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Human Trafficking Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

human trafficking notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Human Traffi­cking defined

compelling someone to work or engage in a commercial sex act
the recrui­tment, harboring, transp­ort­ation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use for force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involu­ntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery
this crime is all about the exploi­tation of another

Human Smuggling

this crime requires the crossing of a boarder
Human traffi­cking and human smuggling is NOT the same thing
however, human smuggling can lead to Human traffi­cking

How is Human Traffi­cking committed?

actual or threatened physical force or restraint
sexual assault
"­false promis­es" regarding employ­ment, wages, working condit­ions, love, or a better life
unexpected changes in work condit­ions, compen­sation, debt agreements or nature of a relati­onship
threats of serious harm
psycho­logical manipu­lation
document confis­cation

Human Traffi­cking Relief

Traffi­cking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000
establ­ished the T-VIsa, non-im­migrat status for victims of traffi­cking if the cooperated in the invest­igation and prosec­ution of traffi­ckers
Victims centered approach places equal value on protection for victims and prosec­ution of offenders

Traffi­cking Indicators

the victim not in position of ID
victim coached on what to say to LEO
restri­ction of movements
living in unusual of substa­ndard conditions
forced drug use
signs of restrain or physical abuse

Human Traffi­cking Reporting Protocols

DOJ's Office of victims of crime (OVC)
Obtain your agencies reporting protocols
(ICE) or (HSI)