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Theory - advocacy Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Advocacy consideration for NPs

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Definition of advocacy

speaking on behalf of another person or policy
Advocate for pts based on their needs and prefer­ences
-work as a safeguard for pts

Policy advocacy

Inlfuc­encinng service delivery to enhance services for a client group or community as a whole

Advocacy in nursing

Advocacy involves engaging others, exercising your voice and mobilizing evidence to influence policy and practice
-speak out against equality and inequality
-parti­cip­ating directly or indirectly in political processes and acknow­ledge importance of evidence, power and politics in advancing policy

Advocating for NP profession

Group action
- common goal

Advocating for NP profession

Group action
- common goal; engagement + collab; action
Safegu­arding mechanism
-nursing perspe­ctive; address inequities
-Evidence based; change focused

What motivates advocacy

job motiva­tio­n/s­ati­sfa­ction
social justice
public image of nursing
access to care
quality of HC

Title protection goals

1. Standa­rdized education
2. Nation­alize licensure process
3. Achieve consistent legisl­ation across canada
not yet achieved

history of NP advocacy

-establish regulatory frameworks
For profes­sional practice + education
-Legis­lative changes to reflect extended SOP
National licensure
Outcomes of the advocacy:
-title protection
-rise of np-led clinics
-growth of NP workforce

ELC - advocacy

I. client care
promote role of NP to clients, HCP, public, policy makers
promote role of NP to clients, HCP, public service sectors, the public, legisl­ators, and policy makers

Barriers to NP practice

Role clarity
lack of awaren­ess­/un­der­sta­nding
Restri­cting full SOP
Varying level of autonomy
NP funding
Physician resistance

Barriers to NP practice

Role clarity
lack of awaren­ess­/un­der­sta­nding
Restri­cting full SOP
Varying level of autonomy (insti­tut­ional policy); lack of federal legisl­ation; unclear defini­tions;
NP funding
Np role implem­ent­ation is dependent on jurisd­ict­ional funding
Physician resistance
FFS incomp­atible collab, SOP can cause tension, perception of insuff­icient training of NPs
full SOP directly affects HC delivery and pt care
Funding - no direct billing, not sustai­nable

Benefits of fully utilizing NP role

Promotes CHA
protect, promote and restore physical and mental well-b­eing: reasonable acess without financial barriers
NPs help improves access to health care - decreased wait times and alleviate pressure

Pt satisf­action

Holistic approach
NP care is just as effective, safe and competent as physicians
Thorough commun­ication

Collab­oration to advocate for NPs

build alliance that maximizes contri­bution of each partic­ipant
fosters role clarity
generates team capacity
enahnces holistic care
promotes strategic alliance
Establish role autonomy

Training and develo­pment as strategy

Mentoring and precep­torship
Support from colleagues
Opport­unities for profes­sional growth and develo­pment

What can we do?

Join CNA
Evaluate mentorship strategies
Commun­icate and share ideas
Explore politics
Research opport­unities
Relati­onships with multid­isc­ipl­inary team
Be at the table
Mentor future NPs
NP leadership role
Connect with community