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Kinematics in One Direction Cheat Sheet by

Displa­cement and Distance

Displa­cement- vector extending from object's initial position to its final position
Distance- scalar quantity repres­enting the actual path followed by an object
Distance equals displa­cement when the object travels in a straight line and does not reverse its direction

Velocity and Speed

Velocity- vector describing the rate of displa­cement
average velocity = displa­cem­ent­/time
Instan­taneous velocity- velocity at a specific time
Speed- scalar calcul­ating the rate of distance
average speed = distan­ce/time
If an object travels in a straight line, then speed and velocity are interc­han­geable


Accele­ration- rate of change of velocity
accele­ration = change in veloci­ty/time
Uniform accele­ration- magnitude remains constant; constant accele­ration- magnitude and direction are constant
If accele­ration acts in the same direction as velocity: speed increases
If accele­ration acts in the opposite direction as velocity: speed decreases
If accele­ration acts perpen­dic­ularly to velocity: direction changes
The accele­ration of gravity is 10 m/s2

Kinematic Equations

vf2 = vi2 + 2ax
vf = vi + at
x = vi*t + 0.5at2
v=x/t or x=vt

Kinematic Graphs

Position (or distance) v. time
Velocity v. time
Displa­cement (change in position)
Accele­ration v. time
Change in velocity


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