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Social 10 - Globalization and Identity Keyboard Shortcuts (DRAFT) by

Intorduction to globaliaztion - identity - opportunities of globalization - challenges of globalization - organizations

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Individual Identity

Traits that make up a person's sense of indivi­duality


The process of the world are becoming one community partic­ularly and interc­onn­ected

Collective Identity

A combin­ation of beliefs, values, views of history, and languages shared by a group of people.

Puralistic Society

A society in which diversity is embedded as part of the founda­tions of the country
A society that respects and values the individual and collective opnioins and identities of all people.

Global Village

The process of societies and economies become more interd­epe­ndent and interc­onn­ected.
Marshall McLuhan coined in 1964.


Multiple people or things that are dependent on each other.

Cutural Recivi­liz­ation

A process through which unique cultures regain a sense of identity, such as through promoting heritage languages or reviving traditions and customs.

Multic­ultural Society

A multic­ultural society is a society in which there are many different people of different ethnic, lingui­stic, and religious backgr­ounds.

Puralistic Society

In which diversity is embedded, valued, and protected.


A change in group as a result of contact withan­other group.


Accepting, allowing, and/or reaching compro­mises to allow for differ­ences.
Something the dominant culture does to allow the minority culture to thrive.


The incorp­oration of diverse minority groups into mainstream society by creating an enviro­nment in which diverse identities are supported.

Identity Affirm­ation

Feeling proud of and protecting your identity by refusing to blend in with the crowd and by creating space for yourself in society.


The blending of media, art, food, and/or popular culture resulting in something new.

Media Transn­ati­onals

A mass media company that produces tv, film, music, books and so on in two or more countries.

Media Consol­idation

Media companies buy each other and merge.


A trend towards unifor­mity, as with world popular culture as a result of global­iza­tion.


A uniform, global popular culture that results from homoge­niz­ation and global­iza­tion.


The absorption of a minority group by a dominant group.


Pushing a group of people to the ”margins” of society where they hold little social, political, or economic power.


Canada’s anglophone public broadc­aster. Owned by the federal government (crown corpor­ation). Broadcasts Canadian, anglophone perspe­ctives.


Canada’s franco­phone public broadc­aster. Broadcasts Canadian, franco­phone perspe­ctives.


Regulatess how much Canadian content (CanCon) is shown on public broadc­asting networks.
Promotes and protects Canadian art, artists, and perspe­ctives.

United Nations

Focuses on global issues
- Peace and security
- Human rights
- Humani­tar­ianism
- Sustai­nable develo­pment and climate action
- Intern­ational law
- Other current world issues (AIDS, COVID-19, equality)

G7 (Group of 7)

Focuses include
- Global food supply issues
- Economic and social develo­pment
- Trade
- Foreign affairs
- Global energy use

La Franco­phonie

Resulted in the creation of TV5
- A French language channel that promotes franco­phone progra­mming
- Reaches viewers across 5 continents
Purpose is to
- Promote the French language
- Promote political, educat­ional, and economic cooper­ation

The Bi and Bi Commission

Protect and promote the equal partne­rship of “two founding” races.
Encourage the 1969 Official Languages Act, making French and English the official languages of Canada.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Language rights.