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GenBio q1 module Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

+Cell +Biological Molecules

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Module 1 - Charac­ter­istics of Life

Growth and Develo­pment
cell growth and cell division
Maintain Homeos­tasis
maintain approp­riate concen­tra­tions of different chemicals, pH level, optimum temper­ature
succeeding genera­tions thruough sexual or asexual processes
Response to Enviro­nment or Stimuli
adaptation to enviro­nment
Energy Processing
photos­ynt­hetic process
highly organized and coordi­nated cell structures

Life Processes

transfer places with the use of specia­lized structures like flagella, cilia and pseudo­podia
exhibits a metabolic pathway that breaks down glucose and produces adenosine tripho­sphate (ATP)
act on sensing a stimulus and at the same time responding to it
increase the size of each individual cell or increase of the number of cells
formation of new cells by the process of cell division to replace or repair old cells
get rid of by-pro­ducts due to metabolic processes which maybe toxic
break down food, into simple molecules that can be absorbed and be utilized


adaptation of an organ or part to serve a special function
Merist­hematic Tissue
includes undiff­ere­ntiated cells that are capable of specia­liz­ation; most action takes place here
physical separation of the two daughter cells; where cell division ends
state of minimal activity and metabolic depression
involu­ntary and lasts for just a few hours during the daytime; not as heavy as hibern­ation
or goosebumps; modifi­cation of the heat exchange, contra­ction of the musculi arrectores pilorumor (MAP)
organisms that can make their own food
Photos­ynt­hetic process
+ Oxygenic photos­ynt­hesis - Light energy transfers electrons from water to carbon dioxide in order to produce carboh­ydr­ates; seen in algae, cynoba­cteria, plants
+ Anoxygenic photos­ynt­hesis - light energy is captured and converted to ATP, without the production of oxygen; doesn't have water as electron donor
Epithelial tissues
line the cavities and surfaces of the body such as the inside of the stomach and the outermost skin layer
Connective tissue
supports, protects and binds certain parts of the body such as muscles, together
Muscular tissues
produce movement by contra­ction and expansion
Nervous tissue
receive stimuli and conduct electrical impulses
Dermal tissue
forms outer covering of plants
Vascular tissue
moves water and nutrients through the plant
Ground tissue
makes up most of plants' bodies and performs majority of bodily functions
Vegetative organs
help sustain plant life; roots and leaves
Reprod­uctive organs
facilitate either sexual or asexual reprod­uction; cones, flowers and fruits
Shoot system
parts above the ground; leaves, and stems
Root system
parts below the ground; roots and tubers
behavior charac­terized by activity during daytime, highly variable temper­ature
active primarily during the twilight period, coldest temper­ature is at dawn
behavior in animals charac­terized by being active during the night and sleeping during the day, constant temper­ature
Human body has 11 systems, while plants only have 2 (shoot and root)

Module 2 - Cell Theory

Develo­pment of Microscope
Zachrias Janssen
Dutch specta­cle­-maker who discovered the first compound microscope which was later disputed
Galileo Galilei
able to make his own microscope because of his knowledge about glass and focal lengths
Antony van Leeuwe­nhoek
“Father of Microb­iol­ogy”, able to discover bacteria and protozoa; called bacteria "­ani­mac­ule­s"
Robert Hooke
coined the term "­cel­l"; published "­Mic­rog­rap­hia­" in 1665
Formation of Postulates
Matthias Schleiden
German botanist, noticed that plants are made up of cells
Robert Schwann
concluded that animals are made up of cells; coined "­Schwann cells", which myelinates the axons of the peripheral nervous system
Rudolf Virchow
"­Father of Modern Pathol­ogy­", published "­Vir­chow's archiv­es" and the aphorism "­every cell stems from another cell"

Postulates of Cell Theory

1. All known living things are made up of cells.
2. The cell is a structural and functional unit of all living things.
3. All cells come from pre-ex­isting cells by division.
1. All cells contain hereditary inform­ation which is passed from cell to cell
during division.
2. All cells are basically the same in chemical compos­ition.
3. All energy flow of life occurs within cells.

Module 3 - Prokar­yotic vs. Eukaryotic cells

All known life are classified into 3 domains: Archea, Bacteria, Eukarya. The organisms in Archea and Bacteria are prokar­yotes while the organisms in Eukarya have eukaryotic cells.

Prokar­yotic cells - simpler and lack the membra­ne-­bound organelles and nucleus; more primitive than eukary­otes, single­-ce­lled.
Eukaryotic cells - single or multic­elllar

Major Difference in Cell Structure
Eukaryotes store their DNA as chromo­somes within the nucleus but prokar­yotes lack the nucleus. Instead, the majority of their DNA is in the nucleoid. Additional DNA pieces, called plasmids, are shaped like rings and reside outside the nucleoid in the cytoplasm.

Differ­ences in Organi­zation
Eukaryotic cells use a specific cell division process called mitosis, while prokar­yotic cells use binary fission.
-Proka­ryotes create an exact copy of themse­lves; though genetic variance occur through transd­uction, which is when virus transmit plasmid containing DNA to bacterial cells (host).
-Eukar­yotes sexually reproduce through meiosis, which maximizes genetic diversity and minimizes mutation.

Simila­rities between Prokar­yotes and Eukaryotes

Both have DNA, plasma membrane, ribosomes for protein synthesis, and cytoplasm

Other Differ­ences

Module 4 - Membra­ne-­bound Organelles

consists of nuclear envelope, chromatin and nucleolus; largest and contains genome
Endopl­asmic Reticulum
major site of synthesis, flattened sac network (ciste­rnae). Its function is closely linked to that of the golgi apparatus and together they form the cell’s secretory route
Rough Endopl­asmic Reticulum
takes proteins from the cytosol and continues its production in the golgi apparatus until completion
Smooth Endopl­asmic Reticulum
lipid, phosph­olipid and steroid synthesis
Golgi Apparatus
packages macrom­ole­cules into vesicles; modifies proteins and lipids from endopl­asmic reticulum
site of ATP synthesis; helps maintain the intrac­ellular enviro­nment, has inner and outer membrane with an interm­embrane space in between
acidic; contain numerous hydrolytic enzymes which catalyze hydrolysis reactions
contain the enzyme catalase which decomposes hydrogen peroxide
acts as a storage for nutrients as well as waste materials to protect the cell from toxicity; helps in mainta­ining an acidic internal pH
facilitate the storage and transport of materials in and outside the cell
produces amino acids and lipids required for the production of chloro­plast membrane; has two distinct regions- grana and stroma


Cell compar­tme­nta­liz­ation
process of select­ively permeable nuclear envelope (separates the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm)
Gene expression
involves first transc­rip­tion, which is the mechanism by which DNA is transc­ribed to mRNA
undergoes a process known as post-t­ran­scr­ipt­ional modifi­cation where molecules are added or removed
Cytochrome p450
enzyme in SER; essential to some drugs and toxins, such as alcohol and barbit­urates, in the metabolism
form of active transport and bulk transport in which a cell transports molecules out of the cell
Protein processing
carboh­ydrate regions of glycop­roteins are altered by addition, removal or modifi­cation of carboh­ydrates
Lipid processing
adds phosphate groups and glycop­roteins to lipids from ER (like choles­terol) to create the phosph­olipids that make up the cell membrane
Mannose 6-phos­phate receptor
lysosomal protein; binds newly synthe­sized lysosomal hydrolases in the trans-­Golgi network and deliver them to pre-ly­sosomal compar­tments
Secretory proteins
hormones; requires ATP, as it is necessary to fuse two negatively charged membranes to allow its release
Cell-s­urface proteins
phosph­oli­pids; primary route of commun­ication among the cells and the external enviro­nment
protein in the outer membrane of nucleus; enable ion movement to and from mitoch­ondrion
important in killing mechanisms which are indepe­ndent of oxygen
membrane which bounds the vacuole of a plant cell
Lamellar phase
similar to plasma membrane; outer layer enclosing the liquid in vesicle
made up of thylak­oids; sight for the process of light-­dep­endent reactions of the photos­ynt­hesis process
contains grana and is similar to the cytoplasm in cells in which all the organelles are embedded
Stroma Lamellae
flat membranous tubules; connects the thylakoids of the different grana

Module 5 - Non-Me­mbr­ane­-bound Organelles

Ribosomes - produces protein; attached to rough ER within the cytoplasm. consist of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and ribosomal protein (Humans and other eukaryotes have 3 rRNA strands, while bacteria have 4 rRNA strands). Prokar­yotes consist of 60% rRNA and 40% protein

+ serves as a line of assembly and starts to “read” the mRNA, identifies the corres­ponding tRNA and binds the amino acid to a binding spot.

+ Svedberg units - defined in a centri­fugal field as the sedime­ntation rate of subunits; when placed in centri­fugal chamber, the time it takes for each subunit to reform. The smaller subunits are forming faster than the bigger ones. (Eukar­yotes: 40s and 60s while Prokar­yotes: 30s and 50s)

Centrioles - helps cell divide or make copies of themse­lves; made up of protein strands called microt­ubules. Involved in the formation of the spindle apparatus which functions during cell division.

+ Microt­ubules - mitotic apparatus during mitosis or meiosis and sometimes get arranged just beneath the plasma membrane to form and bear flagella or cilia in flagel­lated or ciliated cells.

A single centriole forms the anchor point or basal body for each individual cilium or flagellum. Basal bodies direct the formation of cilia and flagella as well.

Cytosk­eleton - network of micros­copic molecular filaments found in the cytoplasm of all nucleated eukaryotic cells. Respon­sible for locomotion and preserving the shape of a cell, chromosome movement during cell division and cytoki­nesis.

Structural components of the cytoplasm that help divide chromo­somes in cell division;
+ Mitotic spindle - array of microt­ubular proteins formed in late G-2 following duplic­ation of the centro­somes.
+ Contra­ctile ring - overla­pping array of actin/­myosin proteins; respon­sible for cytoki­nesis, becomes smaller, finally dissecting the cell’s cytoplasm into two separate domains.


comprise hundreds or thousands of smaller units called amino acids (20 types)
provide energy, structural support and cellular commun­ica­tion; plant and fungal cell walls have carboh­ydrate cell walls
made up of fatty acids that can either be saturated or unsatu­rated
Nucleic Acids
single­-celled microo­rga­nisms living in enviro­nments low in oxygen (extre­mop­hiles)
specia­lized part used for movement
jelly-like fluid within in a cell that is composed primarily of water, salts and proteins
organelle used to synthesize proteins
organelle used to synthesize proteins
a functi­oning unit of DNA containing a cluster of genes under the control of a single promoter

Module 6 - Cell Modifi­cations

Animal Tissue
Epithelial Tissue - consists of closely packed sheets of cells covering surfaces- including the outside of the body- and cavities of the body wall (outer layer of skin and lining of small intestine).
- Polarized, have a top and bottom face; closely packed and this helps them to serve as barriers to fluid movement and potent­ially harmful microbes.
- Can have distinct arrang­ements: cuboidal for secretion; simple columnar for secretion and active absorp­tion; simple squamous for exchange of material through diffusion; stratified squamous for protec­tion; and pseudo­-st­rat­ified columnar for lining or respir­atory tract usually lined with cilia.

Connective Tissue - made up of cells that are suspended in an extrac­ellular matrix; supports and binds tissues together. Most abundant and widely used; functions as protec­tion.
- Protein fibers such as collagen and fibrin form the matrix in a solid, liquid or jellylike ground material.
+ Loose Connective Tissue - protecting organs and blood vessels and connecting epithelial tissues to the underlying muscles.
+ Dense or Fibrous Connective Tissue - found in tendons and ligaments which connect muscles to bones and connect bones.
+ Adipose Tissue - specia­lized connective tissue like body fat, bone, cartilage, and blood in which the extrac­ellular matrix is liquid called plasma.

Muscle Tissue - contain actin and myosin proteins which allow them to contract.
+ Skeletal Muscle - striated (striped) and attached by tendons to the bones, which helps to regulate movements consci­ously. (In the quads or biceps)
+ Smooth Muscle - not striated and involu­ntary. (In blood vessel walls, digestive tract walls, uterus, urinary bladder, etc.)
+ Cardiac Muscle - striated; individual fibers are bound by structures called interc­alated disks, allowing them to contract synchr­ono­usly. (In the walls of the heart)

Nervous Tissue - collects and transmits inform­ation through detecting stimuli. Has 2 cell types:
+ Neurons or Nerve cells - nervous system’s main functi­oning structure; generates nerve impulses which allow neurons to transmit inform­ation.
+ Glia - promotes neuronal activity.

Plant Tissue
Dermal Tissue - covers and protects the plant and monitors exchange of gases and absorption of water in roots.
+ Stomata - specia­lized pores that allow exchange of gas through cuticular holes.
+ Root hairs - or root epidermal cell extens­ions; increase the root surface area, contri­buting signif­icantly to the absorption of water and minerals.

Vascular Tissue - transports water, minerals, and sugars into different parts of the plant.
+ Xylem Tissue - brings water and nutrients from the roots throughout the plant; plays a role in stem structural support.
+ Phloem Tissue - brings organic compounds from the photos­ynt­hesis site throughout the plant.

Ground Tissue - performs different functions depending on the type and position of the cells in the plant, including:
+ Parenchyma - photos­ynt­hesis in the leaves and storage in the roots.
+ Collen­chyma - adds flexib­ility and support in areas of active growth or young plants.
+ Schler­enchyma - adds rigidity and support in areas where growth has stopped or adult plants.

Cell Modifi­cation that Lead to Adaptation

Apical Modifi­cations - surface or luminal; for secretion, absorp­tion, and movement.
+ Microvilli - or brush/­str­iated border; finger­-like cytopl­asmic extensions of the apical surface which expands surface area that helps in absorp­tion. (Found in absorptive epithe­lia).
+ Cilia - for movement or motility. short hair-like structures or projec­tions; its core is composed of microt­ubules, each cilium is connected to a basal body and extends from the free surface.
+ Flagella - have the same axial structure with cilia but longer; also functions for movement. (Present in the tail of sperma­tozoa).

Basal Modifi­cations - base; for structural support and barrier.
+ Basal Infoldings - support the epithelium and also functions as a passive molecular sieve or ultraf­ilter. (Present in mitoch­ond­ria).

Lateral Modifi­cations - sides of the tissue; provide barrier and cell-cell commun­ica­tion.
+ Tight Junctions - interc­ellular adhesion complexes in epithelia and endothelia that control parace­llular permea­bility (this parace­llular diffusion barrier is semipe­rme­able).
- Form the border between the apical and basola­teral cell surface domains in polarized epithelia and support the mainte­nance of cell polarity by restri­cting interm­ixing of apical and basola­teral transm­embrane compon­ents.
+ Adherence Junctions - element of the cell-cell junction in which cadherin receptors bridge the neighb­oring plasma membranes via their hemophilic reactions.
- The actin filaments which make up zonula adherens maintain integrity of the cell to better bind.

Module 7 - Cell Membrane: Phosph­olipid Bilayer

Cell Membrane - select­ively permeable; barrier that separates the cytoplasm from the cell’s outer surrou­ndings, receive and respond to stimuli.
- Made up of 4 different molecules: phosph­olipid, proteins, choles­terol, and carboh­ydr­ates.

+ Phosph­olipid Bilayer - two-layer of phosph­olipid oriented in opposite direction.
+ Phosph­olipid - consists of a glycerol molecule bonded to a phosphate “head” group and two fatty-acid “tails”.
- Has two ends: Phosphate head end which is hydrop­hilic due to its polarity, and a tail end of two chains of fatty acids which is hydrop­hobic.
- It is amphip­hilic or amphipatic since it has both hydrop­hobic and hydrop­hilic proper­ties.
- Two layers of hydrop­hilic head face intrac­ellular and extrac­ellular fluid respec­tively; the hydrop­hobic end is in the middle, allowing the semipe­rmeable membrane to work.

- This means that nonpolar molecules like oxygen gas, carbon dioxide, and lipids can pass freely, while large polar molecules like glucose are hindered.

Module 8 - Cell Membrane: Proteins and Others

Membrane Proteins - can further be classified based on location and function.

Based on Location
+ Integral Proteins - or intrinsic proteins are embedded entirely in the lipid bilayer; extends such that each end reaches the inside and outside of the cell respec­tively.
- Cannot easily be removed without the use of strong detergent .
+ Peripheral Proteins - less mobile; attached to either inner or outer layer of the phosph­olipid bilayer.
- They are easily separable from the lipid bilayer without harming it.

Based on Function
+ Ion Channels - very narrow tube-s­haped protein that help establish a tiny pore in the cell membrane (open and close for Na+,K+, Cl, Ca+2.).
+ Transp­orter or Carrier Proteins - help transport too large molecules such as glucose and amino acids to go through ion channels.
- Enzymes are chemicals that catalyze and causes chemical reactions to occur.
- Receptor Site Proteins help cells commun­icate with their external enviro­nment through the use of hormones, neurot­ran­smi­tters, and other signaling molecules. (Cells can have up to 20).
- Recogn­ition Sites or Cell Identity Markers are glycop­roteins (carbo­hyd­rates attached to proteins); always on the outside surface and recognize foreign cells. (White Blood Cells for ex.)
+ Choles­terol - stable; helps the cell membrane maintain the approp­riate level of fluidity by managing the space between phosph­oli­pids.

*The cell membrane is a fluid mosaic model because the structure of the membrane is flexible and fluid rather than a rigid solid barrier, and it is composed of different parts like a mosaic.

Parts of Cell Membrane

A - Phosph­olipid Bilayer
B - Integral Protein
C - Glycop­rotein
E - Glycol­ipids
F - Fatty Acid Tails
G - Phosphate Heads
H - Peripheral Protein
I - Choles­terol

Module 9 - Membrane Transport: Passive Transport

Passive Transport - does not require the cell to exert any of itsenergy to accomplish the movement.
- Involves diffusion; substances simply move from an area of higher concen­tration to an area of lower concen­tra­tion. (Conce­ntr­ation is higher inside the cell).

Factors Affecting Rate of Diffusion
Concen­tration Gradient - Direct propor­tion.
Temper­ature - Direct propor­tion.
Mass of Particles - Inverse propor­tion.
Solvent Properties - Inverse propor­tion; density and viscosity of solvent.

Types of Passive Transport - Simple Diffusion, Facili­tated Diffusion, and Osmosis.
Simple Diffusion - substance moves down its concen­tration gradient without the use of transport proteins. (Lipids and nonpolar molecules pass easily)
Facili­tated Diffusion - materials diffuse across the plasma membrane with the help of membrane proteins.
- With channel proteins, the transm­embrane proteins present in the membrane act like a pore, in which it allows the transport of molecules.
- Molecules bind in carrier proteins which result in some confor­mat­ional changes in the molecules, facili­tating the movement across the membrane in the intrac­ellular space.

Module 10 - Passive Transport: Osmosis

Osmosis - water molecules pass in a select­ively permeable membrane; solution with higher concen­tration will attract or absorb the solvent from another solution.
Osmotic Pressure - causes the water to diffuse through select­ively permeable membranes; directly propor­tional to the solute concet­ration.
Isotonic Solution - The concen­tration of solutions inside and outside of the cell is equal, thus the water movement is balanced. (Iso - equal, tonicity - relative concen­tration of solutes in the water inside and outside the cell).
Hypertonic Solution - The solute concen­tration on the outside is higher; causing crenation (water moves out of the cell, causing the cell to shrink and shrivel) of RBC. (Hyper - above).
Hypotonic Solution - the solute concen­tration is lower outside; which causes the cell to burst. (Hypo - under).
- Plants have rigid cell wall so it is ideal for hypotonic solution, causing it to become turgid or swollen.
Turgor pressure - or hydros­tatic pressure is the resulting force of water against the cell wall; prevents the further net intake of water.
Plasmo­lysis - caused by hypertonic solution on plant cell, causing it to be flaccid or limp; can be reversed through deplas­mol­ysis.
Incipient Plasmo­lysis - caused by isotonic solution on plant cell; not turgid nor flaccid causing the greens of the plant to droop. (Incipient - about to be).

Difference of Concen­tra­tions on Cells

Module 11 - Active Transport

Active Transport - uses transport protein to move a substance against its concen­tration gradie­nt—from an area of lower concen­tration to an area of higher concen­tra­tion.
Carrier Proteins:
Uniporters - transport a single type of molecule or ion. (Ca2+ ATPase & H+ ATPase)
Symporters - transport two molecules or ions in the same direction. (Glucose – Na+ ATPase).
Antipo­rters - transport two molecules or ions in the opposite direct­ions.(Na+ – K+ ATPase & H+ – K+ ATPase).
Electrical Gradient - Difference in the charge of molecules in the cell.
Membrane Potential - difference in the electrical potential (voltage) across their cell membrane.
- An electrical potential difference is present whenever there is a net separation of charges in space.
Cell membrane - separates negative and positive charges; the inside of the cell is more negative.

Carrier Proteins

Module 12 - Bulk Transport: Endo- & Exocytosis

Transport Vesicle - small sac that can pinch off or fuse with a cell membrane; used for larger molecules to enter or leave the cell.
Bulk Transport - mode of transport of large quantities of materials and food particles across the membrane. (Endoc­ytosis and Exocyt­osis).
Endocy­tosis - cell membrane engulfs fluids or large molecules to bring them into the cell. The plasma membrane of the cell invagi­nates and pinches off into the cell.
+ Phagoc­ytosis - "cell eating­"; large particles, such as cells or relatively large particles, are taken in by a cell. Single­-celled eukaryotes called amoebas also use phagoc­ytosis to hunt and consume their prey. (Phagein - to eat; cyto - cell).
+ Pinocy­tosis - "cell drinki­ng"; takes in molecules, including water, which the cell needs from the extrac­ellular fluid. It results in a much smaller vesicle than does phagoc­ytosis, and the vesicle does not need to merge with a lysosome.
+ Recept­or-­med­iated endocy­tosis - receptor proteins on the cell surface are used to capture a specific target molecule (mostly in low concen­tra­tion).
- Might bring toxins to the cell (Flu viruses, diphth­eria, and cholera).
Coat Protein - receptor found on the cytopl­asmic side of the pit. (Clathrin)

Exocytosis - materials are transp­orted from the inside to the outside of the cell in membra­ne-­bound vesicles that fuse with the plasma membrane. (Secretion of proteins and neurot­ran­smi­tters).

Bulk Transport

Module 13 - Cell Cycle

longest event in the cell cycle; prepar­ation of the cell for the successful cell division.
+ First Gap (G1 phase)
cell is active; grows larger, duplicates the organe­lles, and makes the molecular building blocks needed for the next steps.
+Synthesis Phase (S phase)
DNA replic­ation occurs; Duplic­ation of centro­somes, needed in the separation of chromo­somes in M phase. (Takes a lot of time).
+ Second Gap (G2 phase)
cell grows contin­uously; making more proteins, duplic­ating the organe­lles.
Major Checkp­oints
+ Restri­ction Point
ensures that the cell size is large enough to divide; checks if the nutrients and proteins reserves are enough for the daughter cells.
+ Second Gap
ensures that the DNA have been accurately replicated without mistake or damage.
+ Metaphase
ensures that the chromo­somes are attached to the spindle microt­ubules.
Gap 0 (G0 phase) - resting phase where cells that would not undergo cell division rest and wait for a signal to divide or stay to preserve its physio­logic function.

What Triggers Checkp­oints?

p53 (Tumor Suppressor Gene)
“the guardian of the genome”; prevents gene mutation through growth arrest, DNA repair and apoptosis (cell death).
regula­tors; enzymes that combine phosphate groups to other molecules like sugars and proteins.
+ Cyclins
activating proteins that bind to a kinase to form Cdk complex.
+ Cyclin­-De­pendent Kinases
activates or deacti­vates another protein through phosph­ory­lating them.

Module 14 - Mitosis

two new daughter cells are generated having the same number of chromosome (diploid) as the parent cell (2n).
+ Prophase
starts when chromatin is visible; mitotic spindle begins to form, and kineto­chore microt­ubules start capturing the chromo­somes.
+ Metaphase
chromo­somes assemble at the metaphase plate; centro­meres are at the center, and centro­somes are now at the opposite poles of the cell.
+ Anaphase
shortest stage; sister chromatids start to part because the kineto­chore microt­ubules shorten.
+ Telophase
chromo­somes become less dense; two daughter nuclei form in the cell.
+ Cytoki­nesis
cytoplasm divides the two daughter cells; happens when cleavage furrow is visible.
Karyok­inesis - division of a cell nucleus.
Kineto­chore - proteins found in the centromere (regions of DNA where sister chromatids are connec­ted).
- In a normal human; 2n = 46 (2n = diploid, 46 = chromo­somes)
- Plant cells skip cytoki­nesis since cell plate is produced in the middle along the perimeter to divide.

Mitosis stages

No. of sister chroma­tids, centro­meres, chromo­somes

Metaphase - 23 sister chroma­tids, 23 centro­meres
Anaphase - 0 sister chroma­tids, 46 centro­meres
Telophase - 46 chromo­somes

Module 15 - Signif­icance of Mitosis

blastula folds inward and enlarges to create a gastrula; for organ develo­ping.
Cell Repair
wounds would be healed and be repaired.
Stem Cells
like clay that is ready to be molded to get a specific shape; replace dead cells.
Effects of Cell Division Error
caused by malfun­ction of p53 tumor suppressor gene where damaged daughter cells contin­uously divide.
progre­ssive damage in nerve cells from too much cell death by apoptosis (cell suicide).
+ Alzhei­mer's
most widespread and known; neurons are able to re-enter and cell cycle re-entry can lead to apoptosis.
+ Huntin­gton's
inherited disorder charac­terized by neuronal dysfun­ction and degene­ration in striatum and cerebral cortex.
- Cell deaths are results of overex­pre­ssion of huntin­gti­n-i­nte­ractive protein (HIP-1) that is said to be a proapo­ptotic protein.
+ Parkin­son's
target neurons respon­sible for movements; misfolding of protein called alpha-­syn­uclein in nerve cells leads to protein deposits that are toxic to neurons contro­lling voluntary movements.
Applic­ation of Mitosis in Other Discip­lines
cloning is used; Hortic­ulture for example.
Tissue Culture - fragments of tissue from an animal or plant are transf­erred to an artificial enviro­nment in which they can continue to survive and function, & Stem Cells

Module 14 - Meiosis

Meiosis I
or Reduction Division; number of chromo­somes of the daughter cells are half of the parents’ (haploid).
+ Prophase I
includes the disapp­earance of nucleoli, breaking down of nuclear membrane, formation of spindle fiber, and movement of centro­somes.
visible; chromo­somes have coiled and condensed.
chromo­somes pair up with its homologue partner (synapsis).
crossi­ng-over occurs; parts of the homologous chromo­somes are recombined (genetic recomb­ina­tion).
tetrad begins to separate and chiasma becomes evident.
chromatids became more condensed and the chiasma move towards the ends of chromo­somes (termi­nal­iza­tion).
+ Metaphase I
homologous pair at the center and facing both sides of the poles; kineto­chore microt­ubules are attached to one of the kineto­chores of the homologous pair.
+ Anaphase I
synapt­onemal complex breaks down, causing the homologous chromo­somes to start separating and move towards the opposite poles.
+ Telophase I
sister chromatids are already at the opposite poles; chromo­somes start decond­ensing and the nuclear envelopes form.
The result of meiosis I is two daughter cells with only one set of chromo­somes (haploid).
Meiosis II
sister chromatids separate, making haploid cells with non-du­pli­cated chromo­somes.
+ Prophase II
spindle apparatus forms from the centro­somes; chromo­somes are still composed of two chromatids associated at the centromere (dyad).
+ Metaphase II
centro­meres are at the metaphase plate; kineto­chore microt­ubules are attached to the kineto­chores of each sister chroma­tids.
+ Anaphase II
sister chromatids (monads) start separating from each other; individual chromo­somes move towards the opposite poles.
+ Telophase II
chromo­somes uncoil and extend; nuclear membrane starts to form together with cytoki­nesis where cleavage furrow happens.
Meiosis produces four (4) daughter cells that are distinct to each other and from the parent cell, n = 23.

Meiosis Stages

Mitosis vs Meiosis

Module 17 - Gameto­genesis

Gameto­genesis - diploid (2n) cell undergoes a meiotic cell division to become haploid sex cells.
+ Sperma­tog­enesis - production of millions of sperma­tozoa (sperms) each day through meiosis from primordial germ cells.
Divided into two parts:
Sperma­toc­yto­genesis - There are over 1 billion sperma­togonia in male which form the basal layer of the germinal epithelium and catego­rized into two: Type A and Type B sperma­tog­onia.
Type A sperma­tog­onium - undergo mitosis and produces two daughter cells (Type B sperma­tog­onium and primary sperma­toc­yte).
Type B sperma­tog­onium - from Type A and will repeat mitosis.
Primary Sperma­tocyte - undergoes interphase and meiosis I; produces 2 haploid daughter cells (secondary sperma­toc­ytes).
Secondary Sperma­tocyte - undergoes meiosis II; produces 4 haploid daughter cells (sperm­atids).
Spermi­oge­nesis - spermatids move to the lumen (part of the semini­ferous tubule) and undergo differ­ent­iation to become sperm cells.

FSH (Follicle Stimul­ating Hormone) releases Sertoli cells that trigger sperma­tog­enesis; LH (Luten­izing Hormone) releases testos­terone when it reaches the testes.

+ Oogenesis - production of female gametes (ova) within ovaries (sometimes in oviduct).
Oogania - or ovarian stem cells; formed during fetal develo­pment.
- starts when primordial germ cells move to primordial gonad and undergo continuous mitosis.
Primary Oocytes - about 2 million cells that will undergo meiosis I; which are then arrested in prophase I until puberty.

FSH will trigger the contin­uation of division of the primary oocytes. They will then finish meiosis I with 2 unequal size daughter cells: secondary oocyte and first polar body respec­tively. Proges­terone and Estrogen stimulate oogenesis

Secondary Oocyte - meiosis II but get arrested at metaphase II UNLESS fertilized by sperm and will form another polar body.
- Once meiosis II finishes, the mature egg forms an ovum, before joining its nucleus with the sperm's nucleus to form a zygote.
- The first polar body may also undergo meiosis II to form a third polar body when produced together with the secondary oocyte.



Sperma­tog­enesis vs Oogenesis

Signif­icance of Meiosis

main reprod­uction of gametes (haplo­ids).
produced by follicle cells in the ovaries of the female organism and in plants.
carries biological inform­ation in producing new organism when joined with egg cell.
combining the parents' DNA that produces unique features of offspring.
abnorm­ality in the number of chromo­somes.
there is an excessive copy of chromosome (normally it is a pair (2) but in these cases, there are 3 chromo­somes)
Trisomy 21
or Down Syndrome; excess chromosome in chromosome 21.
pairs of homologous chromo­somes or the sister chromatids fail to separate during anaphase I or anaphase II.
Klinef­elter Syndrome (XXY)
having an extra x chromosome on males, one of the signs of having this syndrome is enlarged breast, little to no sperms, no body hair, and broader hips.
XYY Syndrome
also only happens to males; no distinct physical features and mostly show behavioral differ­ence.
Trisomy X (XXX)
happens to females; widely spaced eyes, abnormally curved pinky fingers, flat feet and abnormally shaped breast­bone. They also have kidney abnorm­ali­ties, and ovarian abnorm­ali­ties.
Monosomy X
or Turner's Syndrome; females do not mature sexually during puberty.
- web like neck, finger­nails and toenails that are narrow and turned upward, slightly smaller than average height at birth and short fingers and toes.
Chromo­somal Altera­tions
fragment joins the homologous chromo­some, then that region is repeated.
part of the chromosome is lost during the cell division and the result is mostly lethal.
Cri du chat - small part of chromosome 5 is missing.
small part of the chromosome is moved to another chromo­some.
Reciprocal Transl­ocation - there is an exchange with the parts of chromo­some.
section of DNA breaks away from a chromosome and then reattaches to the chromosome in reversed order.
one nucleotide is replaced by a different nucleo­tide.

Chromo­somal Abnorm­alities

Module 9 - Membrane Transport: Passive Transport


Module 9 - Membrane Transport: Passive Transport
