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Class Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Ch 1-3

Cultural landscape: different lifest­yles, traditions and perspe­ctives i.e. languages, genera­tional issues and surnames, working life issues

What is a way to measure cultural landscape? Demogr­aphics

Change of diversity:

Global perspe­ctive: a view of the world and our place in it

Diversity consci­ousness is diversity skills, diversity awareness and unders­tanding of diversity combined

Cultural cruise control: we act as through our own values, beliefs and experi­ences are universal
Making us oblivious to different cultural cue and individual perspe­ctives.

Layers of diversity:
1. Cultural diversity
a. Detentions give a foundation to culture
b. Pg. 229-233
2. Demogr­aphic diversity
a. Socioe­com­inice status, occupation
b. Gender, sex, sexual orient­ation
c. Geographic organ, language
d. Familial status
e. Ethnicity, race
f. disabi­lities,
g. religion
h. age
3. Individual diversity
a. expect­ations
b. knowledge
c. attitude
d. motives
e. Beliefs
f. Values
g. Needs

Defini­tions of Success and social cultural theory and success

Success varies from individual to individual

What are some diversity skills? commun­ica­tion, teamwork . leader­ship, and social networking

Theory of multiple intell­ige­nces- 1. Verbal linguistic 2. Logical- mathem­atical 3. Interp­ersonal 4. Intapr­sonal 6. Musical 7. Enviro­nmental 8. Spatial

Cultural compet­enc­e-set of attitudes and skills that make it possible for organi­zations and staff not only to acknow­ledge cultural difference but also incorp­orate these differ­ences in working with people from various cultures.

Individual barriers- One own bias, ethnoc­ent­rism, limited percep­tions
Six barriers to success:
1. Limited percep­tions: see what you want to see
2. Ethnoc­ent­rism: assumption our that our way of thinking is naturally superior to any other
3. Sterot­ypes: an unverified and oversi­mpl­ified genera­liz­ation about an entire group of people
4. Prejudice: irrational and inflexible option formed on the basis of limited and insuff­icient knowledge
5. Prejudice plus power: refers to the ability to influence others and bring about change
6. Discri­min­ation: the denial of equal rights and opport­unities to indivi­duals and groups

Xenoph­obia- Fear of people who are different from us

Ch 4, 5, 6


Ch 7, 8, 9

A team is a number of people who are involved in a cooper­ative effort. These teams might focus on respon­sib­ilities at work, recrea­tional interests, and community activi­ties. Teams are a part of everyday life.

Leveraging Diversity through Teamwork:
Learning increases when we depend on each other and share new ways of looking at the world and certain difference may play a critical role in the success of a team. Highly successful teams have a healthy mix of newcomers and individual with more experi­ence. People tend to want to work with friends and others whom they know, but research indicates that “repeat relati­onship” in teams work against creativity and success.

Synergy is the concept that members of a team intera­cting cooper­atively will accomplish much more than if they act alone.
Virtual Teaming:
A virtual team is a group of people that work across space, time, and organi­zat­ional boundaries with links streng­thened by webs of commun­ication techno­logies. It allows individual and group creativity to flourish by enhancing opport­unities to express ideas.

Developing Teamwork Skills:
Developing cross-­fun­ctional teams. These teams work in different areas of expertise, background and job functions.
Creating team building exercises that teach the importance of teamwork, commun­ication and leadership though physical challe­nges. This helps indivi­duals move past precon­ceived notions about other and helps them work as a single unit. In the end, it will help them adapt, excel, and grow as a team in other challe­nging situat­ions.
Creating training programs that will improve commun­ica­tions and decisi­on-­making.

Diversity Consci­ousness and Teaming:
Becoming more conscious of diversity will improve skills that are essential for true teamwork. These skills are: commun­ica­tion, conflict manage­ment, empathy, self-e­val­uation, and leader­ship.

Strategies for Building High Perfor­mance Teams:
Members need to get to know each other, understand their role and the team’s goal, respect other team member ideas and feelings, manage conflict effect­ively, avoid groupt­hink, be flexible, and period­ically assess the team’s perfor­mance.

Obstacles to Teamwork:
Obstacles can detract from synergy of a team. Obstacles such as social values, stereo­types, unequal distri­bution of power, disagr­eement over the roles, lack of commun­ication and lack of trust will sabotage teamwork.

What is Leader­ship:
Leadership is the process by which people inspire, influence and empower others to achieve a common goal. Leader­ship’s three key features: (1) it is a process (2) it is situat­ional (3) it is intera­ctive.

Diversity Conscious Leader­ship:
The process by which people influence and empower others by recogn­izing, unders­tanding and adjusting to diversity in all its forms.

Keys Skill of a Diversity Conscious Leader:
These skills promote interp­ersonal openness and build relations in global, multic­ultural enviro­nments: Adapting, thinking and commun­icating inclus­ively, accessing and monito­ring.

Leadership Styles:
Leadership styles refer to the way leaders influence others. They are author­itarian leaders, democratic leaders and laisse­z-faire leaders.

Inclusion refers to the process of promoting a sense of belong and empowe­rment by involving everyone and valuing their unique talents and contri­bution.

Human Capital:
The economic value of an employee’s skill set, including knowledge and experi­ence.

Expanding Opport­uni­ties:
Opening minds to the possib­ilities of potential of diversity and inclusion provides an edge for: everyday life, empowe­rment, views, the future.