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basic bash commands

pwd : print working directory
cd /path/­to/dir : change direcotry
ls /dir/t­o/list : list directory content (default is .)
 ­ ­ ­ -1 : display the content on one column
 ­ ­ ­ -l : display the content with long listing format
 ­ ­ ­ -a : display the content of the directory (including hidden files)
 ­ ­ ­ -R : Display the content of the directory and the content of subdir­ect­ories
mv /path/­to/file /path/­whe­re/­to/move : move or rename a file or a directory
cp /path/­to/file /path/­whe­re/­to/copy : copy a file
 ­ ­ ­ -r : copy recurs­ively (used to copy directory)
rm /path/­to/file : remove a file
 ­ ­ ­ -r : remove recurs­ively (used to remove direct­ories)
 ­ ­ ­ -f : force remove
mkdir /path/­dirName : create an empty directory
rmdir /path/­to/dir : remove a directory (works only if the direcotry is empty)

bash redire­ctions

command > file : redirect stdout to file. (creates the file if it doesn't exist and overwrite it if it does exist)
command >> file : redirect stdout to file. (creates the file if it doesn't exist and append to the end it if it does exist)
command 2> file : redirect stderr to file (creates the file if it doesn't exist and overwrite it if it does exist)
command 2>> file : redirect stdout to file. (creates the file if it doesn't exist and append to the end it if it does exist)
command &> file : redirect stdout and stderr to file (creates the file if it doesn't exist and overwrite it if it does exist)
command &>> file : redirect stdout and stderr to file. (creates the file if it doesn't exist and append to the end it if it does exist)
command < file : redirect stdin to file.
command1 | command 2 : uses the output of command1 as the input of command2

file globbing regex

\ : escape character. It deletes the signif­ication of a special character
? : Any character, once.
* : Any character, 0, 1 or many time.
[...] : Any character that is in the class. ex: [abc], [a-z], [0-9]
[^...]: Any character that is not in the class. ex: [^abc], [^a-z], [^0-9]
{s1, s2, sN} : match s1 or s2 or sN

control structure (if)

if <expression>; then
elif <expression>; then

control structure (while)

while <expression>; do

control structure (for)

for var in <expression>; do
    echo $var

control structure (case)

# patterns are file globing regex
case <expression> in

function definition

function functionName {
    [return X]

condit­ional expres­sions

&& : logical and operator
|| : logical or operator
[[ string ]] : return 0 if string is not empty
[[ -z string ]] : return 0 if the string is empty
[[ string1 == string2 ]] : return 0 if the string are equivalent
[[ string1 != string2 ]] : return 0 if the string are not equivalent
[[ string =~ pattern ]] : return 0 if the string matches the pattern (extended regex)
[[ -e file ]] : return 0 if the file exists
[[ -d file ]] : return 0 if file is a directory
[[ -f file ]] : return 0 if file is a file
[[ -x file ]] : return 0 if file is executable
[[ $n1 -eq $n2 ]] : return 0 if $n1 == $n2
[[ $n1 -lt $n2 ]] : return 0 if $n1 < $n2
[[ $n1 -gt $n2 ]] : return 0 if $n1 > $n2
[[ $n1 -ge $n2 ]] : return 0 if $n1 >= $n2
[[ $n1 -le $n2 ]] : return 0 if $n1 <= $n2
[[ $n1 -ne $n2 ]] : return 0 if $n1 != $n2

more basic bash commands

passwd : change your password
history : consult the history of your command
jobs : list of your pending proccesses
cat file1 file2 ... : concat­enate files and print to stdout
more / less file1 file2 .. : diplsay a file page by page on stdout
tail / head number : display the "­num­ber­" first or last line of a file on stdout
touch file1 file2 ... : change the modifi­cation date of the files
chmod : change the privileges of a file / directory
echo "­tex­t" : display a line of text to stdout
sort file1 file2 ... : sort the file (combine files if many are specified) and print the result to stdout (files aren't impacted)
 ­ ­ ­ -r : sort in reverse order
 ­ ­ ­ -n : numerical sort
 ­ ­ ­ -u : delete duplicated lines
wc file1 file2 ... : print to stdout the number of charac­ters, words and lines of files
 ­ ­ ­ -l : number of lines only
 ­ ­ ­ -w : number of words only
 ­ ­ ­ -w : number of characters only
diff file1 file1 : compare file1 and file 2 for differ­ences
 ­ ­ ­ -i : ignore the character case
 ­ ­ ­ -B : ignore empty lines
 ­ ­ ­ -w : ignore whites­paces
 ­ ­ ­ -c : add context to the output (good for readab­ility)
which comman­dName : print the path of a command
pushd / popd /path/­to/dir : change directory using the directory stack
dirs : print the directory stack
find /path/­to/dir -name pattern : find every files and directory that have a name that matches "­pat­ter­n" in the directory specified and its subdir­ect­ories
man comman­dName : Display the manual for command comman­dName
sudo command : run the command as superuser
command1 | xargs -i command2 : uses the output of the command1 as the input of the command2. output will be accessible via {} in command2

grep (simple regex)

grep "­pat­ter­n" file1 file2 ... : print the lines that matched the pattern
 ­ ­ ­ -v : print lines that didn't match the pattern
 ­ ­ ­ -i : ignore the character case
 ­ ­ ­ -l : print the name of the files that have at least one match
 ­ ­ ­ -o : print only the piece of line that matched the pattern
 ­ ­ ­ -E : uses the extended regex
 ­ ­ ­ -q : quiet. returns 0 in $? if at least one line has been matched. 1 if no line matched


VAR=VA­RVALUE : create a variable VAR. the variable can be accessed like so: $VAR or ${VAR}
VAR="$V­AR2­" : $VAR will contains the value of $VAR2
VAR='$­VAR2' : $VAR will contains $VAR2
VAR=$(­com­mand) : $VAR will contains the output of the command
(( VAR = $VAR + 1 )): the double parent­heses must be used when doing arithm­etics
${VAR#­pat­tern} : return a substring of VAR where the smallest string (starting from the beginning) matching “pattern” will be cut
${VAR#­#pa­ttern} : return a substring of VAR where the longest string (starting from the beginning) matching “pattern” will be cut
${VAR%­pat­tern} : return a substring of VAR where the smallest string (starting from the end) matching “pattern” will be cut
${VAR%­%pa­ttern} : return a substring of VAR where the longest string (starting from the end) matching “pattern” will be cut
$? : the exit status of the last command / function executed. usually 0 when everything went right.
$# : the number of args passed to the script / function
$0 : the name of the script
$n : the nth argument passed to the script / function
$@ : the list of all the argument passde to the script / function
 ­ ­ ­ ­myA­rra­y=(­value1 value2 value3): declare an array
 ­ ­ ­ ­declare -a myArra­y=(­value1 value2 value3): declare an array
 ­ ­ ­ ­${m­yAr­ray­[in­dex]} : access an element (index starts at 0)
 ­ ­ ­ ­myA­rra­y[i­ndex]= : add or modify the element at index
 ­ ­ ­ ­${#­myA­rra­y[*]} : return the lenght of the array
 ­ ­ ­ ­${m­yAr­ray­[*]}: all the elements of the array

simple regex

\ : escape character. It deletes the signif­ication of a special character
. : joker. It represents any characters
* : 0, 1 or many repetition of the last character / sequence of character
^ : The beginning of the line
$ : The end of the line
[...] : Any character that is in the class. ex: [abc], [a-z], [0-9]
[^...]: Any character that is not in the class. ex: [^abc], [^a-z], [^0-9]
\(...\) : Capture the pattern. The pattern can then be accessed with \1, \2 ... \n depending on the number of capture in the regex
\{n\} : n repeti­tions of the last character / sequence of character
\{n,\} : At least n repeti­tions of the last character / sequence of character
\{n, m\} : Between n and m repeti­tions of the last character / sequence of character

extended regex

\ : escape character. It deletes the signif­ication of a special character
. : joker. It represents any characters
* : 0, 1 or many repetition of the last character / sequence of character
+ : 1 or more repetition of the last character / sequence of character
? : The last character / sequence of character can appear or not
^ : The beginning of the line
$ : The end of the line
[...] : Any character that is in the class. ex: [abc], [a-z], [0-9]
[^...]: Any character that is not in the class. ex: [^abc], [^a-z], [^0-9]
s1|s2 : Either s1 or s2 but not both
(...) : change the priority
{n} : n repeti­tions of the last character / sequence of character
{n,} : At least n repeti­tions of the last character / sequence of character
{n, m} : Between n and m repeti­tions of the last character / sequence of character

sed (simple regex)

sed 'sed script' file : execute the script on every line of "­fil­e"
 ­ ­ ­ ­s/p­att­ern­/ne­wSt­ring/gI : Substitute the piece of the line that matches "­pat­ter­n" by "­new­Str­ing­". g (optio­nal): global, I (optio­nal): ignore case
 ­ ­ ­ ­/pa­ttern/d : delete the line if "­pat­ter­n" is matched
 ­ ­ ­ ­/pa­ttern/p : print the line if "­pat­ter­n" is matched
 ­ ­ ­ ­/pa­tte­rn1­/,/­pat­tern2/ : print every lines between the first line that matches "­pat­ter­n1" to the first line that matches "­pat­ter­n2"
 ­ ­ ­ ­-i.ext : Modifi­cations done "­in-­pla­ce". A backup file will be created with .ext extension (it is optional)
 ­ ­ ­ -n : print only the lines that matched the pattern

awk (extended regex)

awk -Fc 'awk script' file1 file2 ... (where "­c" is the delimiter)
typical awk script: 'BEGIN {state­ments} /pattern/ {script statem­ents} END {state­ments}'
 ­ ­ ­ ­BEGIN {} : Will be executed once at the start
 ­ ­ ­ END {} : Will be executed once at the end
 ­ ­ ­ ­/pa­ttern/ : only lines that matched the pattern will be processed
 ­ ­ ­ ­/pa­tte­rn1­/,/­pat­tern2/ : every line from the first line that matches pattern1 to the first line that matches pattern2 will be processed
 ­ ­ ­ ­{script statem­ents} : core of the script
 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­printf: C-style formatter (man printf)
 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ $n : the nth field of the line
 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ $0 : the entire line
 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ NR : the record number
 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ NF : the number of fields in the record
 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ FS: The field separator (the delimiter)


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