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Objection iOS Cheat Sheet by

Quick reference of the Objection commands I use the most.

Starting Objection

Start objection attaching to a given patched app (For non-Ja­ilb­roken devices)
objection explore
Start objection attaching to a given app
objection -g <ap­pNa­me> explore
Spawn an app
objection -g <Bu­ndl­e_I­D> explore
Spawn an app with early instru­­me­n­t­ation disa­bling ssl pinning
objection -g <bu­ndl­e_I­D> explore --star­tup­-co­mmand 'ios sslpinning disable'


List Classes
ios hooking list classes
List Methods from a given class
ios hooking list class_methods <class_name>
List Bundles
ios bundles list_b­undles
List Frameworks
ios bundles list_f­ram­eworks
List loaded modules
memory list modules
List exports from a specific loaded module
memory list exports <mo­dul­e_n­ame­>
Searching for classes
ios hooking search classes <se­arc­h_t­erm­>
Searching for methods
ios hooking search methods <se­arc­h_t­erm­>


Tracing all methods of a class
ios hooking watch class <class_name>
Tracing a specific method
ios hooking watch method "-[<class_name> <method_name>]" --dump-args --dump-return --dump-backtrace
Generating simple frida hooks
ios hooking generate simple <class_name>
Change return value of a method (Boolean only)
ios hooking set return_value "-[<class_name> <method_name>]" false

File Management

Print a file's content
file cat <fi­­le­n­a­me­>
Print a plist file
ios plist cat <fi­len­ame>
Download a file
file download <fi­­le­n­a­me­> <de­sti­nat­ion­>
Upload a file
file upload <fi­len­ame> <de­sti­nat­ion­>
Start HTTP file server
ios http start
Stop HTTP file server
ios http stop


List app's paths
Monitor the pasteboard
ios pasteboard monitor
Dump Keychain
ios keychain dump
Disable jailbreak detection
ios jailbreak disable
Disable SSL Pinning
ios sslpinning disable
Get app's shared cookies
ios cookies get

More Info

Objection developed by Leon Jacobs
Full code and docume­­nt­ation at https:­//g­ith­ub.c­om­/se­nse­pos­t/o­bje­ction


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