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Quick review for the exam

Theories of learning

Who argued the input hypoth­esis?
Krashen, 1982, 2017
Who argued that noticing is important?
Schmidt, 1990
Who argued that output is essential?
Swain, 1995
Who argued that intera­ction is essential?
Long, 1991

Teaching method­ology

Focus on commun­ication
Focus on Form
Elements of CLT: Nunan 1991
Task cycle: Willis, 1996
Key words: Learning to commun­icate through intera­ction, authentic texts, enhance own personal experi­ences
Key words: meaning, goal-o­rie­ntated, real world, commun­ica­tive, outcome
Presen­tation, Practice, Perfor­mance
Pre-task, task, language focus


Use of technology in a face-t­o-face classroom
Flipped classroom
Models of online + distance learning
Applic­ation: game-based learning, completing tasks
Applic­ation: maximising class time for activities which benefit from teacher presence
Applic­ation: entirely online, making use of tools to ensure output and intera­ction
Key words: Afford­ances, tools, devices, synchr­onous, asychr­onous, collab­ora­tion, socio-­con­str­uct­ivist approaches

Model of memory

Writing learning aims

When writing learning aims, remember to start with:

By the end of the lesson, the student will:

Make sure you focus on the object­ives, not the teaching activity



DigComp 2.0

Bloom's Taxonomy



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