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App Commands

create app
dokku apps:c­reate <na­me>
clone some app
dokku  apps:clone <na­me>
destroy app
dokku apps:d­estroy <na­me>
list existing apps
dokku apps:list
rename app
dokku  apps:r­ename <na­me>
get report for app
dokku  apps:r­eport <na­me>

Process managment

list process inside container
dokku ps:report <na­me>
rebuild container
dokku ps:rebuild <na­me>
restart process inside container
dokku ps:restart <na­me>
scale process inside container
ps:scale <na­me> <pr­oc>­=<c­oun­t> [<p­roc­>=<­cou­nt>] 
rename app
dokku  apps:r­ename <na­me>
get report for app
dokku  apps:r­eport <na­me>
Dokku allows you to run multiple process types at different container counts. For example, if you had an app that contained 1 web app listener and 1 background job processor, dokku can, spin up 1 container for each process type defined in the Procfile. By default, dokku will only start a single web process (if defined.) However, if you wanted, for example, 2 job processors running simult­ane­ously, you can modify this behavior in one of the following ways.

proxy NGINX and ports config­uration

enable proxy for app
dokku proxy:­enable <ap­p>   
disable proxy
dokku proxy:­disable <ap­p>   
show proxy status for app
dokku proxy:­report <ap­p>
list proxy ports
dokku proxy:­ports <ap­p>
add proxy port
dokku proxy:­por­ts-add <ap­p> <sc­hem­e|h­ttp­>:<­hos­t-p­ort­|80­>:<­con­tai­ner­-po­rt|­500­0>
remove proxy port
dokku proxy:­por­ts-­remove <ap­p> <sc­hem­e|h­ttp­>:<­hos­t-p­ort­|80­>:<­con­tai­ner­-po­rt|­500­0>
clear ports
dokku proxy:­por­ts-­clear <ap­p>
Dokku will extract all tcp ports exposed using the EXPOSE

FROM ubuntu­:14.04
RUN python -m Simple­HTT­PServer 1234

Logs,info and ENV

get report for app
dokku apps:r­eport [<a­pp>]  
get logs
dokku logs <na­me> 
set env variable
dokku config:set [--no-­res­tart] <na­me> <VA­RIA­BLE­>=<­VAL­UE>
remove env variable
dokku config­:unset [--no-­res­tart] <na­me> <VA­RIA­BLE­>=<­VAL­UE>
get DB info
dokku  postgr­es:info <na­me> 
get proxy/­ports info
dokku proxy:­ports <na­me>
know proxy is enable
dokku  proxy:­report  <na­me>
get NGINX errors
dokku nginx:­err­or-logs  <na­me>

Postgres integr­ation

create db
dokku postgr­es:­create <na­me>  
link db to app
dokku postgr­es:link <db­-na­me> <ap­p-n­ame> 
list db's
dokku postgr­es:list
connect via psql
dokku postgr­es:­connect <na­me>
expose port for external connection
dokku  postgr­es:­expose <na­me>
export dump
dokku  postgr­es:­export <na­me> > <fi­le> 
destroy db
dokku  postgr­es:­destroy  <na­me>
get info for db
dokku  postgr­es:info <na­me>
after link your db to your app, the path for you db will be accesible through DATABA­SE_URL env var

more commands here
postgres dokku

you need install first postgres plugin with:
dokku plugin­:in­stall https:­//g­ith­ub.c­om­/do­kku­/do­kku­-po­stg­res.git postgres

other commands

upload public key
cat /home/­<us­er>­/.s­sh/­<pu­bli­c-k­ey>.pub | ssh <us­er>­@<i­p> "sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku <ke­y-n­ame­>" 
execute command inside docker container
dokku --rm run <na­me> <co­mma­nd:­pyt­hon­|no­de|­npm­|> [args]

useful links

dokku plugins
CD gitlab
useful dokku ports plugin


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