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Passive Form Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Passive FormPassive FormPassive FormPassive Form

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Passive Form Uses 【敬語】けいご

Used to express your feelings (like you are a victim) towards someon­e/e­lse’s action (upset, happy, embarr­assed, etc.) or you’re trying to think from the victim’s POV. This is an indirect passive wherein someone does something to a person causing that person to be unhappy.
(Subje­ct/­Victim) は (Doer) に (Passive Verb)
Transi­tive: あいつに笑らわれた。 "He laughed at me!" (and I'm upset)
Intran­sitive: 昨日雨の降ら­れた。­"I got rained on yesterday
Used to speak from the speaker's perspe­ctive / to keep the subject "­I". (He told me → I was told by him)
(Subje­ct/­Victim) は (Doer) に (Passive Verb)
【彼氏】かれ­しに【­振る】­ふられた。 My bf dumped me (and I'm not happy).
-The direct object is now the topic and the focus of the sentence which will take は/が
Used when emphasis is on the direct object
寿司を田中さ­んに作­られた。The sushi was made by Tanaka.
Doer is not important or unknown (eg. reports, news)
100万円が­盗まれた。1 million yen was stolen.
2 kinds of Passive:
1) Direct = verb is transitive only
Transi­tive: あいつに笑らわれた。 "He laughed at me!" (and I'm upset)
2) Indirect = verb can be transitive or intans­itive (also known as suffering passive)
Intran­sitive: 昨日雨の降ら­れた。­"I got rained on yesterday
The passive form in regular sentence constr­uction turns the sentence into honorific.
東京に行かれ­ますか­。"Will you go to Tokyo?­"
By (someo­ne/­som­ething) to denote the doer is indicated by particles:
✤ に (most commonly used)、
✤ によって、
✤ から
★ In active voice, the subject is doing the action of the verb.
★ In passive voice, the subject is receiving the action of the verb or being acted upon, and the verb is accomp­anied by a helping (auxil­iary) verb such as is, are, was, were, has, have, been.
★ In passive form, the person in front of the に particle is the one that who did the action.

V - Passive あれる / られる Conjug­ation

G 1 -
G 2 - いる / える
G 3
Change to: あれる
Change to: られる
する : される
行く → 行かれる
-Conju­gates the same way as potential form
くる : こられる
かう → 買われる
(ら canNOT be omitted)
話す → 話される
食べる → 食べられる
-Use active verbs turned into a passive form
Ex. eat, drink, watch, open, close
-Somet­imes, the doer is unknown
-Somet­imes, the indirect object is the subject or topic

(Doer) は (Target) に (Object) を (Regular Verb)
(Target) は (Doer) に (Object) を (Passive Verb)


My mother asked me to go shopping.

I was asked to go shopping by my mother.

I was bitten by a dog.

Keeping the subject "­­I"

★★ Used to speak from the speaker's perspe­ctive / to keep the subject "­I". (He told me → I was told by him)
My bf dumped me. (but there is no nuance that you are upset, it only sounds like you are stating the fact.)
My bf dumped me (and I'm not happy).
I asked my friend, "­Please take a pictur­e!"
I was asked by my friend, "­Please take a pictur­e!"
❗️❗️Note: Although passive form is used when you feel like you're the victim, this grammar can also be used by speaking from your perspe­ctive. You can be happy, upset, embarassed but it always depends on your tone of voice.

(Object) は/を (Doer) に (Passive Verb)

"Noun has been... V"
❗️❗️Note: In the Passive Form, sometimes there is ambiguity. Context particles are important to distin­guish the meaning of the sentence.
は (nothing offensive)
を (offen­sive)
(Object) は <Pa­ssi­ve>。
(Object) を <Pa­ssi­ve>。
~is <pa­ssive (e.g. built / destroyed / made)>
-Someone did something and I’m upset.
-No nuance of the speaker getting offended. Just to sound more formal.
-If there is no need/don't care to mention the doer of the action, we can make the object as the Topic by using the particle は/が。
この家は20­09年­にたてられた。 This house was built in 2009.
家を立ってらていた。 The house was built (and I’m upset).
ドアは開けら­れました。 The door was opened (by somebody).
兄にドアを開­けられました。 My brother opened the door (and I’m upset).
【窓】まどは­田中さ­んに開­けられた。 The window was opened by Tanaka­-san.
【窓】まどを­田中さ­んに開­けられた。 The window was opened by Tanaka-san (and I’m annoyed).
【次】つぎの­オリン­ピック­は東京­で【行­う】お­こなわれます。 The next Olympics is going to be held in Tokyo.

Express feelings (upset, embara­ssed)

★★ In Passive Form, you do not need to add any swear words in the sentence as it is already implied by using the passive verb.
Plain Verb
(Subje­ct/­Victim) は (Doer) に (Passive Verb)
(V-てしまう / ちゃう
Someone does ~ and the speaker is upset
(Subject) does ~ and regrets
-Used to express your feelings (like you are a victim) towards someon­e/e­lse’s action (upset, happy, embarr­assed, etc.) or you’re trying to think from the victim’s POV.
-The speaker is regret­tin­g/feel guilty of his own action / accide­ntally or uninte­nti­onally
There is no need to use swear words, you can always convey your emotions by conjug­ating the verb.
-When you’re the speaker and speaks from other people’s perspe­ctive and thinks that he/she regrets his own action.
-Used when you’re the victim and you’re trying to think from the victim’s (you are siding) POV
-Express the feeling that it is a shame that it happened “Didn't mean to; not on purpose”
V-てしまう / ちゃう
見た。I/She saw it.
見られた! They saw me.
見ちゃった! I saw it! (accid­ent­ally; and I regret; OH NO). (Witness)
(And I’m upset that they saw me.) (Criminal) (DAMN)
Somebody saw me naked (and I'm upset).
あいつは笑った。 That guy (He) smiled­/la­ughed. (No nuance of the speaker getting offended.)
あいつに笑ら­われた。He laughed at me! (and I'm upset)
トムはエミリ­ーの【­携帯】­けいた­いを見た。 Tom saw Emily's phone. (Just a statement)
(私は)エミ­リーに­【携帯­】けい­たいを­見ちゃ­った。­Emily saw/looked at my phone (and I'm upset).
(私は)エミ­リーの­【携帯­】けい­たいを­見ちゃった。 I saw Emily's phone (and I regret / accide­nta­lly).
どこでも寝(­ら)れる。I can sleep anywhere. (Poten­tial)
食べすぎちゃった。 I ate too much (and I regret).
Akira took a picture of me.
Akira took a picture of me (and I'm not happy). / I was taken a photo of by Akira.
(No nuance of the speaker getting offended.)
❗️❗️Note: You do not have to add 私 as the passive form already implied that you 9as the subject) are the victim.
I'll open it (for you). (Sometimes in English, we say "I can". But in Japanese, we do not use any forms).
(Can mean 'can open' or 'somebody opened and I'm annoyed' as potential and passive G2 verbs have the same conjug­ation).
That customer ate so much (and I'm not happy).
Even though­/In­spite of the fact that I'm talking, my kouhai fell asleep on me. (How annoying!) (Would not use 'while'. のに (event­hough / inspite of) is better)
My bf spoiled the story (and I'm upset).
My boyfriend cheated on me (and I’m upset). 

P2 did something to Target's belonging

Basic: (Doer) は/が (Target) の (Object) を (Regular Verb)
Passive: (Target) に (Doer) は (Object) を (Passive Verb)
Favor: (Receiver) は (Doer) に (V- てもらう)
Someone did something to my belonging that made me annoye­d/upset
Someone did something for me that I'm grateful for (as a favour)
弟が私の PS 4を壊しました。
(私は)弟にPS 4を壊す】こ­­わさ­れ­ました。
My little brother broke my PS4.
I got my PS4 broken by my little brother.
I had my friend repair my laptop.
I had my friend repair my laptop (and I'm upset.
I had my friend repair my laptop.
I got my hand bitten by a cat.
I had my camera stolen by a thief.
I had my clothes dirtied by my dog.
I got my foot stepped on by the man in front of me.

(Inven­ted­/di­sco­vered) “By someone”

★★(Inv­ent­ed/­dis­cov­ered) “By someone” (Someone) + によって + (Passive V)
(Someone) + によって + (Passive V)
Noun) + により + (Passive V)
Vocabs used:
アイフォン はアップル【­社】し­ゃによ­り発明­されま­した】­はつめ­いさレました。
【彫刻】ちょ­うこく­:carve; sculpt
Instant noodles were invented by the Japanese.
iPhones are released by Apple.
【彫る】ほる:to carve; to engrave; to sculpt; to chisel; to tattoo
The statue of David was sculpted by Michel­­an­gelo.
The telephone was invented by Bell.
This vaccine was discovered by a Japanese scientist.

Direct and Indirect Passive

INDIRECT PASSIVE (Suffering Passive)
-Use active verbs turned into a passive form
Indirect Object: To whom something is done
Ex. eat, drink, watch, open, close
-Someone did something to a person and that caused the person to be unhappy or happy.
-Somet­imes, the doer is unknown
-The subject of the sentence is the victim.
-Somet­imes, the indirect object is the subject or topic
-THe verb in an indirect passive can be originally a transitive or intran­sitive.
The cake will be eaten by the children.
The recipe is passed on by the mother to the daughter.
(When translated to Japanese, there is no way of knowing the recipient and doer if we use the particle に; hence, から will be used.
The sushi was made by Ms Tanaka.
The iPhone was invented by Apple.
The change was handed over by the waitress to the customer.
The customer was handed the change by the waitress.
The money was stolen.
The man was killed.

【盗む】ぬすむ:to steal
【渡す】わたす:to hand over; to hand in; to pass; to give; to transfer

Combined with other Conjug­ation

V-たくない­:Don't want to
I don't want to be told by you, you know.
V-ても:Even if
Even if I'm thought of badly by others, I don't sweat (don't mind).
Condit­ional Form
If you will be called, will you come?
てもいい:May I?
Are you okay being laughed at?
Where are the books that was thrown out?
V-てしまう­:un­for­tun­ately; regret
He was unfort­unately seen cheating by the teacher.