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Constitutional Law: Muti-Level Government Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

PBL200W: Multilevel Government

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Kinds of Issues which arise:

1. Schedule 4: Conflict between national and provincial legisl­ation
- Provincial legisl­ation will prevail unless it meets one or more of the requir­ements of s146
2. Schedule 5: Conflict between National Legisl­ation and Provincial Legisl­ation
- Exclusive jurisd­iction of provincial govern­ment. Prov legisl­ation will prevail unless one of the requir­ements in s44 is met
Validity of nation­al/­pro­vincial legisl­ation
- Enquiry into validity of the law before identi­fying conflict.
Invalid if:
1) sphere of government legislates in an area where they have no legisl­ative compet­ence. E.g. provinces can only legislate on matters in schedule 4 or 5.
2) Wrong process ‘manner and form’ where there are certain requir­ements for how a law must be passed. E.g. public partic­ipa­tion, tagging (only at national level)
Tagging: If bill tagged incorr­ectly it is invalid. Either tagged s75 (ordinary which do not effect prov) or s76 (Ord which affect provinces)

1. Division of Power Between Spheres of Gov

Division of powers in federal or quasi federal system (SA) of gov is based on either
1. A divided model of federa­lism: Subject matters in which law must be made is clearly divides between levels of gov. Powers between are generally exclusive.
2. Integrated Model of Federalism: Most subject matters are shared between different spheres of govern­ment. National leg can be comple­mented by prov/local gov who must implement and administer law.
Backgr­ound: Con Avoids defining SA as a quasi federal system as ANC concerned fed system would hinder goal to improve collective SoL by instilling a rigid division of powers.
The 34 Consti­tut­ional Principles: 7 pertaining to structure of Gov -
1) Structured at nat, prov & loc levels; 2) powers of sphere's had to be defined; 3) Functions of nat and prov levels had to incl exclusive & concurrent powers 4) nat cannot encroach on integrity of provs; 5) court resolved disputes between nat and prov 6) Frameowork dealing w powers­/fu­nct­ion­s/s­tru­ctures of local gov outlined in Con 7) all sphere's to be given equitable share of nat revenue
Ch3: Principles of co-ope­rative Govern­ments
- Look at chat about conflict in terms of schedule 4 & 5. Note part Bs set out matters which local govs can make by-laws on (cannot conflict w other leg).
- National gov can make and administer laws outside of these sections
- Organs of state involved in interg­ove­rnm­ental dispute must make every reasonable effort to settle dispute by mechanism and procedures provided, & exhaust all remedies before approa­ching a court of law.
- *Uthukela: The court will decline to hear matter if they fail to comply w above obliga­tion.
Interg­ove­rnm­ental Co - Ordination
- Consti­tution establ­ished co - ordinating bodies to avoid conflict between different spheres of gov. These are respon­sible for coordi­nating:
1) Legisl­ative activities of the 3 sphere's. Ie NCOP
2)The executive acivities of gov. coordi­nated by bodies establ­ished by InterGov Relations Framework Act
IGRFA provisions do not apply to conflicts as s146 deals w this

The Division of Leg&Exec Powers Btwn Nat&Prov

- (s104): Legisl­ative authority vested in provincial legisl­ature which can create prov consti­tution and laws with regards to matters in schedules 4 & 5; expressly assigned to them by national legisl­ation
- The executive authority of a province is vested in premier
*Premier Limpopo Prov v Speaker of Limpopo Leg
Legal question: Did the Limpopo Provincial Legisl­ature have the legisl­ative competence (autho­rity) to pass the Financial Management of the Limpopo Provincial Legisl­ature Bill i.e. to enact legisl­ation dealing with its own financial affairs?
1. Prov Leg argued that even through this isnt in Sch4/5, the bill fell into its leg competence bc the power to pass financial management leg was expressly given to them in Financial Man of Par Act.
- 1. Does the Financial Management of Parliament Act ‘expressly assign’ the financial management of a provincial legisl­ature to the provinces? CC: no
- 2. Was the power to pass legisl­ation regulating the financial management of a provincial legisl­ature ‘envis­aged’ by sections 195, 215 and 216 of the Consti­tution? CC: no
Minority: Expressly assigned and emvisaged should mean diff things. Thus, Yes to second Q