Conjugation (verbs / tegusõna)
"to ..." is the infinitive of a verb, and keeps the -ть, while "I am ..." requires conjugation Conjugation exceptions
Past (verb / tegusõna)
Gender is determined by the subject (I was speaking, She was eating) |
Nominative adjectives (omadussõnad)
If the stem ends in г, ж, к, х, ч, ш, or щ, you add и, not ы If the stem ends in ж, ц, ч, ш, or щ, any unstressed o in an ending is instead written as e Nominative exception
If the word ends in -ний, such as синий (dark blue) Accusative adjectives
Accusative adjectives are direct objects of the verb, ex. 'I wrote a long letter'. If the modified masculine noun is a person or animal, then use ого/его. If the modified plural noun is a person or animal, then use ых/их. Genitive adjectives
If the adjective has the soft ending or ends in the 5-letter rule (ш, щ, ч, ж, ц), it ends in -его. |
Russian Grammar Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by Lammmas
Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives in Russian Grammar
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.