Quick reference of the Objection commands I use the most.
Starting Objection
Start objection attaching to a given patched app (For non-Jailbroken devices) |
Start objection attaching to a given app |
objection -g <appName> explore
Spawn an app |
objection -g <Bundle_ID> explore
Spawn an app with early instrumentation disabling ssl pinning |
objection -g <bundle_ID> explore --startup-command 'ios sslpinning disable'
List Classes |
List Methods from a given class |
ios hooking list class_methods <class_name>
List Bundles |
ios bundles list_bundles
List Frameworks |
ios bundles list_frameworks
List loaded modules |
List exports from a specific loaded module |
memory list exports <module_name>
Searching for classes |
ios hooking search classes <search_term>
Searching for methods |
ios hooking search methods <search_term>
Tracing all methods of a class |
ios hooking watch class <class_name>
Tracing a specific method |
ios hooking watch method "-[<class_name> <method_name>]" --dump-args --dump-return --dump-backtrace
Generating simple frida hooks |
ios hooking generate simple <class_name>
Change return value of a method (Boolean only) |
ios hooking set return_value "-[<class_name> <method_name>]" false
File Management
Print a file's content |
file cat <filename>
Print a plist file |
ios plist cat <filename>
Download a file |
file download <filename> <destination>
Upload a file |
file upload <filename> <destination>
Start HTTP file server |
Stop HTTP file server |
List app's paths |
Monitor the pasteboard |
Dump Keychain |
Disable jailbreak detection |
Disable SSL Pinning |
Get app's shared cookies |
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