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Bone Markings Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Bone Markings, bony landmarks

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Parts of a Bone

epi: upon
rounded portion at either ends
meta: after/­sub­sequent to
widest part of a long bone
dia: through, throughout
efers to the central shaft running between the proximal and distal ends of the bone
Articular Surface
area of the bone that comes in close proximity with the neighb­ouring bones

Projec­tions and Parts

Condyles are rounded knobs that form articu­lations with other bones. They often provide structural support to the articular surface, helping to absorb the force exerted at the joint
Ex: The lateral condyle of femur is one example, which is easily palpable at the knee
Epicondyle is a bony area on or above a condyle. It serves mainly as an area for a muscle or ligament attach­ment.
Ex: medial epicondyle of humerus.
A process is a bulging bony outgrowth of a larger bone
Ex: is the mastoid process, which is easily palpable from behind the ear, and to which many head muscles are attached
Protub­era­nces, similar to processes, are swelling, bulging or protruding parts of bone.
Ex: external occipital protub­erance, Jutting out from the midline of the external surface, it is palpable from the back of the head
A tubercle is a small rounded promin­ence, often a site of tendon or ligament attachment
Ex: adductor tubercle of femur
A tuberosity is larger, found in varying shapes and often rough in texture
Ex: ulnar tuberosity
This landmark is present only in the femur and it refers to a very large, blunt, irregu­larly shaped process of the femur that serves as an attachment point for muscles and ligaments
Ex: On the femur there is a greater trochanter and a less prominent lesser trochanter
The spine (or spinous process) is a sharp, slender projection of the bone which is useful for attachment of muscles or ligaments
Ex: spine of sphenoid bone
Linea (line)
The term linea refers to a subtle, long, and narrow impression which distin­guishes itself in elevation, color or texture from surrou­nding tissues
Ex: linea aspera of femur
The facet is a flat smooth area of the bone which serves as an articular surface
Ex: acromial facet of clavicle
Crests can be described as prominent, raised edges of a bone. They are of medium thickness and often found at sites where connective tissue connects muscle and bone
Ex: iliac crest is one example. Found inferior to the quadratus lumborum, for which it serves as the origin point
Ridges are linear elevat­ions, margins or borders
Ex: lateral suprac­ondylar ridge of humerus

Openings and Depres­sions

Foramina (sing: foramen) are holes or openings in a bone, usually through which nerves and blood vessels pass
Ex: jugular foramen is one example through which the inferior petrosal sinus, sigmoid sinus, glosso­pha­ryn­geal, vagus and accessory nerves pass
Fissures are open slits, grooves or depres­sions in a bone, often housing nerves and blood vessels
Ex: inferior orbital fissure. Separating the floor from the lateral wall, it gives passage to structures like the zygomatic nerve and orbital branches of the pteryg­opa­latine ganglion
A meatus is a short, tube-like channel extending into the bone. It can provide passage and protection to nerves and vessels.
Ex: the external acoustic meatus, also known as the ear canal, which connects the middle and outer ear
A fossa is a depression in the bone surface which is often broad and shallow. It may support brain struct­ures, or receive another articu­lating bone.
Ex: temporal fossa, is one of the largest landmarks on the skull, serving as an origin site for the temporal muscle
Fovea refers to a pit or depression - similar to a fossa, but generally much smaller
Ex: the fovea capitis, found in the center of the head of the femur
Notch (incisure)
Notches (or incisures) can be defined as indent­ations at the edge of a structure, like a cleft
Ex: capular notch, which forms a deep, distin­ctive depression along the supero­lateral border of the scapula
A sulcus is a furrow or fissure usually specific to the surface of the brain, but also in bones and other organs When referring to bones, sulci are very often referred to as grooves. Grooves often trace the length of nerves or vessels, providing space to prevent compre­ssion from surrou­nding muscles or external forces
Ex: groove for the transverse sinus
A sinus is a cavity or hollow space
Ex: paranasal sinuses, a group of four paired, bilateral sinuses in the nasal cavity