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How Adults Can Train to Become a Teacher Cheat Sheet by

If they want to become a secondary education teacher, the person would major in the subject they would like to teach such as history or math and then minor in education.

The Bachelor's Degree Route

If the adult student has some college credits, but no degree, they can enter an underg­raduate teaching program. After their four years is completed, they take an extra year of college that offers a fifth year credential program. If they want to become an elementary education teacher, they would major in education or liberal studies.

Secondary education teacher

Once an individual completes their degree, they earn their state teaching credential by passing the Praxis II exam for the content area they want to teach in the state they want to teach. Once they pass the different types of essays test they apply for certif­ica­tion. The final step is that they have to pass clearance requir­ements, including finger­print screen­ings, and a medical screening.

Teaching certif­ication

Once they pass the test they apply for certif­ica­tion. The final step is that they have to pass clearance requir­ements, including finger­print screen­ings, and a medical screening. To obtain a teaching certif­ication, states require that an individual has at least a Bachelor's degree. To teach as an elementary school teacher an individual must have either an underg­raduate major or minor in education or a master's degree in education.

The Altern­ative Certif­ication Route

If an individual has already earned a bachelor's degree, they can enroll in a state approved altern­ative certif­ication program. To qualify for an altern­ative certif­ication program, a person needs to pass an entrance examin­ation and medical and background screen­ings. The next step is to begin working as a teacher with a temporary certif­ica­tion. While they are working they complete coursework for their certif­ica­tion.


They then earn their teaching credential by passing the Praxis II exam for the content area they want to teach in the state they want to teach. Once they pass the test, they apply for certif­ica­tion. Once the test is passed the individual is eligible to teach in the state they are certified in.

a Master' Degree Program

If an individual has already earned a bachelor's degree and wants to enter a program that will help them be better prepared when they become a teacher, they can enroll in a master's of arts teaching program from an accredited college or univer­sity. The coursework would consist of core courses such as a founda­tions of education class. The individual would specialize in a specific area.


This area could be elementary education, special education, single subject education (math, history, English) or English as a Second Language. The students gain in-class experience by working with a mentor, Finally, they would complete a research or capstone project. Once an individual completes their master's degree, they earn their state teaching credential by passing the Praxis II exam for the content area they want to teach in the state they want to teach.


To teach at the secondary level, most states require an underg­raduate degree in the desired subjects, as well as the completion of an educat­ional program which usually includes a student teaching and/or practicum component. Completing a teacher education program is necessary to gain certif­ica­tion. Most states require the passing of either a state test or the Praxis exam to demons­trate a liberal arts founda­tion.


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