What is consciousness?
Consciousness: |
A persons subjective experience of the mind and the external world. |
Your conscious perception is subjective |
Your conscious perception is the content of your experience |
How things seem to the conscious person. |
Mind body problem:
The issue on how the mind is related to the brain and body. |
Divided attention:
Many believe you are not paying attention to many tasks, but instead rapidly switching your attention. |
Attentional blink: |
A brief slow-down in mental processing after progressing another event. |
Your brain has limited resources for paying attention. |
Altered states of conscious:
Meditation: |
concentration meditation: you can focus on one thing at a time. |
mindfulness meditation: you let your thoughts flow freely, focus on them but not reacting. |
- it can lower blood pressure, reduce stress and changes in hormones |
- the brains electrical activity changes and correlates with positive emotional state, better attentional performance or enhanced immune function. |
Sleep: |
The pineal gland: helps control the circadian cycle of sleep and wakefulness by releasing melatonin |
- bright light detection by the eyes in sent to a small part of the hippocampus then to the pineal gland. |
Melatonin: travels through the bloodstream and affect receptors in the body. |
Bright lights suppresses the production of melatonin, where darkness triggers the release. |
When you sleep your brain enters different states from when you are awake and active. |
Insomnia: |
Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. |
Nights when you want to sleep most causes you to become extra sensitive to sleepiness making it harder for you to fall asleep. |
Sleep apnea: |
A person stops breathing for a brief period while sleeping. |
Narcolepsy: |
A disorder where sudden sleep attacks occur in the middle of waking activities. |
Sleep paralysis: |
Experience of waking up, but being unable to move. |
Usually happens when your awake, but before you’ve regained motor control. |
Sleep terrors: |
Episodes of screaming, having intense fear while sleeping. |
Somnambulism: |
Sleepwalking. People usually walk with their eyes open. |
Unconscious processing can influence behaviour. |
When an unconscious thought is suddenly expressed at an inappropriate time or social context. |
Some might reveal unconscious thoughts and desires that can simply be cases of misremembering. |
Found basic properties:
Intentionality: |
Is the quality of being directed towards an object. |
- Consciousness is always about something. |
Unity: |
The resistance to division or ability to accrue information from all the bodies sense. |
Selectivity: |
The capacity to include some objects but not others. |
Shown through dichotomy listening: |
- People wearing headphones hear different messages in each ear. |
- cocktail party phenomenon: people tune in some messages while tuning out others. |
Transience: |
Consciousness has the ability to change |
Efforts to compress concerns:
Mental control: |
Attempt to change conscious state of mind. |
Through suppression: |
Conscious avoidance of thought. |
Rebound effect of thought suppression: |
The tendency of a thought to return to the consciousness with greater frequency. |
Ironic processes of mental control: |
Occurs because the mental process that monitors errors can itself produce them. |
Brain injury:
Coma: |
Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. When people emerge from a coma; do not respond to external stimuli for more than a month. |
Brain death: |
Irreversible loss of brain function. |
Stimulants: |
Substances that excite the CNS, heightening arousal and activity levels |
- caffeine, amphetamines, nicotine, and cocaine. |
Depressants: |
Substances that reduce the activity of the CNS. |
Expectancy theory: |
Alcohol effects can be produced by peoples expectations of how alcohol will influence them in certain situations. |
Alcohol myopia theory: |
Hampers attention, leading people to respond in simple ways to difficult situations. |
The dreaming brain:
Your brain is smart enough to realize its not actually seeing those weird images, but instead dreaming. |
The motor cortex, visual association, brain stem and more are activated during REM sleep. |
The prefrontal cortex is deactivated during REM sleep. |
Freud;s view: dreaming:
Dreams hold meaning: |
Could be anxiety related or wishes. |
Latent content: |
A dreams true meaning. |
Activation-synthesis model: |
The brain imposes meaning on fandoms neural activity. |
Freudian unconscious:
Dynamic unconscious: |
Contain thoughts, feelings, and desires that were denied to conscious awareness because of psychological force. |
Repression: |
Removes all unacceptable thoughts and memories from consciousness and keeps them in the unconscious. |
Cognitive unconscious: |
Gives rise to a persons thoughts, choices, emotions and behaviours, even though they are not experienced by the person. |
Dual process theories: |
We have two different systems in our brain for processing information. |
Conscious disorders:
Coma: |
Deep sleep state, no response to things. |
Vegetive state: |
Regular periods of time when people appear to be “awake.” |
Minimally conscious state: |
People can respond but inconsistently to sensory stimulation. |
Levels of consciousness:
Minimal consciousness: |
A low-level of sensory awareness. Occurs when the mind inputs sensations and outputs behaviours. |
Full consciousness: |
You know and are able to report your mental state. |
Self-consciousness: |
A distinct level of consciousness in a person towards themselves. |
Some people lose their vision due to damages to their primary visual cortex. |
Some find a “second sight.” Their unconscious mins guide their behaviour correctly. |
Selective attention:
Attending to one thing while ignoring others. |
You only consciously experience the content of the text you pay attention to. |
When you try to ignore many of the things and events around you to focus on one. |
The stimuli you try to ignore are distractions that must be eliminated or excluded. |
The mental process of eliminating those distractions is called filtering or selecting. |
Conscious perception:
Although you see all these things, you are only consciously aware of a few. |
Binocular rivalry:
Two dissimilar images are presented simultaneously to each eye and your conscious perception alternates. |
Sleep and dreaming:
Altered state of consciousness: |
A change in ones normal mental state as a result of trauma or accident or included through medication, drugs, etc. |
Circadian rhythm: |
A naturally occurring 24 hour cycle. |
Daydreaming and the brains default network:
A state of consciousness in which random thoughts come to mind |
Your brain is always active |
Default mode network: |
Activations of brain areas when people day dream |
When you are working on mental/cognitive tasks, DMN tents to decrease. |
The DMN is also connected to our feelings and self-perception. It plays a role in overall happiness. |
Mindfulness meditation is an effective way to reduce DMN activity. |
Hemispatial neglect:
Disorder of attention. |
Deficit in attention to and awareness of one side of the visual field. |
They often have no sensory loss. No visual deficit. |
Kept neglect is more common: |
Caused by the left side of the brain |
Some brain regions in the parietal and temporal lobes are associated with neglect. |
Egocentric neglect: |
Never “sees” what is on their left side even when they change perspective. |
Allocentric neglect: |
Never “sees” the left side of any object. |
Motor neglect: |
Failure to move one side of the body when there is no paralysis. |
Tactile neglect: |
Inattention to tactile stimuli on one side of the body. |
Auditory neglect: |
Inattention to sounds on one side of space. |
Unconscious processing can influence perception:
Priming: |
When the response to a stimulus is influenced by recent experience with that stimulus. |
- it can influence how you perceive an object. |
Subliminal perception: |
When stimuli are processed by sensory systems, but does not reach the conscious. |
Information in the unattended ear:
People cannot report the contents of the message in the unattended ear, but: |
They know that there was a message |
They know the gender of the speaker. |
Some superficial nature of the speech. |
Drugs and consciousness:
Psychoactive drugs: |
Chemicals that influence consciousness behaviour by altering the brains chemical message system. |
Drug tolerance: |
tendency for larger doses of a drug to be required over time to achieve the same effect. |
Physical dependence: |
Unpleasant physical symptoms from withdrawal due to drug use. |
Psychological dependence: |
Desire to return to drugs even when physical symptoms are gone. |
Problem of other minds:
The fundamental difficulty we have in perceiving the consciousness of others |
We lack the ability to directly perceive the consciousness of others |
Narcotics ad opiates: |
Highly addictive drugs derived from opium that relieves pain. |
- reroutes the endorphins. These temporarily flood the endorphins and stop them from producing natrually. |
Hallucinogens: |
Later sensation and perception and often causes visual and auditory hallucinogens. |
Weed: |
Contains psyc active drugs called tetrahydrocannabinol. |
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