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ElectroNeek - Studio Pro V1.0 Cheat Sheet by

All activities from the Studio Pro and quick descriptions

General - Logic

If... then
Implements a typical condit­ional statement. It allows you to follow your workflow through executing one of the two branches depending on the expression value (true or false). If the value is true, then it will execute the 'Yes' branch, otherwise the 'No' branch will be executed.
Do-while loop
Implements a loop that is executed when a specified condition is met. By default, the 'Assign value to variable' activity is added when using the 'Do-while loop' activity. It enables you to quickly set the behavior of the loop body; for instance, by modifying a counter variable. However, the 'Assign value to variable' activity is not mandatory to use and can be replaced by any other set of other activi­ties. If the condition in the 'Do-while loop' activity is true then the 'Yes' branch is executed, otherwise the robot will execute the 'No' branch.
Assign value to a variable
Enables you to assign a desired value to a variable.
Waits a specified amount of time before executing the next step in the workflow.
Invokes a subpro­gram: a separate file with a workflow constr­ucted in the 'Studio Pro'. The 'Error' branch is implem­ented to add some additional logic if an exception has occurred inside the subpro­gram.
Outputs the given inform­ation to a text file.
Console log
Prints a value to the 'Studio Pro' console.
Open Applic­ation
Opens a specified applic­ation
An activity with a changeable text for descri­ptive purposes only.

General - Human in the loop

Input dialog
Opens an input dialog to allow the user input a text. The 'Save value to variable' activity.
User notifi­cation
Prompts a pop-up window with a specified text. The window closes either after pressing the button
Select file of folder
Selects file or folder through the Windows explorer

OS Automation - Creden­tials

Get passwork
This function returns the password as a result. For computer and account security, all passwords should be stored only on your computer.
Get username
Returns the login corres­ponding to the selected credential from the “Crede­ntials” tab in the settings.

OS Automation - Files and Folders

Append to file
Appends text to a specified file.
Read text file
Reads the content of a text file. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'Read file text' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. However, the activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Copy file
Copies a content of one file to another or downloads a file from the specified URL. Both HTTP and FTP protocols are supported. If you copy to a file that doesn't exist, then the robot will create a new file automa­tic­ally.
Create file
Creates a new file in the specified destin­ation. The content of the new file can also be set.
Delete file
Deletes the specified file of any desired extension.
File found?
Checks if a specific file exists in the specified directory. If the file exists, then the 'Yes' branch is executed, otherwise the 'No' branch will be executed.
File inform­ation
Extracts inform­ation about a specified file. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'File inform­ation' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. The activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Move file
Moves a file to a specified destin­ation.
Overwrite file
Overwrites a text file by deleting the old content and replacing it with new content.
List directory files
Extract all files' names in a directory and stores them in an array. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'List directory files' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. However, he activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Create directory
Creates a folder by the specified path and name.
Zip files
Compresses specified files into a zip archive.
Unzip files
Extracts files from a zip-ar­chive and places them to a specified folder.
File trigger
Waits for a specific event with files in a folder

MS Office - Office 365

Read emails
Reads emails from a Microsoft account.
Send email
Sends an email using a Microsoft account.

MS Office - MS Outlook

Read emails
Reads email messages from a specified Outlook account.
Send email
Sends an email message from a specified Outlook account.

OS Automation - System

Command Prompt
Implements the command prompt functi­ona­lity.
Process found?
Checks if the specified process is running. If at least one instance of the process is running the bot will execute the 'Yes' branch, otherwise the 'No' branch will be executed.
Kill Proccess
Stops the specified process. If more than one instance of the process is running, all of them will be stopped
Shutdown computer
Logs the current user out, restarts, hibernates or shuts the computer down.

OS Automation - Clip board

Read clipboard
Reads the clipboard content and saves it to a single file or multiple files (depending on the content of the clipbo­ard). The files are automa­tically placed to the 'C:\Us­ers­\<U­ser­nam­e>­\Ele­ctr­oNeek' folder.
Clear clipboard
Clears the clipboard content.
Copy to clipboard
Copies the given variable’s value to the clipboard as a text.

Web Automation - Web Browser

Open URL
Opens the browser and automa­tically navigates to the specified URL. To open the browser with the user settings, click the 'Elect­roNeek Bot Runner' icon in the tray, select 'Setti­ngs', then click 'Browser' and select the 'Load user profile with cookies, extensions etc.' option.
Close browser
Closes the browser opened via the 'Studio Pro'.
Find IFrame
In the browser opened via the 'Studio Pro', searches for an iframe by the specified selector and saves the found result with a specific number. To interact with elements inside the iframe in the other activities from the 'Browser' section, the tab and iframe number must be specified.
Execute JavaScript
Executes JavaScript code on the opened page
Scrape Structured data
Allows you to set relations between elements with data you want to extract and performs scraping.

Web Automation - Keyboard

Input to browser
Simulates a user input from the keyboard in the browser opened via the 'Elect­roNeek Studio Pro'.
Send hotkey
Emulates sending keyboard shortcuts to a specific interface element.


Read emails
Reads messages from an email starting from a specified date. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'Read emails' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. However, the activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Send email
Sends a message via an email.
Email trigger
Waits for a specific email.
For Each Email
Applies a set of actions to each email for the selected account

Gui Automation - Machine vision

Click on image
Finds and clicks on the image on the screen.
Find image
Finds the image on the screen and returns an array of coordi­nates of the found matches (top left corner).
Take a screenshot
Takes a screenshot of the entire screen or active window and saves it to file.
Wait for image
Waits a specified amount of time (seconds) for the provided image to appear on the screen. If the image appeared then it will execute the 'Yes' branch, otherwise the 'No' branch will be executed. The activity reacts the same way in case multiple images are found.

Gui Automation - App window

Maximize element
Maximizes the specified element if possible
Minimize element
Minimizes the specified interface element if possible
Activate element
Brings the specified element to the foreground
Close window
Closes a window by its selector or its child element

Gui Automation - UI

Get element property
Extracts the value of the specified attribute in a selector. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'Get element property' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. However, the activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Get element value
Extracts the 'Value' attribute from a selector. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'Get element value' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. However, the activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Get position
Gets an element coordi­nates and size using the element's selector. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'Get position' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. The activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Set element value
Changes the 'value' attribute of a selector
Element found?
Checks whether the indicated element exists on the screen. The element is identified through its selector. The 'Yes' branch is executed if the element exists, and the 'No' branch if it does not.
Wait for element
Waits a specified amount of time for the selected element to appear. The element is identified through its selector. If the element appeared then it will execute the 'Yes' branch, otherwise the 'No' branch will be executed.
Wait for vanishing
Waits a specified amount of time for the selected element to vanish. If the element vanished then the bot will execute the 'Yes' branch, otherwise the 'No' branch will be executed. If the element was not found at start of the activity then then an exception will be thrown.

Gui Automation - Keyboard

Input to desktop app
Enters a text to a focused or an indicated through selector element. The text may contain special keys. To enter special keys from the keyboard, such as ~,%, ^, &, (,), +, you need to put these characters in curly braces, for example, {%}.
Send hotkey
Emulates sending keyboard shortcuts to a specific interface element.

MS Office - MS Word

Read Word file
Reads the content of a Word file. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'Read Word file' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. However, the activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Write Word file
Overwrites the content of a Word document. If the document doesn't exist, then the robot will create a new file automa­tic­ally.
Appen to Word file
Appends data to a Word document. If the document doesn't exist, then the robot will create a new file automa­tic­ally.
Replace words in template
Replaces words in double braces in a word file with the desired values

MS Office - MS Excel file

Read Excel file
Reads the content of an Excel file. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'Read Excel file' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. However, the activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Write Excel file
Writes data to an Excel file.
Append row to Excel file
Adds a row to the end of an Excel sheet.
Insert­/Delete Rows
Inserts or deletes a row on specified address
Read Excel Range
Gets the value of the range from Excel file
Write Excel Range
Writes specified values to a specified range in Excel file
Read Excel Row
Gets the value the row from Excel file
Update Excel Row
Updates the value the row from Excel file
Read Excel Cell
Reads the value of a specified cell in an Excel document
Update Excel Cell
Updates the content of a specified value in an Excel document
Execute macro
Executes a .vbs macro in the specified Excel file. Make sure to enable the "­trust access to the VBA project object model" option before using the activity.
Insert­/Delete Columns
Inserts empty column or deletes a column on specified address
Read column
Gets the value of a column from Excel file
Append column
Add the column to the end of Excel file
Update column
Updates the column of Excel file
Sort range
Sorts range in Excel file by columns

Gui Automation - Mouse

Click on element
Clicks on the specified interface element. The element is identified by its selector, which is generated automa­tically when hovering over the element.
Click on coordinate
Clicks on the screen­-point located at the given coordi­nates. The reference point of the coordi­nates is located at the top-left corner, so the horizontal axis is directed from left to right while the vertical axis is from top to bottom.
Read checkbox state
Get the value of checkbox state
Set checkbox state
Set the checkbox state
Select list item
Selects an item from a drop-down list

General - Block input

Block Input
Blocks user mouse and keyboard input commands so that the bot can perform its actions without
Unblock Input
Unblocks the user input when it was blocked by the 'Block input' activity.

Web Automation - UI

Get element property
Reads an attribute of the specified element in the browser opened via the 'Studio Pro'.
Set element property
Modifies a specified attribute in a given web-page element
Get element value
Reads the 'value' attribute or the text between tags of the specified element in the browser opened via the 'Studio Pro'.
Set element value
Sets the 'value' attribute of the specified element in the browser opened via the 'Studio Pro'.
Element found?
Checks whether the specified element in the browser opened via the 'Studio Pro' exists. The 'Yes' branch is executed if the element exists, otherwise the robot will follow the 'No' branch.
Wait for element
Waits a specified amount of time for the specified element to appear in the browser opened via the 'Studio Pro'. If the element appeared then it will execute the 'Yes' branch, otherwise the 'No' branch will be executed.
Wait for vanishing
Waits a specified amount of time for the specified element to vanish in the browser opened via 'Studio Pro'. If the element vanished then the bot will execute the 'Yes' branch, otherwise the 'No' branch will be executed. If the element was not found at start of the activity then then an exception will be thrown.

Document Processing - OCR Engines

Microsoft Cloud OCR
Recognizes an image text using the Microsoft OCR techno­logy. Available formats for recogn­ition: JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP
Google Cloud OCR
Recognizes an image text using the Google OCR techno­logy. Available formats for recogn­ition: JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF and SVG.
Recognizes an image text using the ABBYY Cloud OCR techno­logy. Either images or pdf files can be processed.
Recogn­ition template
This activity enables you to specify a document which will be used as the recogn­ition template. The document will be displayed as an image where, with a graphical tool, уou will be able to select areas, where the text should be recognized from, and specify the corres­ponding variables which will store the recogn­ition results. Works with recogn­ition result from Yandex and Microsoft recogn­ition activi­ties.

Document Processing - PDF

Read text
Extracts the text layer from a pdf file and saves it as a string
Convert to image
Converts a pdf file to an image or to a set of images in case of multiple pages in the pdf file
Extract Page Range
Extract selected pages from the PDF file to a new PDF file.
Get PDF page count
Gets number of pages in PDF file.
Combine to PDF
Combines files from folder to a single multip­le-page PDF file. Supported file formats: pdf, docx, xlsx, rtf, tiff, bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, html, xps, html

Progra­mming - Database

Connect to database
Establ­ishes a connection to the database.
Execute query
Executes a database query.

Spread­sheets - Google Sheets

Get values
Reads a content of a Google Sheets table in the specified range. To make the activity work, you need to provide the platform access to the Google services (right click on the 'Elect­roNeek Bot Runner' in the bottom right tray - ''Sett­ings' - 'Google' - Authen­ticate Google servic­es').
Update values
Changes a content of cells within the specified range. To make the activity work, you need to provide the platform access to the Google services (right click on the 'Elect­roNeek Bot Runner' in the bottom right tray - ''Sett­ings' - 'Google' - Authen­ticate Google servic­es').
Append values
Adds values to the first completely empty line in a table. To make the activity work, you need to provide the platform access to the Google services (right­-click on the 'Elect­roNeek Bot Runner' in the bottom right tray - ''Sett­ings' - 'Google' - Authen­ticate Google servic­es').

Progra­mming - Dates and Time

Get current date
Returns the current date and time
Calculate date
Performs an action with the specified input date (adding or subtra­cting a time unit) and returns a new date.
Calculate difference
Calculates the time difference between two dates.
Export to format
Converts an input variable with a date to a string of a specific format.
Time trigger
Waits for a specific time.

Progra­mming - APII

HTTP request
Sends an HTTP request with the specified parame­ters. The 'Save value to variable' activity appears automa­tically when choosing the 'HTTP request' activity. It automa­tically saves the value to a variable. However, the activity is not mandatory to use and can be removed from the workflow.
Get OAuth token
Performs an OAuth 2.0 author­iza­tion. Returns access token to use in other activi­ties.


Execute Js code
Enables you to write and execute a JavaScript code. All variables created in this activity will remain local. Global variables can be used and modified inside this activity.
Execute Python
Executes a Python script with parame­ters. Set path to venv folder to activate a virtual enviro­nment.

Progra­mming - Strings

Text found?
Checks if a specified portion of text exists in another text.
Extract text
Extracts the portion of text between two words in a given text.

Spread­sheets - Tables

Read table
Reads a table from Excel, Google Sheets, or CSV file
For each row
Runs a loop through a specified table's rows and performs activities the user placed inside the loop. To address the table's columns on each iteration, variables are automa­tically generated on the basis of a table's header specified as the template
Remove empty rows
Removes all empty rows in a table
Save table
Saves a table to an Excel file, a CSV file, or a Google Sheets document

Connectors - Google Drive

Download file
Downloads a file from the Google Drive and saves it to a specified folder.
Upload file
Uploads a file to Google Drive and saves it to a specified folder.
Create directory
Create a Google Drive folder in the specified parent folder.

Citrix & RDP - Surface Automation

Click on image
Finds and clicks on the image on the screen
Find image
Finds the image on the screen and returns an array of coordi­nates of the found matches (top left corner)
Take a screenshot
Takes a screenshot of the entire screen or active window and saves it to file
Wait for image
Waits a specified amount of time (seconds) for the provided image to appear on the screen. If the image appeared, it will execute the 'Yes' branch; otherwise, the 'No' branch will be executed. The activity reacts the same way in case multiple images are found.

Citrix & RDP - Terminals

Input from keyboard
Sends text to a specified terminal area
Read text from area
Reads the content of a specified terminal area
Wait for text
Waits for a text in a specified terminal area

Document Processing - Data extraction

Klippa OCR
Recognizes an image text using the Klippa technology and user-p­rovided creden­tials
Nanonets OCR
Recognizes an image text using the Nanonets technology and user-p­rovided creden­tials
Microsoft Form Recognizer OCR
Recognizes an image text using the Microsoft Form Recognizer technology and user-p­rovided creden­tials
Amazon Textract OCR
Recognizes an image text using the Amazon­Tex­tract technology and user-p­rovided creden­tials
Captur­eFast OCR
Recognizes an image text using the Captur­eFast technology and user-p­rovided creden­tials

Web Automation - Mouse

Click on element
Clicks the specified element in the browser opened via the 'Studio Pro'.
Hover over element
Hovers the mouse cursor over the specified element in the browser opened via the 'Studio Pro'.
Drag an drop element
Moves an element on a webpage to another element.
Select list item
Extracts available options for the specified dropdown list and selects a value chosen by the user.


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