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Erik Erikson & Psychoanalytic Ego Psychology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Psychoanalytic ego psychology erik erikson

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Formul­ation of Concepts

ego identity formation - develo­pment of a sense of who one is within cultural and enviro­nmental frameworks
epigenetic stages of psycho­social develo­pment - consider ego develo­pment within context of a indivi­duals psycho­social envrio­nment
develo­pmental progre­ssion of human life from birth to old age
ego strengths - 8 stages of human develo­pment
1. psycho­social theory - expanded ego 2. psycho - historical studies - exempl­ifies his theories in the lives of famous indivi­duals balance between the 2


social aspects are emphasized
classical psycho­ana­lysis does not take into account the functions that psycho­ana­lytic ego psychology does.

Marcias 4 identity stages

identity diffusion - unclear sense of who one is (some adoles­cence have not yet experi­enced)
forecl­osure - adopting an identity without going through identity crisis
moratorium - currently going through identity crisis
identity achiev­ement - resolved identity crisis

Ritualisms & ritual­iza­tions

ritualisms - move away from identity, departure from self and culture. (social, destiny, worthi­ness, interp­reting, sancti­fic­ation, moral and identity)
ritual­ization - move toward ones identity and culture, positive of the two


1. numinous - baby sense of holy presence of the mom vs idolism - hero worship
2. judicious ritual­ization - different style between right and wrong vs legalism - letter of the law rather than spirit of the law
3. dramatic ritual­ization - play acting, wearing costumes vs impers­onation -disco­nnected role play
4. formal ritual­ization - child learns method­ology vs formal­ization - meanin­gless formal­ities (craft idiot) blindness to purpose and meaning
5. ritual­ization - coherent set of ideas and ideals vs totalism - fanatic obsession with whats right /ideal
6. affili­ative ritual­ization - sharing of work, friendship and love vs elitism - formation of exclusive groups that are a form of communal narcissism
7. regene­ration - ritual­ization of parent hood vs author­itism - encroa­chment of authority incomp­atible with care
8. integral - ability to integrate the past stages of life vs sapientism - unwise proneness of wisdom
9th stage - shift from materi­alism to the spiritual and cosmic


interd­isc­ipl­inary impact
refuta­bility - maricas identity status = measurable
Hammch­ecks, Domino & Affonso - measure of psycho­social stages

Stages con't