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BUSS5020: WEEK 4 (02/09/19) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Last weeks content

Types of govern­ment: Federal and Unitry
Federal and Unitary
Four types of risk: Affects how a business operates
Policies, Procedural (tax), Distri­butive, Catast­rophic (disas­ters)

Case example -Iphone

iPhone genera­tions changing in colour from black to colourful
Who are the markets and who do they appeal to. The use of colours is important for specific countries, age and gender e.g. Asia likes bright phones (There biggest market is Asia so they use demogr­aphics to figure out what colours they like)

Lesson so far

Markets are not the same between countries
Markets are not the same within countries
It’s important to use properly sampled data
Variation between and within countries can include income, age, sex, ethnicity, culture and prefer­ences
How does this affect busine­sses?
We need to think about what sort of product to offer, and how the nature of and change in conditions in our
target market may affect our ability to profitably produce (supply) and sell it (demand)

What is an Instit­ution?

Formal and informal rules governing the way society works, thus affecting the business enviro­nment
“Systems of establ­ished and prevalent social rules that structure social intera­ctions
A complex of positions, roles, norms and values lodged in particular types of social
structures and organising relatively stable patterns of human resources with respect
to fundam­ental problems in….su­sta­ining viable societal structures within a given

Summary of Lecture

Demogr­aphics and demogr­aphic trends have a direct influence on business’ future
Demogr­aphic analysis can help businesses look into the future: consumers & labour force
Ageing as a major challenge
The role of immigr­ation
Demogr­aphic data are easily accessible and the dynamics behind it are not overly complex
The role of instit­utions in doing business, partic­ularly when going abroad

Breaking down Demogr­aphics

Regions, provinces, states, cities
Broad segmen­tation
County, prefecture
More specific
Post code
Very specific
This is good for looking at median income to find where the people are. If you know how much someone is earning it is quite easy to target you product to that area or post code.

Class activity - BMW

Growing children
Active or family centric lifestyle
Trying to sell a BMW 5 series, who should we target


The increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities compared to rural areas.
In what way could levels of urbani­sation matter for busine­sses?
Where does my target group live?
Where can I find employees?

Basic demogr­aphic measures

Working age popula­tion: number of people aged 15-64
Dependent popula­tion: (number of people 0-14) + (number of people aged 65+)
Total dependency ratio*: (dependent popula­tion) / (working age popula­tion)

Businesses and demogr­aphic changes

A changing demography can lead to potential opport­unities or a need to change business strategy
A country may have an ageing popula­tion, but there may be relatively youthful areas where demand for aged-care services is low
A country may have a rapidly growing economy, but there may be poorer areas where demand for luxury goods is low
Altern­ati­vely, a country may have a relatively low per-capita income, but there may still be a section of the population wealthy enough to afford luxury goods.
There are many more demogr­aphic related factors, but you need to work out which demogr­aphic changes are most relevant for your business

Do instit­utions matter to business?

Instit­utions shape the society in which businesses operate, as well as the culture of the people the business works with or sells to.
Instit­utions as agents of social­isation shape consumer prefer­ences
Instit­utions have strong influence over the size, quality and compos­ition of the workforce (e.g. education levels, labour laws, legal retirement age, anti- discri­min­ation laws, cultural prefer­ences, &c.)
Instit­utions enable or constrain business activities

Why businesses study demogr­aphics?

Product Segmen­tation
Decide where and when to locate products and services.
Explain what is driving changes in demand
Identify patterns to understand where demand will be greatest
Quantify demand for products and services, now and in the future

Class exercise: Average Demogr­aphics

Australia Average person: Female, 38, Anglo-­Celtic, Married with 2 children, Roman Catholic, Finished high school, $1700 income pw, 40 hrs per week, net worth $740,000, holiday location New Zealand, Toyota
America Average person: Female, 38, Went to college, no degree, White, Single with 2 children, protestant Christian, English tongue, 35 hours per week, $1000usd per week in income, net worth $300,000, holiday location Florida, Toyota
China Average Person: Male, 35, Married with one child, no religion, finished middle school, 40hr per week, 60,000 RMB per year, Net worth $25,000, holiday Beijing or Shanghai

How age dependency affects busine­sses?

Labour force
Taxation rates
Aged-care market
Massive industry
Other products?

Ageing­/sh­rinking societies

Rapid Growth
Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Guatamala
Slow growth
Zero Growth
Spain, Austria, Italy
Negative Growth
Germany, Bulgaria, Sweden

The State

A product of national history, culture, as well as other instit­utions
Directly respon­sible for shaping political struct­ures, economic policies, social policies, infras­tru­cture, &c. and one of the few instit­utions that can mandate change
Legal and admini­str­ative instit­utions ideally create an enabling enviro­nment for business but can also restrain business
Indirect influence over legal struct­ures, capital and labour markets, industrial relations and unions

Events that can shape instit­utions and values

Immigr­ation policies that import other cultural values
State ideology and policies