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Abbreviations Cheat Sheet by


The only mandatory abbrev­iations are the 'HEADI­NGS'. You can capitalize as you see fit and still write out your abeyances however you want; just be sure to include the abbrev­iation somewhere in the title.


RNL - Renewal
RNL/RWR - Renewal Rewrite
PCH - Policy Change
SPC - Signed Policy Change
APP - Applic­ation
NEW - New Policy Documents
CANCEL - Cancel­lation
LETTER - Letters
EMAIL - Emails
CALL - Calls
PAYMENT - Payments
FU - Follow Up reminder
ICI - Insured Came In


SUB - Substi­tutions
DEL - Deletions
ADD - Additions
AMEND - General Amendments
COA - Change of Address


BOS - Bill of Sale
MVR - Abstracts
A+ - Autoplus Reports
EVAL - Home Evalua­tions
ALARM - Alarm Certif­icates
VIR - Vehicle Inspection Reports
APPRAISAL - Appraisals
BANK - Bank Documents
CEL - Claims Experience Letters
DT - Driver's Training Certif­icate
DEATH - Death Certif­icate
PHOTO - Photos
QUEST - Questi­onn­aires
SEF - Signed SEF forms
CONSENT - Privacy Consent
CLAIM - Claim Documents
BINDER - Binder Letters


A/B - Agency Bill
AB - Accident Benefits
ACV - Actual Cash Value
ADV - Advised
B/C - Because
BLDG - Building
BWV - Backwater Valve
CHNG / CHG - Change(d)
CLI - Client
CO - Company
COA - Change of Address
COC - Course of Constr­uction
COLL - Collision
CONF - Confir­m(ed)
CORR - Correction
D/B - Direct Bill
D/L - Download
DED - Deductible
DEL - Delete(d)
DISC - Discount
DL - Driver's License
DOB - Date of Birth
DT - Driver's Training
EFF - Effective
EST - Estimated
F&EC - Fire & Ext Covg
FWD - Forward
GRC - Guaranteed Replac­ement
INCR - Increa­se(d)
INS - Insured
INV - Invoice
ISSD - Issued
LH - Lienholder
LVM Left Voicemail
MH - Motorhome
MHA - My Home & Auto
MPP Multi Payment Plan
MSG - Message
MTG - Mortgage
N/AF - Not At Fault
OCC - Occaisonal
P/C - Pink Card
PO - Principle Operator
POL - Policy
PREM - Premium
R'D - Received
S/N - Serial No.
SBU - Sewer Backup
SUB - Substi­tute(d)
TPL - Liability
TP - Third Party
U/W - Underw­riter
VEH - Vehicle
VIR - Garage Inspection
W/ - With
W/O - Without
You don't have to use these, but they can help to simplify your notes.


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