Infective Endocarditis
Causative organisms Staph. aureus, group D strep, enterococci, HACEKs
Organism in IVDA Staph. aureus (tricuspid valve*)
Organisms prosthetic valve endocarditis Staph, gram-, fungi (first 2 months) and staph/strep after that
Regurgant valve defect Seen in most endocarditis pts, makes them more susceptible
How infections occur Direct intravascular contamination or from bacteremia from surgeries
Classic features Osler nodes, Janewar lesions, Roth spots, petechiae, splinter hemorrhages
Duke Criteria Used to establish diagnosis
Treatment Vancomycin + Ceftriaxone
Indications for Abx Prophylaxis If pts. with prosthetic valves, congenital heart disease, valve disorder, transplants are going to get dental work or surgery
Prophylactic abx Amoxicillin
Aortic Aneurysms
Definition |
Weakness and subsequent dilation of the vessel wall, usually from a genetic defect or atherosclerotic damage to the intima |
Most common cause |
Atherosclerosis (can see in Marfan's or Ehlers-Danlos though) |
Classic clinical scenario |
Elderly male smoker with CAD, emphysema, and renal impairment |
Where are they found |
90% abdominal, 10% thoracic |
Clinical features |
Pulsatile abdominal mass +/- abdominal or back pain |
Symptoms of AAA rupture |
Severe back, abdominal, or flank pain. Hypotension + shock |
Lab Studies |
Abdominal U/S followed by CT w/ contrast |
Treatment |
Endovascular or open surgical repair |
Giant Cell Arteritis
Definition Systemic inflammatory condition of medium & large vessels, pts. >50yo, often coexists with PMR
Most commonly-affected arteries Temporal artery
Consequence of not treating aggressively Blindness
Clinical Features Headache, scalp tenderness, jaw claudication, throat pain, visual abnormalities
Lab Studies ESR + CRP both elevated
Definitive diagnostic Temporal artery bx
Treatment High-dose prednisone x few months + ASA
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Rheumatic Fever A systemic immune response occurring 2-3 weeks after a Beta-hemolytic strep. pharyngitis
Valve most commonly involved Mitral valve (75-80%), then aortic valve (30%)
Jones Criteria Diagnostic criteria to establish diagnosis
Treatment Bedrest, salicylates, IM penicillin, and early treatment of strep pharyngitis for prevention*
PVD--Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Definition Loss of wall tension in veins, resulting ins tasks of venous blood and often assoc. with a hx of DVT, leg injury, or varicose veins
Clinical Features Progressive edema starting at ankle, skin changes, itching, dull pain with standing and ulceration, skin is shiny/thin/atrophic with dark pigmentary change and subcutaneous induration, stasis ulcers above ankle
General Treatment General: leg elevation, avoidance of sitting/standing, compression hose.
Treatment for Stasis Dermatitis Wet compresses, HC cream, Zinc oxide, anti fungal cream (ulcerations may need graft)
PVD--Varicose veins
Etiology Superficial venous insufficiency and valvular incompetance
Clinical features Dilated, tortuous veins, esp. long saphenous vein
Treatment Compression stockings, leg elevation, exercise, laser ablation, endovenous radiofrequency, compression sclerotherapy
PVD--Peripheral arterial disease
Etiology Atherosclerosis or thromboembolism (trauma, hyper coagulable states, etc.)
Clinical features lower leg pain with exercise which is relieved by rest (AKA intermittent claudication), progresses later to pain at rest, numbness, tingling, ischemic ulcerations, gangrene
The "Ps" of extremity occlusion Pain, pallor, pulselessness, paresthesias, paralysis, poikilothermia
Lab studies/diagnostics Doppler flow studies, ABI,
Treatment Cilostazol + antiplatelet rx + lifestyle (NO smoking, more exercise), surgery and revascularization
PVD--Thrombophlebitis & DVT
Thrombophlebitis Involves occlusion of a vein + inflammatory changes
Virchow's Triad Stasis + vascular injury + hyper-coagulability (predispose veins)
Most common place to find a DVT Lower extremities and pelvis
Risk factors for DVT Major surgery (total hip), long plane ride, hormone/contraceptive therapy, prolonged bed rest
Features of superficial thrombophlebitis Dull pain, erythema, tenderness, induration. Most common in long saphenous vein.
Class findings of DVT Swelling of the involved area and redness
Diagnostic Studies Duplex U/S
D-Dimer Highly sensitive, if <500 then negative, can r/o DVT
Treatment Anticoagulation with LMWH (Lovenox), or heparin then warfarin
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