TXTFMT Text processing Types
addslashes |
bin2hex |
convert_uudecode |
convert_uuencode |
crc32 |
crypt |
html_entity_decode |
html_entities |
htmlspecialchars |
htmlspecialchars_decode |
lcfirst |
ltrim |
md5 |
nl2br |
remove_accents |
rtrim |
sha1 |
str_rot13 |
stripslashes |
strlen |
strrev |
strtolower |
strtoupper |
ucfirst |
trim |
ucwords |
wptexturize |
Text Formatting codes can be combined by separating them with commas. The list is processed in left to right order.
Shortcode Attribute Placeholders
{{affiliate.fieldname}} |
{{contact.fieldname}} |
{{cookie.fieldname}} |
{{get.fieldname}} |
{{field.fieldname}} |
{{ip_address}} |
{{post.fieldname}} |
{{random.MIN,MAX}} |
{{session.fieldname}} |
<<:: and ::>> |
Shortcode attribute placeholders only work in Memberium shortcodes.
id |
No Parameters |
id |
GravityForms AutoFill Codes
memb_city |
memb_country |
memb_email |
memb_firstname |
memb_lastname |
memb_phone |
memb_postalcode |
memb_streetaddress1 |
memb_streetaddress2 |
memb_state |
Browser Shortcodes
browser, capture, os, txtfmt, type, user |
capture, txtfmt |
txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
WordPress Shortcodes
capture, leavename, post_id, txtfmt |
alt, capture, default, email, rating, size, title |
url |
capture, field, id, txtfmt, type |
capture, field, id, txtfmt, type |
capture, field, id, txtfmt, type |
button_label, form_id, password_label, redirect, remember_label, show, username_label |
No Parameters |
capture, linktext, url |
domain, expiration, httponly,name, path, secure, value |
automatic, forcejs, target, url |
capture, date_format, txtfmt |
buttontext, emailtext, successurl, template_id |
capture, fieldname, txtfmt |
Secure Content Shortcodes
action_ids, bucket, debug, direct_link, expiring, fus_ids, goals, object, profile, protocol, require_login, tag_ids |
capture, filename, txtfmt |
capture, filename, txtfmt |
authkey, cachetime, capture, field, id, txtfmt, url |
eCommerce Shortcodes
addonly, cardtypes, failureurl, ignoressl, set_default, successurl, tagid |
button_text, date_format, form_class, goal, merchant_id, paid, post, pre, tag_id, unpaid |
action_id, button_url, success_url, error_url, css_class, unavailable_text |
Custom Memberium Fields
value |
capture, fields, separator, txtfmt |
capture, fields, separator, txtfmt |
Miscellaneous Shortcodes
capture ,txtfmt |
url |
capture, txtfmt |
Infusionsoft Shortcodes
call_name, integration |
action_ids, debug, fus_ids, goals, redirect, tagids, url |
fus_id, fus_ids |
class, label, style |
capture, file_id, file_name, text |
capture, file_id, file_name, |
autofill, branding, button_url, cache, capture, form_id, form_url, remove_styles |
fus_id |
fus_id |
tag_id |
action_id, force_sync |
tag |
No Parameters |
Display Shortcodes
fields, separator, txtfmt, capture |
fields, separator, txtfmt, capture, contact_id |
capture, default, name, txtfmt |
capture, date, format, host_timezone, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, default, name, txtfmt |
No Parameters |
capture |
includepassword, name, omit |
date_format, fields, orderby, sort, status |
cache, capture, mode, txtfmt |
capture, contact_id, date_format, default, fields, htmlattr, owner_id, separator, txtfmt |
capture, default, name, txtfmt |
capture, feedurl, txtfmt |
capture, default, name, txtfmt |
capture, default, name, txtfmt |
capture, default, name, txtfmt |
action |
capture, date_format, default, tagids, txtfmt |
capture, delimiter, separator, tagids, txtfmt |
capture, name, op, txtfmt, val |
alt, format |
Conditional Shortcodes
capture, caseinsensitive, not, test, txtfmt, value1, value2 |
capture, not, postid, txtfmt |
days |
capture, txtfmt, until |
capture, not, tagid, tagids, txtfmt |
capture, not, tagid, tagids, txtfmt |
capture, not, txtfmt |
capture, levels, strict, txtfmt |
capture, except_contactid, except_tagid, tagid, txtfmt |
capture, except_contactid, except_tagid, tagid, txtfmt |
No Parameters |
capture, caseinsensitive, not, test, txtfmt, value1, value2 |
capture, caseinsensitive, key, test, txtfmt, value |
capture, caseinsensitive, key, test, txtfmt, value |
capture, caseinsensitive, key, test, txtfmt, value |
capture, caseinsensitive, key, test, txtfmt, value |
capture, name, test, txtfmt, val |
capture, exact, txtfmt |
capture, exact, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, exact, txtfmt |
capture, txtfmt |
capture, fields, txtfmt |
capture, date, date_format, days, months, tagid, txtfmt, weeks |
capture, date, date_format, days, months, tagids, txtfmt, weeks |
capture, not, txtfmt |
capture, not, txtfmt |
memb_getLoggedIn() |
memb_getAffiliateField() |
memb_getUserField() |
memb_hasAllTags() |
memb_hasAnyTags() |
memb_hasMembership() |
memb_hasMembershipLevel() |
memb_hasPostAccess() |
memb_is_loggedin() |
memb_overrideProhibitedAction() |
memb_setUserField() |
memb_getContactField() |
memb_getContactId() |
memb_syncContact() |
memb_setTags() |
memb_setSSOMode() |
memb_getAppName() |
[memb_user_levels] Formatting Codes
%%tagid%% |
%%tagname%% |
%%membershiplevel%% |
%%membershipname%% |
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