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RTTMbot Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Control structures

// if condition is TRUE, do something here
// otherwise, do this*

while (condition)
// while condition is true, do this

break; // break a loop
continue; // continue to next iteration

switch (variable) 
case 1:
    // if case == variable, do this
case 2:
    // if case == variable, do this

for(initialization; condition; increment)
// do this
/* The ‘for’ statement is used to repeat
a block of statements enclosed in curly
braces. An increment counter is usually
used to increment and terminate the loop.

RTT Import

To give access to functions to control the MBot, import the RTT library.

#include "­rtt­imp­ort.h"

The following functions are available after including the RTT library.

drive(int speed);

// drive forward with speed speed, which may range from 1-100

leftWh­eel(int speed);

// move left wheel with speed speed

rightW­hee­l(int speed);

// move right wheel with speed speed


// stop moving


/* read both sensors

returns 0x00 if both left and right sensors are over a black line

 returns 0x01 if left sensor is over a black line but the right sensor is not

 returns 0x02 if left sensor is not over a black line but the right sensor is

 returns 0x03 if neither left sensor nor the right sensor is over a black line */


// read state of left sensor

// returns 0 if over black line, returns 1 if not over black line


// read state of right sensor

// returns 0 if over black line, returns 1 if not over black line


Mathematical Operators
= // assignment
+ // addition
- // subtraction
 // multiplication*
/ // division
% // modulus
Logical Operators
== // boolean equal to
!= // not equal to
< // less than
> // greater than
<= // less than or equal to
>= // greater than or equal to
&& // Boolean AND
|| // Boolean OR
! // Boolean NOT


/ Pauses the program for the amount of time*
(in milliseconds). */
/ Pauses the program for the amount of time*
(in microseconds). */
/ Returns the number of milliseconds since*
the board began running the current program.
max: 4,294,967,295 */
/ Returns the number of microseconds since*
the board began running the current program.
max: 4,294,967,295 */