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AP Bio Unit 2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

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This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Prokar­yotes vs Eukaryotes

Cell Size

Surface area to volume ratio becomes less favorable as a cell increases in size

Plant Cell Diagram

Animal Cell Diagram


Prokar­yotes vs Eukaryotes

Single circular chromosome is found in a region called the nucleoid, but there is no nuclear membrane and therefore no true nucleus
Membra­ne-­enc­losed nucleus contains cell's linear chromo­somes
No membra­ne-­bound organelles are found in the cytosol (there are ribosomes but they aren't membrane bound)
Many membra­ne-­bound organelles are found in the cytoplasm
Prokar­yotes are much smaller than eukaryotes
Generally, eukaryotes are much larger than prokar­yotes.

Cell Wall

Functions: Protects plant, helps maintain shape, & provides barrier for some substances to enter plant cell
Found outside plasma membrane
Primary component: Cellulose
Perforated (pierced with a hole or holes) by plasmo­desmata (channels that connect plant cells and allow commun­ication and movement of material between cells)