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New Bio Cheaty Thing Thing Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat sheet for latest bio test :)

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Abnormal regulation of genes

The products of proto-­onc­ogenes and tumor-­sup­pressor genes control cell division. A DNA change that makes a proto-­onc­ogene overly active converts it to an oncogene, which then may promote extra cell division and cancer. A tumor-­sup­pressor gene encodes a protein that inhibits abnormal cell division. A mutation that reduces activity of its protein product may lead to excessive cell division and cancer.
Many proto-­onc­ogenes and tumor-­sup­pressor genes encode components of growth­-st­imu­lating and growth­-in­hib­iting signaling path-ways, respec­tively, and mutations in them can interfere with normal signaling pathways. A hypera­ctive version of a protein in a stimul­atory pathway, such as Ras (a G protein), functions as an oncogene protein. A defective version of a protein in an inhibitory pathway, such as p53 (a transc­ription activa­tor), fails to act as a tumor suppre­ssor.
In the multistep model of cancer develo­pment, normal cells are converted to cancer cells by the accumu­lation of mutations affecting proto-­onc­ogenes and tumor-­sup­pressor genes. Technical advances in DNA and mRNA sequencing are enabling cancer treatments that are more indivi­dually based.
Genomics studies have resulted in four proposed subtypes of breast cancer, based on expression of genes by tumor cells.
Indivi­duals who inherit a mutant allele of a proto-­onc­ogene or tumor-­sup­pressor gene have a predis­pos­ition to develop a particular cancer. Certain viruses promote cancer by integr­ation of viral DNA into a cell's genome.

Identical daughter cells

The genetic material (DNA) of a cell- its genome- is partit­ioned among chromo­somes. Each eukaryotic chromosome consists of one DNA molecule associated with many proteins. Together, the complex of DNA and associated proteins is called chromatin. The chromatin of a chromosome exists in different states of conden­sation at different times. In animals, gametes have one set of chromo­somes, and somatic cells have two sets.
Cells replicate their genetic material before they divide, each daughter cell receiving a copy of the DNA. Prior to cell division, chromo­somes are duplic­ated. Each one then consists of two identical sister chromatids joined along their lengths by sister chromatid cohesion and held most tightly together at a constr­icted region at the centro­meres. When this cohesion is broken, the chromatids separate during cell division, becoming the chromo­somes of the daughter cells. Eukaryotic cell division consists of mitosis (division of the nucleus) and cytoki­nesis (division of the cytopl­asm).

Cell cycle regulated by system

Signaling molecules present in the cytoplasm regulate progress through the cell cycle.
The cell cycle control system is molecu­larly based; key regulatory proteins are cyclins and kinases. The cell cycle clock has specific checkp­oints where the cell cycle stops until a go-ahead signal is received; important checkp­oints occur in the Gi, G2, and M phases. Cell culture has enabled resear­chers to study the molecular details of cell division. Both internal signals and external signals control the cell cycle checkp­oints via signal transd­uction pathways. Most cells exhibit densit­y-d­epe­ndent inhibition of cell division as well as anchorage depend­ence.
Cancer cells elude normal cell cycle regulation and divide un-che­cked, forming tumors. Malignant tumors invade nearby tissues and can undergo metast­asis, exporting cancer cells to other sites, where they may form secondary tumors. Recent cell cycle and cell-s­ign­aling research, and new techniques for sequencing DNA, have led to improved cancer treatm­ents.

Mitotic and Interphase alternate

Between divisions, a cell is in interp­hase: the G1, S, and G2 phases. The cell grows throughout interp­hase, with DNA being replicated only during the synthesis phase, that being S. Mitosis and cytoki­nesis make up the Mitotic phase of the cell cycle, also referred to as the M phase.
The mitotic spindle, made up of microt­ubules, controls chromosome movement during mitosis. In animal cells, it arises from the centro­somes and includes spindle microt­ubules and asters. Some spindle microt­ubules attach to the kineto­chores of chromo­somes and move the chromo­somes to the metaphase plate. After sister chromatids separate, motor proteins move them along kineto­chore microt­ubules toward opposite ends of the cell. The cell elongates when motor proteins push nonkin­eto­chore microt­ubules from opposite poles away from each other.
Mitosis is usually followed by cytoki­nesis. Animal cells carry out cytoki­nesis by cleavage, and plant cells form a cell plate.
During binary fission in bacteria, the chromosome replicates and the daughter chromo­somes actively move apart. Some of the proteins involved in bacterial binary fission are related to eukaryotic actin and tubulin. Since prokar­yotes preceded eukaryotes by more than a billion years, it is likely that mitosis evolved from prokar­yotic cell division.

Enzyme activity regulation

Many enzymes are subject to allosteric regula­tion: Regulatory molecules, either activators or inhibi­tors, bind to specific regulatory sites, affecting the shape and function of the enzyme. In cooper­ati­vity, binding of one substrate molecule can stimulate binding or activity at other active sites. In feedback inhibi­tion, the end product of a metabolic pathway allost­eri­cally inhibits the enzyme for a previous step in the pathway.
Some enzymes are grouped into complexes, some are incorp­orated into membranes, and some are contained inside organe­lles, increasing the efficiency of metabolic processes.