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WordPress $wpdb Cheat Sheet by

$wpdb functions syntax


$wpdb-­>ge­t_var( 'query' );
$wpdb-­>ge­t_var( 'query', column­_of­fset, row_offset );
Ex: $user_­count = $wpdb-­>ge­t_var( "­SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb-­>us­ers­" );


$wpdb-­>ge­t_r­ow(­'qu­ery', output­_type, row_of­fset);
OBJECT - result will be output as an object.
ARRAY_A - result will be output as an associ­ative array
ARRAY_N - result will be output as a numeri­cally indexed array.


$wpdb-­>ge­t_col( 'query', column­_offset );


$wpdb-­>ge­t_r­esults( 'query', output­_type );
OBJECT - result will be output as a numeri­cally indexed array of row objects.
OBJECT_K - result will be output as an associ­ative array of row objects, using first column's values as keys (dupli­cates will be discarded).
ARRAY_A - result will be output as a numeri­cally indexed array of associ­ative arrays, using column names as keys.
ARRAY_N - result will be output as a numeri­cally indexed array of numeri­cally indexed arrays.


$wpdb-­>in­sert( $table, $data, $format );


$wpdb-­>re­place( $table, $data, $format );


$wpdb-­>up­date( $table, $data, $where, $format = null, $where­_format = null );


$wpdb-­>de­lete( $table, $where, $where­_format = null );




$sql = $wpdb-­>pr­epare( 'query' , value_­par­ame­ter[, value_­par­ameter ... ] );


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