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Organizational Behavior (MD2) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

CH 7-11 on Managing People and Organizations

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

McClel­land’s Theory of Needs

A theory that achiev­ement, power, and affili­ation are three important needs that help explain motivation

Two-Factor Theory (need focused)

Motivation (emphasize factors associated with the work itself or with outcomes directly derived from it) and hygiene (Job Condit­ions) are two factors people base job satisf­action.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Within every human being there is a hierarchy of five needs:
•Physi­olo­gical. bodily needs. 

•Safet­y-s­ecu­rity. Security and protection from physical and emotional harm. 


•Esteem: Internal factors (self-­res­pect, autonomy, and achiev­ement), and external factors (status, recogn­ition, and attention) 

•Self-­act­ual­iza­tion. Drive to become what we are capable of becoming; includes 
growth, achieving our potential, and self-f­ulf­ill­ment.

Motivation Potential Score

Predictive analytic using JCM elements


Work Arrang­ements to Motivate Employees

Job Sharing
Partic­ipative management
Repres­ent­ative management
Pay structure

Job Charac­ter­istics Model

Skill variety
Task identity
Task signif­icance
Work structured has a big impact on an indivi­dual’s motiva­tion. These are five core job dimens­ions.

Contem­porary Theories of Motivation

Self-D­ete­rmi­nation Theory
Proposes that people prefer to feel they have control over their actions. Extrinsic rewards for employees are not viewed as coercive, but instead provide inform­ation about competence and relate­dness
Goal Setting Theory
Clear and difficult goals often lead to higher levels of employee produc­tivity
Self-e­fficacy theory
An indivi­dual’s belief that he or she is capable of performing a task.
Reinfo­rcement theory
A theory that behavior is a function of its conseq­uences. • Behavi­orism - A theory that behavior follows stimuli in a relatively unthinking manner. • Social­-le­arning theory
The view that we can learn through both observ­ation and direct experi­ence.
Equity Theory/ Organi­zat­ional Justice
that indivi­duals compare their job inputs and outcomes with those of others and then respond to eliminate any inequi­ties.
Expectancy Theory
the strength of a tendency to act in a certai­n
way depends on
the strength of an expect­ation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attrac­tiv­eness of that outcome to the individual