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About M_catalinarm

  • mid burnt out second year med student Everything is simply a shape, a form, an identifier to let others recognize me as me! But then, what am I? Is this me? My true self? My fake self? What is it that I am? Nobody understands me!
  • Cheatographer since 17 August, 2022.


  • 4 Cheat Sheets
  • 302 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 10,018 Cheat Sheet Views

Cheat Sheets By M_catalinarm

100 Pages
Cocos Gram positivos - Bacilos Gram negativos: Enterobacterias, no fermentadores, fastidiosos. - Bacilos Gram negativos curvos. - Diplococos Gram negativos - Bacilos Gram positivos - Anaerobios - Mycobacterias - Espiroquetas
20 Sep 22
2 Pages
Everything is simply a shape, a form, an identifier to let others recognize me as me! But then, what am I? Is this me? My true self? My fake self? What is it that I am? Nobody understands me! Don't quote this in therapy you filthy shinnie.
13 Sep 22
100 Pages
patologia trimestral dududu
11 Sep 22
100 Pages
generalidades de genetica y herencia: -ciclo celular -herencia mendeliana -affecciones
19 Aug 22