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GenBio q1 module Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

+Cell +Biological Molecules

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Module 1 - Charac­ter­istics of Life

Growth and Develo­pment
cell growth and cell division
Maintain Homeos­tasis
maintain approp­riate concen­tra­tions of different chemicals, pH level, optimum temper­ature
succeeding genera­tions thruough sexual or asexual processes
Response to Enviro­nment or Stimuli
adaptation to enviro­nment
Energy Processing
photos­ynt­hetic process
highly organized and coordi­nated cell structures


adaptation of an organ or part to serve a special function
Merist­hematic Tissue
includes undiff­ere­ntiated cells that are capable of specia­liz­ation; most action takes place here
physical separation of the two daughter cells; where cell division ends
state of minimal activity and metabolic depression
involu­ntary and lasts for just a few hours during the daytime; not as heavy as hibern­ation
or goosebumps; modifi­cation of the heat exchange, contra­ction of the musculi arrectores pilorumor (MAP)
organisms that can make their own food
Photos­ynt­hetic process
+ Oxygenic photos­ynt­hesis - Light energy transfers electrons from water to carbon dioxide in order to produce carboh­ydr­ates; seen in algae, cynoba­cteria, plants
+ Anoxygenic photos­ynt­hesis - light energy is captured and converted to ATP, without the production of oxygen; doesn't have water as electron donor
Epithelial tissues
line the cavities and surfaces of the body such as the inside of the stomach and the outermost skin layer
Connective tissue
supports, protects and binds certain parts of the body such as muscles, together
Muscular tissues
produce movement by contra­ction and expansion
Nervous tissue
receive stimuli and conduct electrical impulses
Dermal tissue
forms outer covering of plants
Vascular tissue
moves water and nutrients through the plant
Ground tissue
makes up most of plants' bodies and performs majority of bodily functions
Vegetative organs
help sustain plant life; roots and leaves
Reprod­uctive organs
facilitate either sexual or asexual reprod­uction; cones, flowers and fruits
Shoot system
parts above the ground; leaves, and stems
Root system
parts below the ground; roots and tubers
behavior charac­terized by activity during daytime, highly variable temper­ature
active primarily during the twilight period, coldest temper­ature is at dawn
behavior in animals charac­terized by being active during the night and sleeping during the day, constant temper­ature
Human body has 11 systems, while plants only have 2 (shoot and root)

Life Processes

transfer places with the use of specia­lized structures like flagella, cilia and pseudo­podia
exhibits a metabolic pathway that breaks down glucose and produces adenosine tripho­sphate (ATP)
act on sensing a stimulus and at the same time responding to it
increase the size of each individual cell or increase of the number of cells
formation of new cells by the process of cell division to replace or repair old cells
get rid of by-pro­ducts due to metabolic processes which maybe toxic
break down food, into simple molecules that can be absorbed and be utilized

Module 2 - Cell Theory

Develo­pment of Microscope
Zachrias Janssen
Dutch specta­cle­-maker who discovered the first compound microscope which was later disputed
Galileo Galilei
able to make his own microscope because of his knowledge about glass and focal lengths
Antony van Leeuwe­nhoek
“Father of Microb­iol­ogy”, able to discover bacteria and protozoa; called bacteria "­ani­mac­ule­s"
Robert Hooke
coined the term "­cel­l"; published "­Mic­rog­rap­hia­" in 1665
Formation of Postulates
Matthias Schleiden
German botanist, noticed that plants are made up of cells
Robert Schwann
concluded that animals are made up of cells; coined "­Schwann cells", which myelinates the axons of the peripheral nervous system
Rudolf Virchow
"­Father of Modern Pathol­ogy­", published "­Vir­chow's archiv­es" and the aphorism "­every cell stems from another cell"

Postulates of Cell Theory

1. All known living things are made up of cells.
2. The cell is a structural and functional unit of all living things.
3. All cells come from pre-ex­isting cells by division.
1. All cells contain hereditary inform­ation which is passed from cell to cell
during division.
2. All cells are basically the same in chemical compos­ition.
3. All energy flow of life occurs within cells.

Module 3 - Prokar­yotic vs. Eukaryotic cells

All known life are classified into 3 domains: Archea, Bacteria, Eukarya. The organisms in Archea and Bacteria are prokar­yotes while the organisms in Eukarya have eukaryotic cells.

Prokar­yotic cells - simpler and lack the membra­ne-­bound organelles and nucleus; more primitive than eukary­otes, single­-ce­lled.
Eukaryotic cells - single or multic­elllar

Major Difference in Cell Structure
Eukaryotes store their DNA as chromo­somes within the nucleus but prokar­yotes lack the nucleus. Instead, the majority of their DNA is in the nucleoid. Additional DNA pieces, called plasmids, are shaped like rings and reside outside the nucleoid in the cytoplasm.

Differ­ences in Organi­zation
Eukaryotic cells use a specific cell division process called mitosis, while prokar­yotic cells use binary fission.
-Proka­ryotes create an exact copy of themse­lves; though genetic variance occur through transd­uction, which is when virus transmit plasmid containing DNA to bacterial cells (host).
-Eukar­yotes sexually reproduce through meiosis, which maximizes genetic diversity and minimizes mutation.

Other Differ­ences

Simila­rities between Prokar­yotes and Eukaryotes

Both have DNA, plasma membrane, ribosomes for protein synthesis, and cytoplasm


comprise hundreds or thousands of smaller units called amino acids (20 types)
provide energy, structural support and cellular commun­ica­tion; plant and fungal cell walls have carboh­ydrate cell walls
made up of fatty acids that can either be saturated or unsatu­rated
Nucleic Acids
single­-celled microo­rga­nisms living in enviro­nments low in oxygen (extre­mop­hiles)
specia­lized part used for movement
jelly-like fluid within in a cell that is composed primarily of water, salts and proteins
organelle used to synthesize proteins
organelle used to synthesize proteins
a functi­oning unit of DNA containing a cluster of genes under the control of a single promoter

Module 4 - Membra­ne-­bound Organelles

consists of nuclear envelope, chromatin and nucleolus; largest and contains genome
Endopl­asmic Reticulum
major site of synthesis, flattened sac network (ciste­rnae). Its function is closely linked to that of the golgi apparatus and together they form the cell’s secretory route
Rough Endopl­asmic Reticulum
takes proteins from the cytosol and continues its production in the golgi apparatus until completion
Smooth Endopl­asmic Reticulum
lipid, phosph­olipid and steroid synthesis
Golgi Apparatus
packages macrom­ole­cules into vesicles; modifies proteins and lipids from endopl­asmic reticulum
site of ATP synthesis; helps maintain the intrac­ellular enviro­nment, has inner and outer membrane with an interm­embrane space in between
acidic; contain numerous hydrolytic enzymes which catalyze hydrolysis reactions
contain the enzyme catalase which decomposes hydrogen peroxide
acts as a storage for nutrients as well as waste materials to protect the cell from toxicity; helps in mainta­ining an acidic internal pH
facilitate the storage and transport of materials in and outside the cell
produces amino acids and lipids required for the production of chloro­plast membrane; has two distinct regions- grana and stroma


Cell compar­tme­nta­liz­ation
process of select­ively permeable nuclear envelope (separates the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm)
Gene expression
involves first transc­rip­tion, which is the mechanism by which DNA is transc­ribed to mRNA
undergoes a process known as post-t­ran­scr­ipt­ional modifi­cation where molecules are added or removed
Cytochrome p450
enzyme in SER; essential to some drugs and toxins, such as alcohol and barbit­urates, in the metabolism
form of active transport and bulk transport in which a cell transports molecules out of the cell
Protein processing
carboh­ydrate regions of glycop­roteins are altered by addition, removal or modifi­cation of carboh­ydrates
Lipid processing
adds phosphate groups and glycop­roteins to lipids from ER (like choles­terol) to create the phosph­olipids that make up the cell membrane
Mannose 6-phos­phate receptor
lysosomal protein; binds newly synthe­sized lysosomal hydrolases in the trans-­Golgi network and deliver them to pre-ly­sosomal compar­tments
Secretory proteins
hormones; requires ATP, as it is necessary to fuse two negatively charged membranes to allow its release
Cell-s­urface proteins
phosph­oli­pids; primary route of commun­ication among the cells and the external enviro­nment
protein in the outer membrane of nucleus; enable ion movement to and from mitoch­ondrion
important in killing mechanisms which are indepe­ndent of oxygen
membrane which bounds the vacuole of a plant cell
Lamellar phase
similar to plasma membrane; outer layer enclosing the liquid in vesicle
made up of thylak­oids; sight for the process of light-­dep­endent reactions of the photos­ynt­hesis process
contains grana and is similar to the cytoplasm in cells in which all the organelles are embedded
Stroma Lamellae
flat membranous tubules; connects the thylakoids of the different grana

Module 5 - Non-Me­mbr­ane­-bound Organelles
