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LimeSurvery Cheat Sheet by

The following strings will be replaced by LimeSurvey when parsing the template file and presenting it to survey users. These field strings will work on almost every template except for the 'Completed Page'.


All Files
The survey title
All files (mainly for welcom­e.p­stpl)
The survey 'welcome' text
A small graph showing the percentage of the survey completed
startg­rou­p.p­stpl, groupd­esc­rip­tio­n.p­stpl, endgro­up.p­stpl
Displays the current group name
startg­rou­p.p­stpl, groupd­esc­rip­tio­n.p­stpl, endgro­up.p­stpl
Displays the current group descri­ption
Displays the total number of questions in the survey (just the number)
Displays the sentence "­There are X questions in this survey­" - from the relevant language file. The X is replaced with the number of questions. Note that this will also work approp­riately for singular or plural. If there is only 1 question, it will print "­There is 1 question in this survey­".
All files (mainly for welcom­e.p­stpl)
Warning message when end-user browser have javascript disabled
(Has been supers­eeded but the {QUEST­ION­_...} keywords as of LS1.87) Displays the current question text (The format of {QUESTION} can customised by editing 'quest­ion­_st­­tpl') Use the following: {QUEST­ION­_TEXT}, {QUEST­ION­_MA­NDA­TORY}, {QUEST­ION­_HELP}, {QUEST­ION­_MA­N_M­ESS­AGE}, {QUEST­ION­_VA­LID­_ME­SSAGE} and {QUEST­ION­_IN­PUT­_ER­ROR­_CLASS} and approp­riate wrapping HTML instead of {QUESTION}
questi­on.p­stpl, print_­que­sti­on.p­stpl
presents the answer form for the current question
questi­on.p­stpl, question text
Can be used in the question text itself, to reference the input field of the question dynami­cally by displaying the Survey­-Gr­oup­-Qu­estion id for the current question. (as of svn build 9755)
questi­on.p­stpl, print_­que­sti­on.p­stpl
Displays help text (prede­fined tip for question type) for the current question
questi­on.p­stpl, print_­que­sti­on.p­stpl
unique class for each question type. (To be included in the question's wrapping tag.)
questi­on.p­stpl, print_­que­sti­on.p­stpl
Displays the current question code
the question ID and (if a question is condit­ional), 'style­="di­spl­ay:­non­e;"'. (To be included in the question's wrapping tag.)
questi­on.p­stp, questi­on_­sta­rt.p­stpl
Displays the user defined help text for the current question
Displays the user defined help text for the current question
questi­on.p­stp, questi­on_­sta­rt.p­stpl
Provides a class if there was user input error
Provides a unique ID for each question to allow styling for specific questions
questi­on.p­stp, print_­que­sti­on.p­stp, questi­on_­sta­rt.p­stpl
Displays the text for the current question
questi­on.p­stp, print_­que­sti­on.p­stp, questi­on_­sta­rt.p­stpl
Displays the translated 'Manda­tory' text for the current question
questi­on.p­stpl, print_­que­sti­on.p­stpl
class if a question is mandatory. (To be included in the question's wrapping tag.)
questi­on.p­stp, print_­que­sti­on.p­stp, questi­on_­sta­rt.p­stpl
Displays the translated 'Manda­tory' help message text for the current question
Increm­ental count of questions.
questi­on.p­stp, print_­que­sti­on.p­stp, questi­on_­sta­rt.p­stpl
Displays the translated valid help message text for the current question
Prints out the 'scenario' text for condit­ional questions.
Displays navigation buttons (next, prev, last)
All files (but intended for naviga­tor.pstpl)
Displays the "Exit and Clear Result­s" link
Displays the final submit button
Displays the 'compl­eted' messagem for regist­ering, will change depending on whether the attrib­ute_1 and attrib­ute_2 fields are set.
Displays the survey 'url' and 'url text'
Displays privacy inform­ation when survey is anonymous
The privacy message is shown if you set your survey to be anonymous. The text can be edited­/tr­ans­lated in the language files. This can also be changed manually by editing the privac­y.pstpl template you wish to use.
All Files
The URL to the current template location (useful for refere­ncing image files in your template)
The statement (from the language files) that tells the user they have completed the survey, and to press the "­Sub­mit­" button
The statement (from the language files) that tells the user they can review­/change the answers they have made by clicking "­<< prev"
All Files
*If survey answers are NOT ANONYMOUS - gets replaced with the users first name from the tokens table
All Files
If survey answers are NOT ANONYMOUS - gets replaced with the users last name from the tokens table
All Files
If survey answers are NOT ANONYMOUS - gets replaced with the users email from the tokens table
All Files
If survey answers are NOT ANONYMOUS - gets replaced with the users attrib­ute_1 from the tokens table
All Files
If survey answers are NOT ANONYMOUS - gets replaced with the users attrib­ute_2 from the tokens table
Preferably in naviga­tor.pstpl
The "­Answers Cleare­d" statement from the language files
URL to restart the survey
All Files (Prefe­rably in naviga­tor.pstpl)
URL to close current window
Shows any error messages in the register page (ie: "You must include an email addres­s")
The statement "You must be registered to complete this survey­" from the language files
Details about regist­ering from the language files
The actual form for regist­ering, will change depending on whether the attrib­ute_1 and attrib­ute_2 fields are set.
Works suitable on naviga­tor.pstpl
Displays the 'Save your responses so far' button to offer the user to save and come back later to continue the survey. If the Save option is deacti­vated in the survey properties the tag will not be shown and ignored.
Displays a switch in multil­ingual surveys to change the question.

Question classes

5 point choice
Array (10 point choice)
Array (10 point choice)
Array (Flexible Labels) dual scale
Array (Increase, Same, Decrease)
Array (Multi Flexible) (Numbers)
Array (Multi Flexible) (Text)
Array (Yes/N­o/U­nce­rtain)
Array (flexible labels)
Array (flexible labels) by column
Boiler­plate question
Huge free text
Language switch
List (dropdown)
List (flexible labels) (dropdown)
List (flexible labels) (radio)
List (radio)
List with comment
Long free text
Multiple numerical input
Multiple options
Multiple options with comments
Multiple short text
Numerical input
Short free text

Template files

submit.pstpl (and privac­y.p­stpl)


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