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Japan Portfolio Company Guide Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

personal and technical guide for creating portfolio companies

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Address 2 (Second Line)

address number WITHOUT “-chome (丁目)” “-ban (番)” and “-go (号)”
The rest of addresses, street, ward “-ku (区)”;
e.g., 3-4-1 Maruno­uchi, Chiyoda-ku


Japan (country code +81);
usually the 0 in front of the number is equivalent to +81
03-680­4-2389 is converted to +81 3 6804 2389

Web Address

remove the "­htt­ps:­//" at the start
however, if the website is not working with that format, we can use the https://


Link to Industries and Verticals
link (addit­ional resource - Deals Acceptance Criteria)

Summar­y/Short Descri­ption​

minimum of 20 and maximum of 50 words
Must include descri­ptive words i.e., if a client is looking for Artificial Intell­igence firms, we should mention Artificial Intell­igence; if a company is looking for biotech IT firms
Based in [country], [Company legal name], fka/dba [previous names and/or dba’s], operates as a [Client base, if applicable (consu­mer­/en­ter­pri­se/­B2B)] [company main solutions] provid­er/­man­ufa­ctu­rer­/de­vel­oper. The company provides [goods­/se­rvices provided], [goods­/se­rvices provided], [goods­/se­rvices provid­ed].​


Tokyo Prefecture
input 'Tokyo' without '-shi'
Other Prefecture
input 'City (市)' with 'shi'


Tokyo Prefecture
leave blank
Other Prefec­tures
input prefecture without '-ken'

Reporting ID (法人番号)

website for searching
don't forget to search using the Japanese native name in the search
Pick 'Active' unless company is dissolved or has "­閉鎖等­"

About Section

Should include year establ­ished, location, and full firm name
US companies - location should be state + country
Other companies - location should be city + country
Contains key termin­ology, e.g. 'is a fintech firm'
Should be precise and to the point
Includes all the key inform­ation about the business, including all its business activities

Internal Notes

1. Must include all source­s/l­ink­s/URLs used
2. Mention all changes made (with links)