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WisP - Membership Plugin Cheat Sheet by

WisP - Membership Plugin For Infusionsoft + WordPress

Step 1. Wordpress Instal­lation

1. Log into your Infusi­onsoft app, and create a Custom Field (Text) called WisP
2. Download the plugin.
3. Install the plugin, navigate to WisP on your WordPress left hand sidebar.
4. Plugin your details: Email, License Key, Infusi­onsoft App, and API key.
5. From the custom field dropdown box, select "­Wis­P" as your custom field.
Keep default settings, and save your HTTP POST Key handy for the next step.

Step 2. Infusi­onsoft Campaign

1. Log into your IS app.
2. Create a Tag "­Grant access to Websit­e".
3. Head to Campaign Builder.
4. Create New Campaign.
5. Drag in a Goal "­Applies a Tag". Keep the trigger as the new Tag you created.
6. Drag in a new Sequence and link it to the first goal.
7. In the sequence, drag in an HTTP POST.
8. Configure the HTTP POST as in this image
9. All fields are CASE SENSITIVE, create them as is!! This is the most likely place for all errors.
10. Create another sequence and configure your welcome email to your users. Make sure you include the following fields in the email -

Username: Contac­t.Email
Password: Contac­t._WisP

Here's an image for reference

11. Here's what your Campaign should look like now.
12. Head in, mark all items Ready, and Publish. All those should become Dark Green.
13. You're done with Infusi­onsoft setup!
Just so that it becomes easier to copy paste, here are all the HTTP POST parameters - please watch your case!

Step 3. Setup an access locked page

1. Log into your Infusi­onsoft account.
2. Create your membership tags (for this example, let's call them Silver and Gold)
3. Note down the Tag IDs. For now, let's assume they're

Silver = 101
Gold = 102

4. Create a new Page.

Step 4. Config­uring Access

On this new page, copy paste the following code:


[WisP level=­"­not­_lo­gge­d_i­n"] Hello there. This content is exclus­ively for our customers.

To continue, please login using the form below.


[WisP level=­"­log­ged­_in­"]
Hi [WisP contac­tfi­eld­="Fi­rst­Nam­e"]!

Thanks for logging in.


[WisP tag="10­1"]
You've purchased the Silver level member­ship. This text is visible to all Silver Tag users.

[WisP tag="10­2"]
You've purchased the Gold level member­ship. This text is visible to all Gold Tag users.

Commonly Used Shortcodes

[WisP level=­"­log­ged­_in­"] Text visible to logged in members [/WisP]
[WisP level=­"­not­_lo­gge­d_i­n"] Text visible to not logged in members [/WisP]
[login­form] <- Generates a WisP Login Form
[WisP tag="12­3"] Only IS users with Tag ID 123 will be able to see this text. [/WisP]
[WisP notag=­"­123­"] IS Users without Tag 123 will see this. [/WisP]
[WisP logout­tex­t=“Log Out” redire­ct=­“ht­tp:­//d­isn­ey.c­om”] <- Logs the user out and sends them to specified URL.
[WisP postty­pe=­"­pos­tid­" postva­lue­="12­3"] <- Embeds PostID 123 inside this page.
[WisP GoalAc­tio­n="C­ALL­-NA­ME" Button­Tex­t="Start Goal"] <- For the logged in contact, will kickstart the Infusi­onsoft Campaign called "­CAL­L-N­AME­"

Multi Tags

A Test Case On Multi Tags
Suppose our Infusi­onsoft applic­ation has 4 tags, A, B, X, Y

And there are 2 users, User1, User2.

User1 : Tags A, B
User2: Tags X, Y

[WisP multi_­tag­="A,­B" multi_­not­ag=­"­X,Y­"] User 1 will be able to see this [/WisP]

[WisP multi_­tag­="X, Y" multi_­not­ag=­"A, B"] User 2 will be able to see this [/WisP]

[WisP multi_­tag­="A" multi_­not­ag=­"­X,Y­"] User 1 will be able to see this [/WisP]

[WisP multi_­tag­="X" multi_­not­ag=­"­A,B­"] User 2 will be able to see this [/WisP]

[WisP multi_­tag­="A,­B,X­,Y"] None of them can see this [/WisP]

[WisP multi_­not­ag=­"­A,B­,X,­Y"] None of them can see this [/WisP]

Multi OR Tags

A Test Case On Multi OR Tags

Suppose our Infusi­onsoft applic­ation has 4 tags, A, B, X, Y

And there are 2 users, User1, User2.

User1 : Tag A

User2: Tag B

[WisP multi_­or_­tag­="A,­B"] Both users see this text[/­WisP]

[WisP multi_­or_­tag­="A,­X"] User 1 will be able to see this [/WisP]

[WisP multi_­or_­tag­="B,­Y" ] User 2 will be able to see this [/WisP]

[WisP multi_­or_­tag­="X,­Y"] None of them can see this [/WisP]


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