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Atom Editor 2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Toggle command palette
Toggle line/s­ele­ction comment
Show available auto-c­omp­letions


Find in file
Find next
Find in project
Use selection for find

View/W­indow Manipu­lation

Toggle tree-view sidebar
Toggle fullscreen
Split pane (left/­rig­ht/­up/­down)
⌘k + ↔︎↕︎
Focus pane (left/­rig­ht/­up/­down)
⌘k, ⌘ + ↔︎↕︎

File navigation

Toggle file finder
Goto line
Goto symbol
Previo­us/next file
⌘⇧ + {/}
Set bookmark
Goto next bookmark


Fold/u­nfold current code block
⌘^ + [/]
Fold/u­nfold all code blocks
⌘⎇⇧ + [/]
Fold code blocks at depth 1-9
⌘ + 1-9

Word manipu­lation

Transpose characters either side of cursor
Delete text to beginning of word
Delete text to end of word

Line manipu­lation

Indent­/ou­tdent current line
⌘ + ]/[
Insert new line after current line
Insert new line before current line
Delete current line
Move current line up/down
Duplicate current line
Join current and next lines


Select current word/token
Select current line
Select to beginn­ing/end of word
Select to first/last character of line
Select to top/bottom of document


Focus GitHub tab
Focus Git tab