App Commands
create app |
dokku apps:create <name>
clone some app |
destroy app |
dokku apps:destroy <name>
list existing apps |
rename app |
dokku apps:rename <name>
get report for app |
dokku apps:report <name>
Process managment
list process inside container |
rebuild container |
restart process inside container |
scale process inside container |
ps:scale <name> <proc>=<count> [<proc>=<count>]
rename app |
dokku apps:rename <name>
get report for app |
dokku apps:report <name>
Dokku allows you to run multiple process types at different container counts. For example, if you had an app that contained 1 web app listener and 1 background job processor, dokku can, spin up 1 container for each process type defined in the Procfile. By default, dokku will only start a single web process (if defined.) However, if you wanted, for example, 2 job processors running simultaneously, you can modify this behavior in one of the following ways.
proxy NGINX and ports configuration
enable proxy for app |
dokku proxy:enable <app>
disable proxy |
dokku proxy:disable <app>
show proxy status for app |
dokku proxy:report <app>
list proxy ports |
dokku proxy:ports <app>
add proxy port |
dokku proxy:ports-add <app> <scheme|http>:<host-port|80>:<container-port|5000>
remove proxy port |
dokku proxy:ports-remove <app> <scheme|http>:<host-port|80>:<container-port|5000>
clear ports |
dokku proxy:ports-clear <app>
Dokku will extract all tcp ports exposed using the EXPOSE
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1234
Logs,info and ENV
get report for app |
dokku apps:report [<app>]
get logs |
set env variable |
dokku config:set [--no-restart] <name> <VARIABLE>=<VALUE>
remove env variable |
dokku config:unset [--no-restart] <name> <VARIABLE>=<VALUE>
get DB info |
dokku postgres:info <name>
get proxy/ports info |
dokku proxy:ports <name>
know proxy is enable |
dokku proxy:report <name>
get NGINX errors |
dokku nginx:error-logs <name>
Postgres integration
create db |
dokku postgres:create <name>
link db to app |
dokku postgres:link <db-name> <app-name>
list db's |
connect via psql |
dokku postgres:connect <name>
expose port for external connection |
dokku postgres:expose <name>
export dump |
dokku postgres:export <name> > <file>
destroy db |
dokku postgres:destroy <name>
get info for db |
dokku postgres:info <name>
other commands
upload public key |
cat /home/<user>/.ssh/<public-key>.pub | ssh <user>@<ip> "sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku <key-name>"
execute command inside docker container |
dokku --rm run <name> <command:python|node|npm|> [args]
useful links
dokku plugins |
CD gitlab |
useful dokku ports plugin |
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