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Yr5 Bio Plants Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Yr5 (KS2) Biology Plants

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

What does a healthy plant need to grow?

Space to Grow

What does a healthy plant need to grow?

Water & Air
Plants take water from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air
They use chloro­phyll to absorb light energy from the Sun to convert water and carbon dioxide into food. The food is called glucose which is a sugar and store of energy
Warmth is essential for growth
Space to Grow
Plants need space to grow to avoid overcr­owding & compet­ition for water, light and mineral salts
Nutrients are found in the soil and are absorbed through plant roots to keep the plant healthy & green

What is an unhealthy plant?

No water = leaves wilt
No light = plants become tall, weak & yellow
No warmth = plants do not grow and are damaged
Too much warmth = dry & shrivelled leaves

Draw a Plant Structure


What is the function of the leaf?

• Makes food through a process called photos­ynt­hesis

• Leaves contain cell structures called chloro­plasts which contain chloro­phyll (a green pigment). Chloro­phyll absorbs light energy from the Sun

• Leaves are wide so they have more area to absorb light

• Leaves are flat so they can capture water

What is the function of a stem?

Transports water and nutrients to rest of plant

• Holds leaves upright and leans leaves towards the Sun

What is the function of the fruit?

• Produced from flowers and the seeds of it will grow into new plants

What is the function of a flower?

Makes seeds for reprod­uction

Pollin­ation is when insects carry pollen from the stamen of one plant to the carpel of another

• Flowers are coloured and scented to attract pollin­ators

What is the function of the root?

Anchors the plant in the soil so it doesn’t blow away

Absorbs water and nutrients and transports to rest of plant

Draw the parts of a Flower

List Female Parts of Flower & Function

Brightly coloured and scented to attract pollin­ators that will transfer pollen from anther of one plant to the stigma of another for pollin­ation to occur
Carpel is the female part of the flower containing the stigma, style and ovary
At the top of the carpel and is sticky to receive pollen from other flowers
At the base of the stigma and supports stigma
At the bottom of the carpel and contains ovules (female sex cells)

List Male Parts of the Flower & Function

The male part of the flower
At the top of the stamen and produces pollen (male sex cells)
At the bottom of the stamen and supports the anther

What is the function of the sepal?

A thick protective layer that protects the flower bud until it opens then provides support

What is the function of the sepal?

A thick protective layer that protects the flower bud until it opens then provides support