Git WorkFlow - Feature Branching
Create new feature branch
git checkout master
git fetch --all
git pull --rebase
git checkout -b feature/####
Always create feature, fix or hotfix branch from master.
Merge into dev or any enviroment branch
git checkout dev
git fetch --all
git pull --rebase
git merge --no-commit --no-ff feature/####
if have merge conflicts resolve them with any tool. Theb:
git commit -m "Merge feature/### into Dev"
git push origin dev
* --no-commit
Indicates don't create an inmediate commit.
* --no-ff
No fast Fordwards. This keep yout repo history cleaner
Delete branches already on master
git branch -r --merged master
git branch -r | egrep "(*|branch1|branch2)" | sed 's/origin\///' | xargs -n 1 git push origin --delete
* -r includes all remote branches
* "(*|branch1|branch2)" include all branches for first command.
Pull master changes into working branch
git checkout master
git fetch --all
git pull --rebase
git checkout workingbranch
git rebase master
if have merge conflicts resolve them with any tool.
git rebase --continue
git push origin workingbranch
Create RC Branch
git checkout master
git fetch --all
git pull --rebase
git checkout -b RC/1.0.0.#
/Merge or PR all feature branches for the release/
Reset branch
git checkout working branch
git reset --hard
git push origin working branch
Can i merge dev into master? No
Can i merge two features? It's not recommended, but if this is a must, yor can create a third branch, witch contains both features
How often must pull master changes? At least once weeak must pull master changes to all branches
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