless otherwise specified

5-Step Method­ology

1 - Problem Statement
State the PROBLEM in one or two sentences; major objectives + a listing of major overriding factors
2 - Situat­ional Analysis
Strength & Weaknesses (w/i company's ctrl) ; Opport­unities & Threats (out of ctrl)
3 - Identi­fic­ation and Evaluation of Altern­atives
Find alts and elaborate on pros/cons of each.
4 - R&R / BUY-IN
the math, the decision criteria, time to sell recomm­end­ation
5 - Plan of Action
ST (6 months) vs LT (18 months)


Value Mindset = Focus on Customer Value (no cost)
True Economic Value = Objective Value
Perceived Value = Value Attributed by Customer
Price ≤ Perceived Value, but, Price > COGS
Dynamic Pricing considers product variation, contro­lling availa­bility, and geogra­phi­cally.
% Change in Quantity ÷ % Change in Price = Price Elasticity of Demand
company prices a solution (and not a product)
capturing value is more important than maximizing sales

Customer Experience (CX)

Customer Journey (CJ)
Sum of customer intera­ctions with brand.
Goal of CJ
Make journey sticky through except­ional & person­alized experi­ence; creates customer engage­ment.
Pillars of Customer Experience
Person­ali­zation, Integrity, Expect­ations, Resolu­tion, Time & Effort, and Empathy
Journey Management Capabi­lities
Automa­tion, Proactive Person­ali­zation, Contextual Intera­ction, and Innovation
Steps in CJ MAP
understand target; map out touchp­oints; identify customer pain points; reg. assess comp. perf. ; prioritize + fix roadblocks ; update & improve


Strategy : Segmen­tation & Targeting; Store Differ­ent­iation & Positi­oning
Marketing Mix : Product & Service Assort­ment; Retail Prices; Promotion, and Distri­bution (incl. location)
Omni-C­hannel Retailing : integr­ation of online and offline shopping behaviours to create seamless experience
goal = achieve a better shopping experience + increase conver­sions


Brand Equity includes:
Brand Loyalty, Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Associ­ations
Other Assets include patents, intell­ectual property..
Purpos­e-D­riven Branding =
having compelling reason for being, beyond profit + living out desire to impact society positi­vel­y/p­urp­ose­fully
Major Brand Portfolio Strategies =
* Mono-Brand (or Branded House) where single brand is used on all products. ie. crocs
* Multi-­Brand (or House of Brands) individual brand names created for diff products + corporate name is hidden from view/m­ini­mized. ie. P&G - Tide&Gain
Pros: greater flex. w/ differ­ent­iating + custom­izing; commands greater retail presence (shelf­-sp­ace); less risk for brand reputa­tion.
Cons: brand-­bui­lding requires high capital inv. ; no benefit of existing brand equity

Marketing in a Digital World

This is the new normal for marketing. Without digital presence, brands are already at a disadv­antage.
Main Benefits
* improved measur­ement
* improved targeting
Impact on Target Market: greater volume + accuracy of info, easy to micro-­target, easy access to customer, geogra­phical data
Impact on Product: easy to obtain benefi­ts/­fee­dback, person­ali­zation, tech facili­tates augmen­tations
Impact on Price: dynamic pricing, price discri­min­ation, instan­taneous price comparison
Impact on Distro: direct­-di­stro, omni-c­hannel = req., tracking increases cust. delight
Impact on Marketing Comms: 1-on-1 tracking, adjust­abi­lity, content challenge, greater integr­ation = req., consumer = always "­on", targeted messages
Marketing Funnel: Awareness > Consid­eration > Intent > Purchase